Conjoined twins are generated, because of rejoining parts of inter cell mass (Embryoblast) during the first week of development. Depending upon place of adhesion, it is divided into various types. 12 pairs of conjoined twins all thoraco omphalopagus, were born in different hospitals in Mashhad over the past 10 years. They died within two weeks after birth. Different dissections were conducted in one rare pair of these twins which also had different congenital defects. The features of these twins included one common heart, with one common atrium and one aortic arch, towards one infant. One pulmonary artery inclined toward other infant. One infant showed a deep cleft lip with cleft palate, small cleft of tragus, cleft of external ear, malformation in part of upper face, defects of heart and thymus. Other features of these twins included common liver and common bileduct.One very interesting point was that they had no similarities in their faces probably because of the existence of the second zygot which needs more investigation.Generally the mechanism of conjoined twin formation is not clear. Presence of malformation in only one baby, as well as common anatomical structures like the pair of twins that we just described, are interesting subjects for future studies.