Brucellosis, is a zoonotic disease that is transmitted from animal to human. Brucellosis is expressed by fever, chills, malaise, sweating, generalized aches & pains, headache, joint pains, myalgiae, losses of appetite and weight & etc. If brucellosis is not properly treated, Brucella can localizes in different body systems & may create many disturbances in osteoarticular, nervous, digestive, respiratory, urogenital & cardiovascular systems. Endocarditis, usually occurs in the cardiovascular form of brucellosis. In this research to study about frequency of brucellosis in patients suffering from cardiovascular disorders & evaluation of efficacy of serological tests for detection of brucellosis in this patients, we preformed sorological tests (Rapid agglutination test with 599 antigen of brucella abortus, Rosebengal plate agglutination, Wrigth & 2ME tests) on 500 sera samples of persons who suffered from cardiovascular diseases, & were hospitalized in Emam khomaini Hospital, Sari city, Mazandaran province, IRAN. We could serologically diagnosed brucellosis in one patient. Furthermore, we evaluated preexistence of brucellosis in the patients with heart diseases. We found brucellosis in past records of 9 persons (%1.8 of patients).