However, there are some evidence regarding the association between dermatoglyphics and intellectual functioning, few studies have been done in this field yet. The present study involves the evaluation of dematoglyphic patterns of fingers in 342 adolescents (group 1; 144 talents, group 2; 102 normal adolescents and group 3; 96 learning disabled patients) from Shahrekord in Iran, in order to examine this hypothesis. The most frequent dermatoglyphic pattern was whorl on following fingers: right digit I, right digit II, right digit IV, left digit II in 3 groups, left digit IV in group 2 & 3, left digit I of group 2 and ulnar loop on other fingers. An excess of whorl were seen on right digit I of normal adolescents than talents and on left digit V of the learning disabled than talents. There was also an excess of ulnar loop on right digit II of the learning disabled than normal adolescents and on right digit II of talents than normal adolescents and on left digit V of the learning disabled than talents. An excess of radial loop was also seen on right digit II of talents than the learning disabled. Our results support a relation ship between some dermatoglyphic patterns seen on right digit II and lfet digit V with intellectual functioning. For more powerful evidence, further researches, especially using various quantitative dermatoglyphic indices- and in particular digit II- in a larger sample size, are recommended.