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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 41)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (41)
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Zine oxide eugenol impression material has very uses in dental impression making specially in removable dentures and jaw relation recording. In Iran one producer has produced this material. So that this research was performed with the aim of comparison of detail reproduction and dimensional change of Iranian ZOE (new and old duralite) and Foreign ZOE (Luralite) with International Standard.In this experimental study a split metal mold was made according to BS4284:1981. The detail reproduction of samples in equal to the smallest width recorded groove (0.025 mm). For measurement the percent of dimensional change, 5 Minutes and 6 hours after removing the mold from the water bath, the stereomicroscope was used.The detail reproduction of three impression materials were measured equal to 0.025 mm. The mean percent dimensional changes of samples after 6 hours were measured for luralite: -0.0052/0, for new duralite: -0.0064/0 and for old duralite: -0.292/0.The results of this research show that the detail reproduction of three impression materials is equal to standards value and the mean percent dimensional changes of luralite and new duralite impression materials are according to BS but the mean percent dimensional change of old duralite is greater than standard value (P>0.05).

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    2 (41)
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Since in the science of dentistry the effect of the position of lower third molar on the root and the supporting bone distal to the second molar is of considerable significance and periodental problems subsequent to the surgical removal of the third molar has also debated, we decided to evaluate the effect of two positions of impaction (mesio angular and horizontal) on the osseos level distal to the second molar, pre and post -surgically.Among the patient's referred to the center of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Shahed University in order to surgically remove their third molars, 31 patients younger those 25 years of age were selected. Separating the crown and root, all of the teeth were surgically removed.After the radiographic evaluation of the osseos level distal to the , second molar before and after the surgery, the following results were gained.1) Alveolar osseos level distal to the mandibular second molar had higher position after the procedure. (P=0.08).2) There was not a significant difference between level of the bone before and after surgery between two groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (41)
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Prevalence of oral lesions and normal variations in 18-28 age groups of Shahid Beheshti dentistry students - 1378. Number of students examined was 290 (33% females and 67% males).Prevalence oflinea alba (82.7%), fordyce granules (69%), positive history of aphthous ulcers (52.4%), history of primary herpes simplex (23.8%). Reccurent herpes simplex (35.7%) Phisiological pigmentation (9.1%) torous (3.8%), occurrence of aphthous ulcers (3.5%), occurrence of herpes labialis (1 %), positive history of zona (0.7%), occurrence of oral lichen planus (0.35%).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1251

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    2 (41)
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The aim of this study is the success of resective periodontal surgery in furcation involvement in molar teeth.2557 records of patients after 1-6 years were evaluated.173 patients had Resective pedriodontal surgery.143 teeth were treated with Root amputation technique (RA), 28 teeth were treated with hemisection technique and 7 teeth were treated with Bicuspidization technique and finaly 3 teeth were treated with tunneling technique.In root amputation cases most of them were distobucul roots in first molars. (42.5%) and in hemiseetion cases the mesial part of first molar (67.85%) from these 173 patients 52 of them were visited in recall visit and the resected teeth evaluated again.39 of these teeth had root amputation that 12 of them were extracted.10 of these were treated with hemisection technique without any extraction and 3 teeth were treated with bicuspidization with 1 tooth extraction.From 39 Remaning teeth the result of Indexes are:PPD: 1.95 mmBap: 16 teeth with Bap in grade e (41.04%)19 teeth with Bap in grade 1 (48.7%)4 teeth with Bap in grade 2 (10.25%)GI: 32 teeth with grade e (82.05%)6 teeth with grade 1 (15.38%)1 teeth with grade 2 (2.5%)Mobility: 24 teeth with grade e (61.53%)14 teeth with grade 1 (35.8%)1 teeth with grade 2 (2.5%) The survival rate of teeth which were treated by the resective periodontal surgery is 74±5mounths in this study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 860

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    2 (41)
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Today, dental treatments have to use general anesthesia in some patients. The aim of the study was reason for referral of children to general anaesthesia for dental procedures.A Prospective study has done on 96 patients who been referred to Isfahan dental faculty for dental procedures under general anesthesia from 1378-1376.For each child, parents referring dentist and dental practitioner completed three questionnaires. The data was recorded and analysis. The reason of referrals for different reasons investigated according to age groups under of 3 year, - 3-6 years- 6-17 years and up 17 year. The reasons for referred was:1: Poor cooperation because of mental retardation. (The most 52.1%)2: Anxiety and fear of dental treatment (45/8%)3: Poor cooperation because of young age of patient 36.4%4: Parents. Preference 31.3%5: Multiple extraction 26.1%6: Patient's preference 9.3%In the debated unit only patient of Cl I ASA classification, give out patient general anaesthesia. Unnecessary referral for general anaesthesia should be limited because of its high cost and complication. More attention on dental heath, closer relation of patients and practitioner, at least one or two times try of treat with usual behavioral control methods or use of concious sedation and precise examination and assement general anaesthesia can lead to declination use of general anaesthesia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (41)
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The aim of this research is clinical evaluation of local application of tetracycline gel 2% with periodontal flap (MWF).In this study, 30 cases were treated. They didn't have the any systemic disease and have the average of 31 years old. Cases had symmetric periodontal pocket depth 7-8 mm. Each case, one side of the mouth was as a experimental group and the other side was control group. In experimental group, after periodontal flap, scaling and root planning was done and then tertracyline gel 2% was used.Pocket depths were evaluated, before and 6 months after surgery. Data are collected and analytical tests (Intra groups and inter groups) were done.Decreasing of pocket depth, their mean standard deviation was calculated. Mean and S.D. of pocket depth decrease. Experimental group were 2.93 and 0.91 and in control group 2.20 and 0.55. Intra group student t-test was done for both groups. Results were significant in two groups (P<0.001). Inter group paired Hest were calculated, it show better results in experimental group. (P<0.001).Results showed that tetracycline gel 2%, made by Kermans pharmacy faculty in surgical periodontal treatment as adjunctive therapy had positive results.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 697

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    2 (41)
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Effective infection control in the dental office and laboratory has been mandated to reduce the potential for disease transmission. Since infectious diseases maybe transmitted by blood and saliva in contaminated impressions. Therefore disinfection of impression material especially irreversible hydrocolloid to prevent infection without affecting the dimensional stability and detail reproduction of cast is important. This study investigated the effects of various immersion times and concentrations of sodium hypochlorite on irreversible hydrocolloid impression (Bayer - Iralgin) and dimensional stability and detail reproduction of resultant gypsum casts. Irreversible hydrocolliod impressions of a test die were immersed for (1, 5,10 minutes) in water (Control), 5.25% 0.525% and 0.0525% sodium hypochlorite and the cast in a type III stone and a type IV stone. We prepared 36 labeled casts for every kind of impression material. Each stone specimen was evaluated for detail reproduction and dimensional change. The results indicated that impressions and dimensional change. The results indicated that impressions may be immersed in sodium hypochlorite for any of the experimental times and concentrations without negative effects on type Ill, and IV stone cast. It should be mentioned that Bayer alginate provide detail reproduction better than Iralgia Alginate accuracy and the best time for reproduction 75 micron line in any type of impression material was one minute.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 790

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    2 (41)
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Gingivitis in pregnancy is a common phenomen, usually lasting during feeding period. The aim of this discreptive, cross sectional study was to evaluate during feeding period. The aim of this discreptive, cross sectional study was to evaluate CPITN, in pregnant and feeding women, find its correlation with age, in the city of Ham (1375).641 pregnant and feeding women aging from 14-46 years were examined for periodontal treatment needs using CPITN. Chart and probes.The results in pregnant and feeding women were as follow respectively:Code 0: Healthy gingiva 23.52%, 14.6%.Code 1: Gingiva with bleeding: 45.16%, 42.97%.Code 2: Gingiva with bleeding and calculus. 20.99%, 26.95%.Code 3: Gingiva with bleeding, calculus and 4 to 5 mm pocket. 3.44%, 3.8%.Code 4: Poket>6 mm. 0.58%, 0.32%.Code 5: Shows missing teeth. 6.26%, 11.39%.Code 9: Contents unexpected cases. 0.05%, 0.32%.The outcome of this study indicates that the majority the examiningwomen only needed oral hygiene instruction and the minority neededperiodontal surgery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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