Desertification is a phenomenon that is affected by many factors such as natural, social, economical and reciprocally affects these factors. The first step in performing dedesertification projects and preventing desertification must be based on the recognition of phenomena that cause desertification. In this research, at first by combining information from topographic and geologic maps, air photos and field survey, the area was divided into 15 geomorphological facies or subfacies, each of which was considered as the main unit for evaluation of desertification. For an investigation of desertification factors and evaluation of the intensity of desertification, based on presented regional characteristics, rating of seven factors affecting desertification was done in each geomorphological unit. The factors were climate, geomorphology, lithology, hydrology, pedology, land management, land use and the present situation of desertification. The class of desertification was determined for each geomorphological unit. By adding up all the ratings obtained from desertification factors, the intensity of desertification of land unit in five classes of insignificant, low, medium, intense and very intense was estimated. At the end, the result of evaluation was presented as a desertification intensity map of the area. The results of this research were as follows: Desertification was active in the area was on a rise. Among the main desertification phenomena, salinization and alkalinization were active in %51 of the area. In these areas, in addition to climatic and pedologic conditions, the main factors of desertification were geomorphology, lithology and hydrology (the depth of saline underground water and saline incoming runoff) and in %49 of lands, wind and water erosions and degradation of vegetation and water resources under natural and human effects such as lithology, geomorphology, climatology, pedology, overgrazing and unwise exploitation of underground water resources were active. About 68.8 Km (%8.6) of the area was under medium, 400.8 km2 (%50.1) under intense and 330.4 km2 (%41.3) under very intense desertification status.