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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Khaqani Sheravani was a punctilious orator and was familiar with Islamic knowledge and educations and also was follower of Edris Shafei. Khaqani values four buddies of Holy Prophet respectively and rebuked the heretic (Raafedhi) and Ismailis; however, he mentions Imam Ali (PBUH) and the family of Prophet honorably which shows the purity of his faith and regards toward them. This article attempts to review the image of Imam Ali (PBUH) in Khaqani’s poems. Firstly, we will look to the personality, ethical characteristics, features, attempts and lives of Imam Ali, applying the resources of Islam’s History; then we will mention and analyze some examples of Khaqani’s poems in this regard. After that, the image of Prophet’s household and their expression of right and excellence over others would be analyzed and reviewed in tongue of Khaqani Sheravani along with his poems. The Research Method in this inquiry is library based and would be based on the technique of description and content analysis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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“The process of individuality” with centrality of considerable amount of Jungian archetypes makes the double-based unification of psyche - self awareness and non-self awareness – possible in the frame of symbolic acts and along the ceremonial journey for the hero. In fact, by passing the different layers of “shade” and attempting to modify its deterrent force which has roots in the negative psyche features of hero, he is in a new step visiting“anima”; therefore, knowing his feminine direction of his psyche, hero achieves great capability in knowing “wise old” who is the real durable truth of existence. Knowing the status of this wise old, which he himself is one of the most archaic kind of ancient human psyche, and obeying his decrees passes the path of individuality of hero to a conclusion which has significant psychological features. “Rebirth” which is equal to knowing “self” and integrating with it in ceremonial symbology, carries hero’s psychological life in a determined and advancing sample toward its ultimate goal.In excavation of narrative of Esfandiyar’s life who is one the main characteristics of Ferdowsi’ Shah-Name, we can come into the psychological deep structure of story by passing the epic surface structure which shows the hero’s journey to reach a special goal from the aspect of knowing self, meaning to discover individuality; therefore, passing “seven steps” which are regarded as the seven steps of passing shade, hero can kill Arjasb Tourani and saved his sisters and achieving victory in this step, he gets ready in next journey to combat with Rustam as the wise old. In the last step of his individuality and losing his eyes, understands the right of old wise and with a ceremonial death achieves a rebirth. Esfandiyar’s rebirth has symbolic and ceremonial aspects depositing his son – Bahman.

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The system of language and words has a capacity and strength that can make a bridge between poetry and visual arts; possibilities like forms of imagination, sensual words and the kind of their expression, discrimination and descriptions of miniatures, drawing of concrete pictures, and attention to surface structure, form and narrative structure of poetry more than its deep structure. Nezami Among the Persian poets has applied these possibilities more; he also could approach visual arts via focusing on the visual elements and implantation of color, light, line and so on and could add the visual and visual element to his poetry; Therefore, we can find the association between poetry and visual arts in Nezami’s poesy art more obviously. This research, having a comparative view, attempts to readout and repeat different aspects of visual arts in Nezami’s Seven Domes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1334

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Matam-Kade (Grief House), is the title of a book by Mulla Qorban Ibn-e Ramazan Badashti Rudbari Qazvini whose pseudonym is Bidel; it is related to the martyrdom place of Imam Hussein (PBUH). This book includes the events in 61st lunar year of Hegira from the martyrdom time of Imam Hussein (PBUH) to sending the slaves caravan with the pure heads of martyrs from Karbala to Koufe and Sham and finally returning slaves to Karbala in the first fortieth after Karbala Event. The book whose finishing date is 1267th lunar year of Hegira is in prose and poetry form and it is so significant from literary and rhetorical aspects.This research attempts to briefly explain about the author and his literary status and his impression on the literary variety of “Marsie (threnode or elegy)” and murder-place writing. Then we will discuss about the name, theme, content and structure of Matam-Kade. After that, the style of historical status of this work would be briefly analyzed and the role of pedagogy element in this work would be mentioned by some titles and quoting some samples. Following this, we will mention some examples in content-structure criticism. Matam-kade of Bidel Qazvini is one the most significant and exotic works in this genre in Iran’s Literature History that is significant in literary and historical aspects and therefore, it is necessary to correct, interpret and publish it to regenerate and introduce one of the best written masterpieces of ceremonial literature of Islamic Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1120

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Narrative of a story is the most important structural part of it. Appropriate and effective application of narrative methods is the main success base for every author to make his/her work lasting; therefore, narratological reviewing of a story and analysis of the new and creative methods of narrative are two important discussions in contemporary story criticism which, beyond motif and theme and content of the work, deals with the completely literary manifests of story text and reveals its different devices. “Women Writer” by Mahmoud Golab-Darei is a story which in its creation, writer particularly focuses on the contemporary narrative methods of story-writing. The considerable mental narrative and approaching to the language of poetry and poetic story, and also fluidity of narrative current which causes ambiguity in story and therefore tolerating different conclusions from reader is of the narrative feature of this story.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Structural criticism of narrative sketch in story is a method to story criticism. In this article, first the definition of narrative and its construction is proposed and then its discrimination with linguistic elements is provided. Narrative is a story element which is not in the domain of language and as the essence and base of story, tale, fiction, drama, and other related literary forms, creates the main structure of an artistic work. Narrative sketch includes some elements of story which are significant in reviewing the structure of narrative. The role of narrative sketch is very significant in story morphology and to review the narrative sketch and its structure, we should review its sketch elements. Narrative morphology reveals artistic motifs of story and the kind of addressee relation with story and narrative would be proposed from this perspective. In last part, the method and technique of this criticism would be proposed independently and functionally and the significance and value of this method would be reviewed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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“Kak-kei” is one of the symbolic poems of Nima whose date of composition is not mentioned by Nima; however, Nima-researchers has lodged it among two poems named “Barf” (Snow) and “Pass-ha az Shab Gozashte” (long hours has passed from the night) which are respectively dated from 1955 and winter 1957. Structure, message and content of the poem itself prove this too.The author in this article, applying a method using Schleiermacher ideas and studying Nima’s works and works about Nima and reviewing social, political and cultural conditions and situations after the coup d' etat until the death of Nima, attempts to interpret “Kak-kei”. The author considers attempting to reach the given meaning of poet as the tasks of Interpreter in symbolic poems in which the poet tries to give social-political message; whilst due to the semantic leakage from symbol and the significance of semantic horizon of the Interpreter, the author emphasizes on the different interpretations of such poems, having pure linguistic purposes in mind.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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