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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social Welfare

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Interdiction: Important changes have been taken on the institution of family pursuant to components of modernization and these changes have caused problems for the Iranian families. This research seeks to survey family changes in the context of modernization in Mazandaran province.Method: The research method was a survey. The statistical society consisted of all heads of households residing in the urban and rural areas of Mazandaran province. The sample size was 400 whom were chosen by cluster sampling method.Finding: The Findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between modernization process and the attitude to divorce and family betrayal in urban areas with the error level less than 0.01 and the confidence level of 0.99. However, in rural areas, this relationship was not significant. Also, no relation between the process of modernization and family disputes in urban and rural areas was observed. In contrast relationship between modernization process and the dramatic consuming in urban and rural areas is significant.Discussion: Over the recent decades, the institution of family and the kinship system have experienced deep changes due to the introduction of modernization process and its consequences in both the individual and society level. These are indicatives of some pathological social issues which inhibits and reduces the pace of development in the community.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Childhood is a very vulnerable stage in life. Child well-being, either directly or indirectly is affected by the status of households' nutrition. Nutritional condition is an effective factor in weakening or strengthening the relationship between poverty and health in every household. Due to the importance of measuring nutrition poverty indices to inform planners about the distributive effects of policy strategies as well as family and child welfare, this study tends to measure and analyze the trends of nutritional poverty of Iranian households with child from 1984-2012.Method: In this trend study, statistical data on household socioeconomic characteristics (household income-cost design) has been used to measure food poverty among the households with child. To this end and to investigate households’ food caloric, this research used Foster, Greer and Thorbeck (FGT) index. STATA and Excel softwares were employed to do the calculations.Findings: After dividing childhood into four age periods, nutrition poverty among households with child was examined in all of them. The results showed that in most age groups, the rate and severity of nutrition poverty had the highest values in 1989; also nutritional poverty of age group 0-5 years in the1989 entry year showed a reduced trend but in other entry years had some fluctuations. Compared to age groups, poverty rates among households with child belonging to age group 0-5 years, was lower than other age groups.Discussion: Overall, nutritional poverty was high in all age groups and experienced large fluctuations. In most age groups, the rate and severity of poverty were highest during the First Development Plan. Research findings can have implications for policy makers regarding implementing efficient and effective policies in the field of child welfare.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Socio- economic development cannot develop without any increase in the social personality of people. In this respect, family is the most fundamental and the most important Impressive factor in the socialization process and social character development in human life. This study aimed to study the relationship between family characteristics (type of family, cultural capital, social capital, social status of family and background variables) with the formation of entrepreneurial traits in the character of children in Hashtgerd city.Method: This research was a survey in the study and the tool to collect data was questionnaires. Sample size was obtained by using the Cochran formula and by using simple random sampling. The Statistical population of this study includes 250 of the Hashtgerd residents aging between 18-39 years who attended Iran Technical & Vocational Training Organization courses.Findings: The results show that there is a meaningful relationship between family social capital, type of family and also the gender of respondents with entrepreneurial traits in the character of children. But there was no significant relationship between family cultural capital and other variables related to entrepreneurial traits in the character of children. Also social capital variable had a significant relationship with all entrepreneurial aspects except dream aspect.Discussion: It must be said in a multivariate regression analysis of all the variables entered into the equation, only three variables of social capital, family type and gender of respondents had significant relationship with of entrepreneurial traits in the character of children and they gained the overall amount of 0.151 among dependent variables.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Social capital is a multi- dimensional, interdisciplinary concept which is applicable in various branches of human sciences, encompassing norms, social networks and inter-personal relations. The measurement of the concept can be done directly or indirectly. The indirect method, which is used in this study, is used when there is lack of data for the main variables of social capital. In this method by the symptoms that are believed to be seen in the estimated indirectly.Method: The study tries to compare the social capital in different provinces Of Iran. The variables used in various empirical studies for assessing social capital, and their data for the provinces are available have been used. has been the provinces have been ranked by giving appropriate weight to each variable by using Shannon Entropy method and through employing Technique Ordered Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), as one of the methods for Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM).Findings: The research indicate that to have a more comprehensive display of Social capital in the indirect method, there need to pay attention to the symptoms associated with social harm, the majority of demote researcher rely on which as whale as The signs as the level of trust to the government memorial by variable like tax evasion or variable such as human capital health.Discussion: using the variables associated with social harms, tax evasion and life expectancy, Tehran province ranks first in social capital in the 1391's.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Social Trust is considered as a social phenomenon that plays a vital role in human interactions and its relationships. Researches have shown that religion can be an important factor in the production of social trust. The purpose of the present paper is to do a sociological analysis of the relationship between religiosity and social trust.Method: This study is a survey. The statistical population is students of Behbahan Islamic Azad University in the period of 1392-1393. Among them, 346 were randomly selected by using Cochran formula and then the questionnaires were distributed among them.Findings: The results showed that a significant positive correlation between the ideological, religious and ritual implications and interpersonal trust is fundamental. There is also a significant positive correlation between religiosity and trust in the basic experiment.Discussion: About the paradox in the relationship among religious dimensions, generalized and institutionalized trust maybe this interpretation is correct to say that whether religiosity is superficial or regarding trust issues, the living environment is so badly damaged and traumatized that even religiosity of the people cannot persuade them to act with good will.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Nowadays, urban spaces are a component for occurrence of urban anomalies and consequently the lack of security occurrence in cities. Therefore, identifying factors which cause fear and anxiety for citizens is a necessary measure. The present study is meant to investigate the relationship between feeling secure and social capital of the citizens in Zahedan City and strategies to promote security in this city.Method: the present study is descriptive- analytical one conducted using library and field studies. The main part of doing this research was survey. The population of the research included citizens residing in Zahedan for more than 15 years. The sample of the study was selected using multi-stage cluster sampling and also using the Cochran formula the sample size included 382 participants. The data were obtained from survey method and standard and a researcher-made questionnaire which its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha equaled as (a =0.94). To test the hypotheses and analyzing the data, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression were employed.Results: the findings of the study indicate that the correlation between citizens' feeling secure and their social-economic statuses, social disorder, social capital and understanding the amount of occurrence of crimes is significant in such a way that the degree of citizens' feeling secure is dependent on their sex and the literacy level. In evaluating the amount of social capital of variables of social support and social trust are positive effects, in contrast to variables of risk and threats and understanding the amount of occurrence of crimes are negative effects on the degree of citizens' feelingsecure.Discussion: The degree of citizens' feelingsecurein general indicates a mean lower than moderate level. The social capital situation between citizens is also significantly low and lower than the moderate level in such a way that indices of risk and threat and after that social trust and social support indicate the highest correlation with citizens' feeling secure.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of social problem- solving group training on increasing the resiliency of mothers with addicted children.Method: The research method had an experimental design with pretest- posttest and control group. The sample consisted of 40 mothers who had addicted children who were selected by random sampling and then the selected sample was assigned to experimental (20 mothers) and control (20 mothers) group randomly. The research tool was Conner and Davidson resilience scale. Finally the data was analyzed by single-factor analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).Findings: The results of post test showed a significant statistical difference between experiential and control group on statistical on resiliency variable.Discussion: The results of the study showed that social problem- solving group increases the resiliency of mothers with addicted children.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Decision- making on the desired quantity of children is one of the most important episodes of family life cycle that has far-reaching outcomes. One of these outcomes is quality (human capital) of children. If there is a relation between quantity and quality of children, determining quantity of off-springs could not be independent from quality. This paper investigates the relation between the quantity and health of children.Method: Deductive reasoning is the analytical method in this study. Therefore, it is theoretically discussed the relation between quantity and quality at first and then hypothesis is empirically tested. For this, the data from 10 years old students in Tehran is used to estimate regression equations.Findings: The sample includes 1294 observations. The results show as the quantity of children increase in family, the height and weight of them would decrease. This evidence confirms that the large family cannot be a suitable environment for rearing children.Discussion: Regarding to the trade- off between quantity and health of children, it seems that the increase of family size and fertility growth would damage the physical ability of individuals and future labor force.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Child neglect is one of the most common types of child maltreatment which has a wide-range of harmful and long lasting impacts on children. Various countries have defined signs to help child experts recognize possible signs of neglect for early assessment and intervention. However, defining it requires consideration of the cultural and social situations of each country which have impact on the perception of child neglect. The purpose of this study is to define these signs in Tehran.Method: Delphi Technique was used in this study to gain the consensus of child experts about physical and behavioral signs of neglect. In this Method, in three rounds, qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect and analyze the data.Findings: After the three rounds, 66 signs of child neglect in these two groups were gained through consensus among panel members.Discussion: The results of comprehensive comparison of these signs with signs of other countries and primary needs of children show that the signs cover children’s primary needs and despite the general consistency and similarity between the signs of this research and other countries, there were some differences that may be due to the difference in the priority of experts.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The aim of the current research was to investigate determinant of preschool years to school behaviors according to biopsychosocial model of human. Some of variables rooted in delivery period while other variables related to preschool years.Method: Participant initially were 1428 mothers and their children in postpartum period who respond to CES-D scale in longitudinal research program, also age of their children in the time of delivery and his weight was recorded. 3 years later in 1383 mothers respond to questionnaires including Denver Development Screening Test for preschool representative of cognitive and motor development of their children. Performance and behavior of children at 4- Grad in school was measured via children behavior questionnaire, in 1390. The sample was decreased to 1210 persons.Findings: While maternal depression and poverty jeopardized learning and physical well- being in school years, they unfolding conduct disorder and anxiety. Contrary preschool cognitive and motor development of children increase their learning and physical well- being and diminish conduct disorder and anxiety.Discussion: according to biopsycho social model, human being were in fluenced by these variables. Social welfare will have signifi cant effect on cognitive and motor development of future generation and omission of poverty can produce better social entity.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Traditional approaches of urban planning, especially the simple-comprehensive, in Iran has been dominated for decades till now. By revealing their weaknesses, a tacit and slow effort began to improve the process and product of urban planning in the existing system. In parallel with these changes, theory and practice of urban planning in more developed countries changed and with regards to different contexts, different practices and styles have been employed. As urban planning tended to public participation in the middle of 20th century, communicative planning raised as a developed form of participatory planning in last decades of 20th century which affect most of the debates in urban planning theory. These two trends in two different contexts arise this question that if it is possible to employ communicative planning in Iran. This article is going to analyze and answer this question.Method: To answer the question of this article, it consists of four steps. Firstly the changes in urban planning in the more developed world and especially the tendency towards participation is studied. In second step communicative planning theory is discussed and which can attract and employ a community participation. In the next step the necessity and opportunity of applying such an approach in less developed countries is discussed; and finally as case study Farahzad community in Tehran is introduced and analyzed and possible strategies for development of this space is given. Data are gathered by literature review, field survey and interview (by questionnaire and in-depth interview).Findings: The core idea of communicative planning brings the opportunity of employing this approach for small scale planning in less developed countries especially in spaces with wicked problems.Discussion: As communicative planning emphasize on process more than product, it could consider the conditions of the context. Also the small scale of such an approach bring the opportunity for local institutions and people to play a role far from big national institutions. This opportunity could strengthen the urban institutions and improving urban democracy.

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Social Welfare

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Intruduction: Several studies have been already conducted to explore social health related indexs due to the importance of this concept that the existing definitions of health are usually defined based on the experts' views and less attention has been paid to the grass-root people's experiences and in some instances, those experiences have even been neglected. According to the necessity the present study is going to develope and formulate a comperhensive definition on social health based on people's experiences and perceptions.Method: In this study, the "Focused Group Discussion" method was used through holding three focused group discussion sessions, participated with 22 residents of Tehran City and the characterics and aspects of healthy community were extracted by using qualitative content analysis method.Results: The present study identified 14 following characteristics for "healthy community" based on the experiences and perceptions of residents of Tehran:Government's proper performance of its duties (in planning, social welfare, establishing democratic freedoms, laws and procedural justice, meritocracy, social justice and social security establishment scopes), emotional ,mental and spiritual health, culture and social values, healthy family, lower social problems, social capital, economic security, healthy education system, social vitality , healthy environment, political security, neutrality of government regarding people’s personal opinions, physical health and food security.Discussion: The present study showed that a part of experiences and perception of people as characteristics of healthy community have some commonalities with experiences of other countries, including emotional ,mental and spiritual health, healthy environment, physical health, food security, social capital, lower social problems; while a number of the charasteristics were found in our society including suitable performance of duties in part of government (democratic freedoms, procedural justice, meritocracy), healthy education system and neutrality of government against people’s personal opinion.

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