Objectives: Today social Participation importance in all societies among them Iran and consider to participation prelude obstacles obvious for all.Social participation is now defined as an individuals' participation in group outside the family, the political arena and the workplace (political parties, unions, pressure groups). Specifically, it excludes membership in groups based on multiple variables.Social participation, including voluntarism, maybe institutional (organizations, associations and clubs) or informal (individual activities). The two forms my find expression in the actions of the same individual, and each operates in different ways.Informal participation operates in two specific ways: ad hoc involvement in group action at irregular intervals, such as charitable donations to disadvantaged groups and individuals; and stable, regular participation in activities of groups that are not institutions as such but are relatively permanent (youth and music groups, for example) formal participation covers any affiliation with registered associations, clubs and groups with an ongoing program of activities, a meeting place, and officers.In this article a main question to consist of: "what's Participation prelude and what's obstacles to exit path of citizenship social Participation?" therefore, main goal and problem of present study is to world wide recognition and scientific rate of social Participation, dimentions, depth, slop that and obstacles. we select scales for measuring social participation and for study obstacles anomia and powerlessness for example. This section includes chapins'socialparticipation scale. It is a general scale of participation in voluntary organizations, of all kinds- professional, civic, and social. And so, we use semman and srole scale for study anomia powerlessness and alienation variables.Method: In this study, we selected survey research method with questionnaire, interview techniques. So we use of chocran formula with systematic random sampling method and selected eighthundredeighty person (women and men) upper age eighteen in Tehran city.Findings: The purpose of present study is to examine the hypothisis which regard to variable,s in anomy, powerlessness, alienation theory. In Neal and seeman's Powerlessness Scale, basically measures the subjectively help probabilities that the outcomes of political and economic events cannot be adequately controlled by oneself or collectively by persons like oneself. They define powerless low expectancies for control of events, as lack of control over the political system, the industrial economy, and found correlation's between the rate of social participation and rate of anomia and powerlessness.Results: according to finding's of this research, the average rate of anomia and powerlessness to produce a result: the decline social Participation (Participation with goal attainment freely with awareness in society). So family - economic and social obstacles have been significant relation to rate social Participation.It is a reality that formal social participation is low. Similarly, increased opportunities for individual activies have transformed one of the roles of Nongovernmental- organizations. We know, however, that the number of clubs and association's with this goal that are not part of the society, has grown in Iran and Tehran city.Does this phenomenon not effect in individuals and social participation's defect?While participation is a process in which people involved to makes endowers aiming at a common goal and as one of the principle for development and stable development.