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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Changes that happened during last decades in the world have severely affected formation and increasing social problems of youths. Iran also like other developing countries from one hand is facing accelerating evolution of globalization, and on the other hand crucial socio-political indigenous events and structural changes driving from those evolutions made a suitable ground for critical and anomic situation and emergence of various social problems as well.  One of due social problems is "sense of anomie" which itself is reflection of shallow organized and anomic society. Anomie is a Situation in which one Feels normlessness and refers to such a status characterized by confusion and disintegration between the individual and Society. Accordingly this article is reflecting research results of assessing economic sense of anomie and some affecting variables of that among youths of Iran. Method: In the light of increasing importance of social Problem of youths, this article focuses on the "sense of economic anomie" in Iran. By constructing a conceptual framework following a review of the literature. After it, by method of survey and using questionnaire and applying interview technique, necessary information was collected. The research utilizes a member of statistical methods to reach the conclusions. The main variable, i.e. dependent .variable "economic sense of anomie" and other independent variables, in initial studies and after that measuring with standard of one or multidimensional scales, gained high validity and reliability. The statistic population was youths of Tehran which among them 816 people with multi stage and random sampling method were selected as size of sample. Finding & Results: Large proportion of youths in their assessment of society draws an anomic and unstable condition and shows a sense of loosing integration with that. Sense of economic anomie among youths of this study is achieved by calculating data's of their opinion on variables like context of socio-economic condition in the domains of economic control, changes in economic condition of country, obeying rules and moral regulations in achieving economic success, cleavage between poor and riches, uncontrolled economic problems such as inflation, disordered of social condition and corruption. Totally 13.2% low, 32% middle and 54.3% were highly feeling economic anomie. This kind of anomie derived from individual, family, attitudes, confusion, distrust and pessimism factors. Among all these, pessimism of youths towards economic condition and possibility to have control over the means of economic success through legitimate rules and regulation has a highest rank in the statistic analysis. Findings of the research confirms the sociological theories particularly those of Durkheim and Merton's that one of the main reason for the emergence and spread of the sense of anomie in a particular society is that there is no balance between culturally desired goals and institutionally accepted mode of achieving it. In Iran also placing value on those who have achieved material wealth and power is growing and the idea those who do not achieved wealth are not accorded status is generating. According to the findings of the research, high sense of economic anomie in different dimensions among youths of Iran has been as following: 55.7% think that only a small part of society has control over the economy. 49.5% think that there should be an action to change the economic condition of country. 61.5% feel that in achieving success they do not need to follow the rules and moral regulations of society. 55% think that there is no control over economic problems such as inflation. 50.2% believe that they have to pay bribe to be able to solve their economic problems and 59.7% also believe that economic condition of society is deregulated. Therefore, sense of economic anomie can generate total anomie in the society. it is necessary to consider this social problem and the factors of that in programs focusing on youth Participation.

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Social Welfare

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Objective: Because of the high number of Iranian adolescents that abuse substances and the severity of related consequences, adolescent substance abuse has become an important issue for Iranian families. An initial step toward understanding drug addiction is to recognize addiction as a problem that requires commitment to lifelong recovery efforts on the part of the individual and the family. The phenomenon of substance abuse among adolescents gradually becomes more common in every day life. Addiction to mood altering substances, irrespective of the addict's age, is a phenomenon powerful enough to destroy the sufferers and their families. Addiction is a disease that not only affect the addicts, but also their families. It is common knowledge that when treating or rehabilitating a chemical dependent person, efforts will most likely be futile when the person has no support system. The researcher noted that the success of rehabilitation of drug dependant adolescents is greatly influenced by the support and involvement of their families. The researcher also noted that the mothers of these adolescents seldom hesitated to be involved and on the contrary tended to be over involved with their children. Just the opposite appears to be true for the fathers of the adolescents. Although they attend parent meetings and other required events throughout treatment, they often seem to lack emotional involvement. With closer investigation it appeared that this was the "normal" pattern of functioning for these families. Lack of emotional involvement by fathers led the researcher to certain questions about such families, for instance "Did the adolescent turn to mood altering substances because of insufficient emotional involvement by his/her father or did the father become emotionally distant after addiction had already set in?" and "What causes a father to be emotionally distant when his child suffers from addiction and needs emotional support and involvement from both parents?". These questions motivated the researcher to research the phenomenon. Subsequently the following question was formulated as a research question:"What is the quality of parental-child relationship in addicted adolescents versus normal ones?" The other hypotheses are as follow: - There are differences between the quality of father-child relationship in addicted adolescents versus normal ones in all aspects of relation. - There are differences between the quality of mother-child relationship in addicted adolescents versus normal ones in all aspects of relation. - There aren't any differences between the quality of fatherly and motherly relationship in normal adolescents. - There aren't any differences between the quality of fatherly and motherly relationship in addicted adolescents. The purpose of this study is to find an answer to above questions. Method: Subjects are young adults referring to drug quitting centers in Tehran from which 30 have been chosen. Talking to them to be satisfied, they were asked to fill questionnaires. 30 normal students from junior high school level have been chosen concerning matching conditions. For gathering data Parental-Child Questionnaires were used. Findings & Results: Results showed that the quality of parental-child relationship in adolescents of normal families in all aspects is better than addicted ones also the fatherly-child relationship in normal group is better than the latter ones; and it is the same for motherly-child relationship except in role confusion subscales. There was not any significant difference between fatherly and motherly relationship in normal families but among addicted children motherly relationship was somehow better.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: During past few decades, the rate of drug abuse in the world has been increased and after production and accumulation of nuclear weapons, environment pollution due to increasing population growth, poverty and disparity shifted to be one of the main issues of the world. According to various reports, Iran also severely facing with the problem and youths are the main social group which being threatened by the danger. Since large part of Iran's youth population are involving in schools therefore, a project approved by Ministry of Education and conducted by authors of this article in order to describe the problem of drug addiction in schools. A report of that project and its findings has been reflected in this article. Method: This study was a case study focused on "Physical Education and Health Department" of Ministry of Education which its main mission was to cope with the problem. For data collection, first we did a library survey and provided a list of "SWOT" factors and checked it with academic sighted persons and made two types of questionnaires. In the second stage we conducted a filed work study based on questionnaire, searching "SWOT" factors of the department and inquiring prevention programs against spreading drug abuse intentions among the school students. All general directors, advisors and experts of the department have been questioned twice. First, asking them to point out the strength, weak, opportunity and threat factors to their department. In second questionnaire we asked them to characterize importance index of factors by giving credit from one to four and ranking them from one to five. So, after that, by mathematical calculations most important threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strength points have been characterized. In the next stage we had to determine that which factors are external to the department and which are internal. Findings & Results: The results show that there are many external factors –such as increasing rate of unemployment and divorce, low price and easy accessibility of drug in society -affecting the prevention programs of the department but are out of the department's control. They are macro factors in national level that needs to be solved in macro decision-making levels. Some coordination with other relating drug abuse prevention and confrontation organizations is necessary. There are also internal factors for the department such as-not paying attention to the student's interests while planning their leisure time, scarcity of space and place for playing, games and cultural activities, lack of information and teachings on drug among students-which are mostly weak points and rarely strength point. Among totally 24 internal factors characterized as more important factors effecting the department's prevention drug abuse programs 18 factors (75%) are in the zone of weak points, 4 (16%) in middle and only 2 (8%) are in the strength zone. There are suggestions for the department to change middle and weak to the strength points and make opportunities out of them.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: In spite of some evidence suggesting that alcohol and drug use has been increasing among youths and students, no comprehensive and systematic study on the issue has been done yet and there have been some contradictory estimations of drug and alcohol use among students. This article aims to provide reliable data on the prevalence of drug and alcohol among university students. Method: The data were collected in a comprehensive survey study on drug and alcohol use among non-medical state universities in Iran in 2002-2003 educational years. In this survey a representative sample including 2531 male and female students of 21 state universities from all over the country answered to a self-report questionnaire. The respondents were selected by PPS (Probability Proportionate to Size) sampling method.Findings & Results: 60% of the respondents observed opium and about 20% Observed crack and heroin directly, while new drugs were observed only by 5% and less. 20% and 10%has the experience of using, respectively, alcohol and opium at least once in their life time. However, the percentage of drug addicts among university students was relatively low and it was estimated at most about 1%. Traditional drugs and alcohol were considerably available for the students. About 42 percent reported they had been at least once in a place where some people used drug. Nonetheless, the percentage of drug users and addicts is relatively low. This can be seen as a support for demand reduction programs. Among those reported using alcohol and drugs, respectively40 and 33 percent reported their first use had been before their entrance to university. This suggests that demand reduction programs are required to begin from high school and even earlier. The data also revealed that most opium users used it individually and without their family awareness, while alcohol users used it in friendly and family occasions more often. About half of them expressed that their family were aware among some families, particularly, those with higher socio-economic status. It was also found that the pattern of drug and alcohol use varies with regard to age, gender, socio-economic status, and ethnicity. Female students used alcohol and drugs considerably less than male students, however, gender differences in alcohol use was smaller than that in drug use. Regarding the age, elder students used drugs and alcohol more than younger students. Socio-economic status of the respondents' family was positively related to alcohol use while its relation with drug use was negative. With regard to ethnicity, some differences observed among different ethnicities. In general those identified themselves as Persian and Turkish reported less drugs and alcohol use. Kurd and Lore students had the highest level of both drug and alcohol use.

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Social Welfare

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Objective: At the present time suicide studies from all of different views have been more important for researcher as a new topic among the important factors in suicide studies which increasingly getting more consideration, we can mention its increased rate in different countries of the world. Suicide has been counted among the ten main causes of the death in all ages of most countries. Based on WHO statistics, suicide is considered as the 2nd main causes of the death among adolescent between 15-19 and also it is the 3rd main causes of the death among the 19-24years old. This study was conducted to discover the role of the coping styles as a basic factor for suicide attempted among the female undergraduate students in Tehran universities.Method: In this research, statistical population was female student’s suicide attempter of Tehran universities. At first, For finding suicide attempters, 5 universities were selected randomly among of Tehran universities as follows: Sharif University of Technology, University of Tehran, Al-zahra University, Tarbiat Moallem University & Shahid Beheshty University. The subjects of the study were 38 female students who had suicide attempted as experimental group that selected available sampling at the universities and 38 female students as norm group that selected on a random sample as the norm group was matched based on six variables: age, sex, marial status, major, study level and year of university entrance, with experimental group (suicide attempter). The sources of the above information were universities' chief, consultant and mental health centers at five selected universities. The subjects were not aware of our purpose and our information about themselves. The measurement instrument was Endler & Parker's coping inventory for stressful situations (CISS). This inventory included two forms, Adolescent and Adults forms which in this study adult’s form was used. Findings: According to statistical analysis of the data, the main result was obtained: "There is a significant relationship between the coping styles and suicide attempted among females students" and the following results were gained: a) in the use of the problem-based coping style, there is a significant relationship between the two groups (suicide attempted as well as norm group). b) There is a significant relationship between the use of the emotion-based coping style and suicide attempted the two groups. c) In the use of avoid coping style there is no significant relationship between the two groups.Results: Based on the comparative study of coping styles and suicide attempted revealed that female students suicide attempter were used Emotion-based coping style more than Problem-based. Attitudes and believes of youth are the core of their Adjustment or nonadjustment coping responses and those indicate a high and considerable correlation in their suicidal behaviors .The main result referred to coping styles in females had an influence on suicide attempted or suicide avoidance. The results obtained can be helpful for cognitive management in stressful situations and for developing effective coping styles. In consideration of the fact that around 34% percent of the population in Iran in 1382 were in age groups 15-29 years increasing the understanding of the health of young people is critically important. As the conclusions of this study indicated, the teaching of effective coping styles to young students is very important to plan for increasing the psychological abilities the youth

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: The youth unemployment issue is one of the most important issues in country's macro planning. Although the youth unemployment rate is available through labour force survey but the youth employment challenge and issues they suffer in their first entry into the labour market, finding and maintaining decent jobs, can not be studied through results of mentioned surveys. For gathering above information, International Labour Organization has designed the Schoolto- Work Transition Survey (SWTS). The results of this survey helps countries improve their youth employment policy and planning. Method: For discovering the issues that country's young suffer for entrance to the labour market, SWTS has carried out in 3 selected provinces of the country in 2005 with probability sampling scheme and 2925 sample households. Findings: Based on survey results, the most important barriers of the youth successful transition are as follows: - Around one third of the youth have stated self-employment as their preferable employment status. Since the self-employment share in the country's economy has had a descending trend and the unpaid family worker share an ascending trend over the recent years, another problem appears in the youth employment. - The country's disorganized labour market and the weak role of the recruitment and place of education institutions have caused most of youth to be seeking for work informally, enjoying limited of work options consequently. For this reason, a great percent of the economically active youth (employed or unemployed) have stated not having a reference as one of obstacles in finding a job and only a small percent of the youth have been seeking for work through recruitment and place of education institutions. The most important obstacle in finding a job from the attitude of the most of the economically active youth is the limited number of job opportunities caused by the labour force supply surplus, mainly due to the high population growth rate in the 1978-88 decade and shortage of labour force demand. Moreover, the participation rate has increased as a result of increase in the youth educational level that has been more sensible in the female youth. -In the opinion of many economically active youths the educations and trainings received, may not facilitate their access to employment. Also, most employers have considered the youths' educational and training level and their ability in applying the instructions to the working environment, relatively weak. This problem arises from the lack of interaction between educational institutions and labour market that may not include the labour market needs in the country's educational system contents. In addition, such an interaction could considerably increase the role of the educational institutions in keeping the youth informed of available job opportunities. - In opinion of more than half of the youth, there is sex discrimination in employment promotion in the labour market. Also, since the absolute majority of employers prefer to hire males, inequality of job opportunities for males and females really exists at least in the private sector wage and salary earning employment. - Considering the fact that the great majority of the self-employed youths depend on their households' financial support or their own savings for starting their business, it is certain that the youths from the low-income households would face more problems in their transition and the self-employment is the choice only for the youths from wealthy households.- The youth with higher education has experienced easier transition than the youth with lower secondary educations and high school. Therefore, the youths' failure in their admittance to the university is an obstacle to access the easy transition. Also, the mismatch between the limited university admittance in various fields and specializations required by the labour market, prevents the more successful transition of the young university graduates.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Running away is one of the most serious psychosocial problems. Running away is an important signal that something is seriously wrong in adolescent's life. Adolescent's runaways are not a homogeneous population. The girls differ from one another in personal and family problems, in the needs and motives that lead them to run away. These differences require different interventions. Running away has been the focus of research by psychologists, sociologists, clinicians, psychiatrists and educators, and many variables have been found to be related. Correlates of runaway behavior may be grouped into three categories: societal factors, personal characteristics, and interpersonal relationships. Many of these correlates Therefore, the present study focused on psychosocial correlates of running away from home among female adolescents. The main propose of this study was the comparison of emotional intelligence of runaways girls and Not Runaways group. Method: Participants were 110 adolescents' girls, including 40 female runaways staying in psychosocial support centers of social welfare organization and 70 "Not Runaways" high schools students as a comparison group. Subjects were selected through available and cluster sampling. The main tool for data collection was the demographic characteristics that provide information regarding age, gender, alcohol! drug use, family status (parents together or not), academic achievement and history of truancy from school, and Baron emotional intelligence questionnaire which assess total and complex components of emotional intelligence. Data were analyzed by using chi-square and t test. Findings: The results revealed that 45 percentages of runaway's girls had run away history. 85 percentages of runaway's girl had been maltreated and 40 percentages of them had the experience sexual abuse in family. 57% of runaway's girls had the history of drug abuse in their families. Analyses of Data indicated significant difference between runaway's girls and Not Runaways group on emotional intelligence scales. Runaway's girls showed significantly lower score in total emotional intelligence (EQ) and subscales of emotional intelligence questionnaire. The analysis also indicated that there is a positive relationship existing between the level of family conflicts, Physical and sexual abuse of girls, parent addiction and negative psychosocial climate of schools and girls running away from home.Results: findings of this study show that girls running away from home are complex phenomena that resulted from multiple factors in familial, psychological and social domain. Psychological and personality factors such as problem solving and decision making skills, stress management, impulse control, reality testing, assertiveness, and interpersonal relationships are significantly correlated with running away in adolescents females. These findings suggest that running away behavior particularly in girls, is related to drug use in family, single-parent family status, family conflicts, social support and academic performance. Therefore preventive program should be multilevel. According the finding of this study emotional intelligence is the strong predictor of running away from home. Psychosocial intervention for increasing emotional intelligence and coping skills of adolescents females and improving family and school climates is very useful in prevention of this problem.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: The present study seeks to describe gender-related attitude of young men and women of Mazandaran province, and also to explain associations between this attitude and some socio-familial factors. Method: The study is conducted via survey method; and data has been collected through self-administered questionnaire. The subjects of the study were 425 young men and women who were under training in the Vocational Training Centers in the Mazandaran province. Gender-related attitude is considered as dependent variable and measured with an investigator-made scale based on 12 questions concerning roles, tasks, and positions of men and women in the family and society. Some of these questions, for example, were about governing of important issues in the society, doing intellectual works, women employment, full obedience of women from men, management ability of women, etc. The overall reliability coefficient for the scale was .902, indicating very high internal consistency of the scale. Some socio-demographic and socio-familial factors (such as gender, place of residence, marital status, age groups, level of education, employment status, job-related attitude, and type of parents' behavior at home) have been treated as independent variables. To analyze the collected data, SPSS (version.12) has been applied. Findings: The findings of the study indicated that the respondents were young men and women (16-25 years old), who mainly were residents of urban areas, unmarried, and educated nearly between 10-12 years (up to Diploma). These respondents mainly were unemployed, belonged to large-size and low/medium socio-economic status families. Furthermore, the study concluded that there are some significant differences between men and women respondents concerning gender-related attitude; For instance, 57/9 percent of men as compared to 17/2 percent of women were agreed that important issues of society have to be deposited only to men; or 53/4 percent of men as compared to 8/6 percent of women were believed that women have to obey men in the personal and familial life. Furthermore, 20/8 percent of men as compared to 75/1 percent of women were disagreed that men managers are successful than women managers. These different distributions of beliefs concerning roles, tasks, and positions of each gender in the family and society, can be an index of different gender-related attitudes of young respondents. Results: men as compared to women had reported more patriarchic attitudes (traditional attitude towards gender roles and relations). Namely, on the whole, men were believed that a) important issues of the society have to be governed by men; b) women's ability in the intellectual activities, management, employment, settlement of personal and social problems is less than men; c) women have to work at home as a housekeeper only, or in such jobs as teaching and nursing; and finally d) women have to obey men in the personal and familial life. In contrast, women's beliefs concerning gender-related attitudes were mostly opposed to men; for example, they believed that women can govern important issues in the society; their ability in intellectual activities, management, employment, settlement of personal and social problems is equal to men; doing housework is not only women's obligation and they can be successful in all kind of jobs; and finally women can disobey men. Moreover, residents of rural areas and unmarried persons as compared to their counterparts in urban areas and married ones have reported more patriarchic attitude. Applying T-test and ANOVA, some significant associations between gender related attitude and some socio-demographic factors such as age groups, place of residence, marital status, level of education, and employment status have been observed. Finally, the results of multiple regression analysis showed that formation and expressing of gender-related attitude can be under influence of such variables as gender, job-related attitude, and type of parents' behavior at home. There was a very strong relationship (r= .739) between gender-related attitudes and these variables, and 54/5 percent of variations in dependent variable can be explained by these three independent variables. In the other words, young men, those respondents who were believed in traditional labor division (job related attitude), and those respondents whom their parents were very severe and hard at home showed more patriarchic attitude than other respondents.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: By Social capital we mean a network of inter-personal and intergroup relationships and ties based on social trust. Such a network also includes interactions of individuals with groups and social institutions which enjoy solidarity and collective cohesion, and within which individuals and groups maintain social support and the necessary energy. These qualities are required in order to facilitate actions oriented toward achieving personal and collective objectives, The above description summarizes the main subject of this paper. Iran is a society in transition, a society which faces the decline of social capital and its negative consequences. The erosion, or decline, of social capital in Iran, and its accompanying negative consequences necessitate an attempt geared toward portraying a possible future perspective of it, and also of studying the feasibility of transition from status quo to a desirable situation. Method: This paper initially reviews the existing theoretical approaches and empirical sources pertaining to social capital. Then, social capital is discussed as a complex and multi-dimensional concept within an integrative conceptual framework which is related to an interrelated set of macro, med; and micro variables. It then introduces a multidimensional scale for measurement of social capital. This scale is provided with the necessary requirements of validity and reliability. The statistical society consists of inhabitants of 15 years of age and above, residing in centers of 30 provinces of the country out of which 12000 persons were selected through multistage cluster sampling method. The questionnaire has been the main data collection technique in this research. Data analysis has been conducted through simple and complex qualitative and quantitative techniques. Findings: Given the components included in the five-dimensional measurement scale, quality and quantity of social capital, particularly at the associative network level, is low The dominant type of social capital is of an in-group and the old one, and its implications in terms of human and social development, including universalism and universal collective cohesion are low. But at a micro level, such as feelings of health, success satisfaction and joyfulness its rating is relatively high.Results: The current state of social capital in Iran is low in rating, the old type is dominant over the new one, and there is a negative role the dominant type plays in hindering the formation of social solidarity at the national level. Therefore, it seems necessary to reinforce the new type of social capital specially in the dimension of associative ties and the positive outcomes which these ties provide via modification and improvement of the social milieu and of individual and collective actors, the strengthening of civil institutions, and in reform it brings about through modifying and broadening the individuals' attitudes and patterns of their actions.

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Social Welfare

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Objective: This article brings into focus the role of new social movements in the contemporary welfare landscape. It intends to analyze the problematic relationships between new social movements and welfare and social policy categories. Old social movements, or labour parties and movements, were, in the late Modernity or in the industrial societies, the most important actors for influencing on the processes of formulation and reform of welfare and social security policies, but in recent post-industrial societies, new social movements have emerged that their focuses lay on identity and cultural concerns. Some of authors believe on fundamental difference between movement and class, and tell about the end of struggle for welfare and social policy in the new social movements. According to their points, class and labour movement fought for improving the condition on life especially for labour and unprivileged class but new social movement are interested in cultural and identity problem. The main questions of this paper are as follow: what are the causes of formation of new social movements and consequences of them in the filed of social welfare; do new social movements theorists and actors dismiss the problems of poverty and inequality; In the context of globalization of inequality and decline of welfare state and in the age of inability of working class for self-organization and shift in intellectuals and theorists concerns and interests, thinking in poverty problem and actoring for redeem of injustice on the level of new social movements in ending. Method: The main methods of this article for the assessment of the compatibility between new social movements and welfare aims are documentary study and analytical argumentation. This article for answering its questions and evaluating of relations between new social movements and welfare and social policy, in the first place, review the related theorists thoughts and then examine the most important sociological explanations of new social movements emergence, and simultaneous changes in social welfare landscape and policies. This theoretical and conceptual study provides necessary condition for understanding the different approaches of new social movements to objects and policies of social welfare. Findings: New social movements could be distinguished in term of different organizations, policies, goals and methods in comparison to old social movement. Leading theorists of new social movements like Ingelhart, Habermas, Giddens, Touraine and Castels examine emergence of new social movements in relation to welfare categories. These different theories have a common idea about important influences of new social movements in formation new perspective in recent societies for integrating of social welfare in a more broder and more humanistic framework. Welfare state's deterioration coincides with a cultural change, or what Ingelhart named silent revolution, and the process of post-modernization. In later process with development of welfare and improvement of economic conditions, gradual passage from survival value toward self-expression values have occurred. This cultural space could change, or was parallel to, the new political atmosphere. This transformation induced new modes of thinking about and struggle for human condition's upgrading. New theory and action landscape has been reflected in new social movements.There are cultural, political and conceptual shifts in analysis and activities for regarding welfare and social policy, by theorists and activists of new social movements.Result: final section of this article, based on conceptual and analytical analysis and argumentations in the process of the whole body of the paper, propose the possibility. of reconciliation and interaction between new social movements theorists and welfare and social policy's researchers. new social movements do not overlook the welfare problems but open new windows for seeing the neglected aspects of human welfare. They bring new methods and procedures into focus for formulating and reforming the welfare categories, and develop new perspectives for research on these affairs. According to final conclusion of our paper, new social movements can be compatible with the reflection and contemplation for finding new modes of policies in favour of human welfare.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social Welfare

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Objective: This article investigates the affect of Action Space Model on behavior in social dilemma situations. Social dilemma, in rational choice approach, refer to conflict between social interest and collective interest, in witch following self interest from most of the people lead to losses of all the people (among whom select self interest). Many factors affect on behavior in social dilemma situation, and one of them is Action Space Model (proposed by Masoued Chalabi), that is surveys the affect of norms and relations governing in Parsonsian four extreme points (AGLI) on behavior in social dilemma situations. Chalabi (in continuation of some thinker such as Bums) critics the mainstream of Game Theory and says it is metahistorical and metasocial, and doesn't contemplate social context and background of game, and players cultural framework, norms and morals. They try to expand classic game theory under the new title of Social Game Theory and speak of various game theories, proportionate to different social relations and different social context (action space). Parsonsian action space has four main subsystems (AGIL scheme) and basic hypothesis of this theory is that position of each specific phenomenon in action space, in each level, approximately determinate behavior of that phenomenon. Prisoner's dilemma game agrees with A. In G, an authority or status relationship leads to common assumption of preference and judgment, so that asymmetric outcome of game is a kind of social equilibrium. In I, outcome of game is a cooperative equilibrium, and certainly optimum equilibrium. There isn't any possibility to prisoner's dilemma game, in L. For completing Chalabi model, the author tries to test some other games, in additional to prisoner's dilemma game. In A, the dominant game is prisoner's dilemma game. In G, superior player games on the basis of prisoner's dilemma game and inferior player plays on the basis of chicken game. In I, there is trust game or coordinate game, and finally, in L, if there is any possibility for dominant game, it is same to I. Method: In this article, we use survey on 730 respondents to our questionnaire in Tehran, and result tested by Logistic Regression. Reliability of questionnaire with Cronbach Alpha is equal to 0.7905. Findings & Results: In this article, the result proved Chalabi model and it's dominant on other presenting models, so we can explain behavior in the social dilemma by relationship, norms and situation of action. In all 5 Parsonsian area (with accounting two kind for G: superior and inferior), there is 1 to 3 percent improvement in explanation (power of forecasting) in general model (with all 34 factors that affect on behavior in social dilemma) in compression with Chalabi model (with only 3 factors). But, the preference of Chalabi model is its lower amount of factors. Therefore, Chalabi model is a suitable model to examination of actor's behavior in extreme area in social dilemma situations. Furthermore, the result shows that trust game and coordination game isn't appropriate games to explain behavior in I and L area and we must try to find another of games for these two areas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social Welfare

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Objective: The demand and consumption of cultural products in Iran including movies and going to cinema will rise in future because average economic growth rate in recent years in Iran has been 5 present and this means the demand for going to cinema will rise in future and since government protects movie making and distribution in Iran and pay them benefits or independenty act in this area, the studay of factors influencing household demand and income and price elasticities, and price of related products will help policy makers to respond to increasing demand for cinema and provide facilities and conditions to meet futurer demands. Method: In this article we use the Almost Ideal Demand System, proposed by Deaton and Muellbauer (1980) to estimate household demand for cinema. The main reason why Almost Ideal Demand System is used is for its simplicity which enables researchers to test homogencity or heterogeneity restrictions and symmetries. The provinces under study are: 1- Booshehr; 2- Kohgilooyeh va Boyrahmad; 3- ChaharMahalo Bakhtiary; 4- Isfahan; 5- Ham; 6- Fars; 7- Ghazvin; 8- Gilan; 9- Hamedan; 10- Hormozgan; 11- Kerman; 12- Kermanshah; 13- Khorasan, 14- Kurdistan; 15- Lorestan; 16- Markazi; 17- Mazandaran; 18- Semnan; 19- Sistan; 20- Tehran; 21- Yazd; 22- Zanjan; 23- Eastern Azerbaijan; 24- Western Azerbaijan. Finding: In this article the demand functions for going to cinema, in different provinces, are estimated, based on the statistics and data pertaining to household expenditures. Considering different formulas of price and income elasticity, the price and income elasticity calculated for all different provinces. According to the obtained resultants, with exception of Isfahan, Hormozgan, Kerman, Kurdistan, Mazandaran and Eastern Azerbaijan, the price elasticity is less than one, which means demand is not sensitive to the price variations. The same elasticity for the entire country is -0.91 which is the almost equal to one and shows low elasticity of the commodity in household consumption. The amount of the elasticity shows that in case of a 100% increase in the ticket price for cinema, keeping other factors constant, demand for going to cinema would be decreased by 91 percent. Cross elasticity of price for journals and cinema in 9 provinces of Kohgilooyeh va Boyrahmad, Chahar Mahalo Bakhtiary, Isfahan, Ham, Fars, Gilan, Hamedan, Yazd and Zanjan are negative, which means these two commodities could substitute each other in consumption. But, in other provinces the elasticity is positive; that means these two commodities complementeach other in consumption. The important point is that in both states the absolute value of the elasticity is very small and almost zero that means the relation between journals and cinema is very weak. The same elasticity for the entire country is -0.12 that means in the country, in general, two commodities of cinema and journals substitute each other in consumption. In fact, if the journal price is increased by 100%, the demand for cinema is reduced by 11%. Crossed elasticity of price between book and cinema, in every province, is negative. This means in all the provinces these two commodities substitute for each other. This elasticity for provinces of Chaharmahalo Bakhtiary, Isfahan, Fars, Gilan, Hamedan, Kurdistan, Lorestan, Tehran and Zanjan is more than other provinces. The amount of the cross elasticity between the two commodities in demand function of cinema in the entire country is almost-47% that shows if book price increases by 100%and all other factor are kept constant, demand for cinema will decrease by 47%. In other words these two goods are complementary in consumption. The income elasticity in each of the provinces is positive; it is between zero and one. The income elasticity expresses the degree of sensitivity of demand in proportion to variations in household income. The amount of income elasticity for this commodity in the entire country is equal to 0.57 that means if income of a household increases by 100%, demand for this commodity would increase by 57%. On this basis, this is a necessary commodity and if the household income increases, the expenditures for cinema would increase by a lesser amount.Result: Noting income elasticity of household demand for cinema and the average growth rate in recent years ahead, it is forecasted that the following income rise of about 2.1 times, (170 percent growth of incomes), demand for cinema will rise 96.9 percent (about 2 times) in fact, if government and policy makers want to meet this increase in demand, it is necessary to develop and increase cinemas and related facilities and conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Nowadays Information & Communication Technologies have influenced all realms of human life. Today there is an attempt to make every human being activity in the form of electronic and digitized version to facilitate and accelerate it. As result of such an ongoing fact which can be called as "information revolution", today we hear so much of some phrases such as E-Business, E-Learning, E-Money, E-Banking, E-Government and recently E-Health. The advent of E-Health, Telemedicine and the development of modem electronic social security system, need enhanced and updated database of health status of the citizens. Personal data which need legal protection can be divided in six categories: Health and Genetic Data, economic and commercial data, data relating to personal ideas and beliefs, sexual life data, criminal condemnation data and general personal data. The scale of importance of personal data differs as a result of kind and nature of them. So, sensitive personal data which needs a more comprehensive protection differs from common ones for which a usual protection will suffice. Electronic Health Information is certainly some kind of sensitive personal data which should be kept under the highest security standards and any kind of infringement to such data is forbidden and punishable in most of the legal systems. Survey & analysis of a proportionate legal system for such data in information technology age is of special necessity to develop E-Health project. Today E-Health file plays a very important role in the society health system. Methods: This research is a descriptive and analytic one, in which we have tried to show the deficiencies of the Iranian legal system in this field, through analysis of legal sources & regulations of different legal systems and comparing the results with the Iranian ones. For this purpose we will employ the internet sources as hard copies of books and papers as the same as some international, domestic and foreign acts, conventions and documents.Findings & Results: In different legal systems the security of Electronic Health Information which is the most important field of E-Health project, is provided through legislating special vindicative acts. Iran laws pay much more attention to correctness of data than to protecting correct data. So apart from some limited protection made in relation to some special jobs such as lawyers and physicians we will see nothing more than defamation and alike criminal institutions as data protecting acts. As contrast to some of leading and advanced legal systems in the field of Information Technology Law, (such as United States of America & members of European Union, The Convention on Cyber crime) the Iranian legal system has not made some favorable protection of personal health and genetic data. This will cause the Iranian E-Health Filing project abortive. So some revision is needed to update the Iranian legal system and observe the international standards. Though there is some effort to pass new comprehensive acts governing all kinds of personal data amongst Health and Genetic Data but up to the date they have not come to force and the defect has made Iran legal system situation crucial.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Nowadays the economic experts in every country measure the growth and development based on numbers of individual at work on that society. The increase in economic growth appears through decreasing unemployment, increase in rate of participation of manpower and decrease in poverty and reduction of unemployment. Therefore to prevent unemployment of specialist and create the equilibrium between supply and demand of manpower, it is necessary to predict the needs for specialist manpower in country. In this connection, the present research was conducted to study the effect of economic factors on unemployed educated of university in university of Isfahan. Human resources are among most important factors in development process of every society. In using human factor for wide development, there exist two topics of unemployment and employment. Although unemployment more and less exist in every society and it is a major socio-economic problem, In this connection, the problem of educated unemployed in the higher education is am much great problem and is of greater important. First, because every year a great section from limited human and material resources in country devoted to educate this group Moreover, development level increasingly affects by using humans capitals and the educated are considered as samples of human capital in society. Also, because of bad social-political consequences of the unemployment educated rather than other unemployed, this problem has special important. Job increasing and creating labor has been existed in the past. When sensitivity and important of this subject increased that world countries free from world war one and two seek to reconstruction war disruption. A present time, the issue of exceeding supply of the labor to demand prevails in "industrialized and no industrialized societies and problem of unemployment affects.Method: The descriptive- correlative method is made use for survey of this research subject. Statistical population of this study was all of the faculty members and students at university of Isfahan in academic year 2004-2005. Statistical sample was 351 who were selected randomly. Research instrument was a self-made questionnaire with 28 items which had reliability of ra=0/98.Findings & Results: The findings of research showed that: a) The economic factors affected on unemployed educated of university. b) There is no difference between faculty members and students view point with a respect to demographic characteristics about economic factors of unemployed educated of university. Based on research findings, it can be suggested that: a) motivation be presented to increase investment, that can promote private sector move their savings from banks and direct it toward productive sector and hence create new opportunity for employment and jobs b) privatization be speed up, this can bring a situation for private business men to participate in economic affairs and trough investing they can create new jobs on one hand, and on the other hand limiting government intervention c) protection by government be presented for internal goods & services, this can be done trough economic incentives and tax cut that can encourage private investors to increase their activity and speed up production process. d) to increase employment incentives and facilities be provided, that is, government trough banks and lending associations provide low interest rate loans to investors create new job opportunities e) dependency of economy based on income from oil most be decreased, that is, government and private sector can work together to increase gross national product trough production of goods and services in industry and agriculture and their for decrease their dependency upon revenue provided from exporting oil. f) rate of gross national product be increased, this can be done trough above suggestion that is, increase productivity in three different sections of economy that is industry agriculture and services

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