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introduction population growth and sustainable development has significant relationship. The population event and its consequences led the researches of social fields, and environmentalists to react in various ways. The population restrictionist, stationarist and optimulist, have approached the question differently. The present article' emphasis is on the well proportioned population approach. The idea is that a well proportioned population renders a balance among population, resources and the processes of development, which not only affords for the material and spiritual needs of the members of society. but also guarantees the welfare and happiness of the future generations through optimum exploitation of environment and stable development process. Literature review In some regions with relative or absolute overpopulation, the natural resources have to be used up for consumer expenditures of the increasing population instead of basic and infrastructural investment.In the recent five decades, Iran's population with an average growth rate of 2.45% has been multiplied 3.7 times. Population growth diverts the areas of investment from job creation, production and economic growth and finally the economic development, to consumer expenditures. The expenses of educational, hygienic, and other services, and the most important-the payment of 90 billion dollars subsidies-is an example of this. Moreover, unemployment, poverty, educational and hygienic problems, the destruction and pollution of environment, and decrease in water resources per person are the consequences of population growth in Iran. conclusion Therefore, it is proposed to regard the policy of controlling the population growth to 0.5% increase at the top of the agenda. Fortunately, the comments of the Shiite and the Sunni religious authorities on the legitimacy of birth control prove that this policy is not contradictory to the religious beliefs, as the quality of population is preferred to its quantity.

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Introduction: the aim of this research is to analyze the situation of the sustainable development in the third and forth development plan of iran considering Sen's concept of capability and quality of life, identifying the gap with optimal level. it also determines some factors on sustainable development in the current situation of the country.Method: the research has two phase and methods. The first one includes narrative review and content analysis of iran's development plans. The second one is hypothesis analysis on the basis of sen's sustainability index and the analysis of the results.Findings: sustainable development is determined with three focal points, human, socio-economic and environmental development, considering the benefits of all generations and in Sen's approach the concept of capability and freedom. Considering this approach in the third and forth plans, some indicators of sustainability like environment preservation and equal opportunity for promotion of human security and empowerment were included in paper but not the on the level of policy making.conclusion: The situation of sustainable development in the third development plan has been unsatisfactory and the grade of sustainability index is negative, but its trend has been gradually improving in such way that in the last year of the plan we notice positive grade. It exceeded to the forth plan, so we have maximum grade in the year2006. it again fell in the years 2007-80.The other important result is that in the current situation of our country, socio-economic factor is the most important Factor sustainable development and associated must be strengthened. In addition, after receiring an acceptable level. Development. cultural and social factors should get importance in policy making. It needs policy makers to take sustainability approach in development procedure.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Neoliberals claim on the necessity of falling back and decreasing the social security costs basically relies on this argument that in the current situation which the world system is increasingly moving toward globalization, such costs cause damage to a country's economic and social conditions, and decreasing social security costs and receding from welfare state are the necessary, if not sufficient, conditions for any country to develop. This viewpoint completely disagrees with classic's (who defend welfare state) who believe social security costs is the necessary condition to improve welfare of people and to ensure fair distribution of incomes. This research is going to test these two contending theories in Iran.Method: To analyze the relation between socio-economic development and social security in Iran and to test hypotheses derived from theoretical frameworks, considering official statistics published by relevant institutions and organizations, regression analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient tests used to examine and test the mentioned hypothesis.Finding: The results of applying different regression models show that on the one hand, the costs of social security has had positive effect on economic growth in Iran but it's effect is less than job and capital's, and on the other hand, social security development is associated with a decrease in poverty but its effect has not been significant because of budget constraint and stronger effects of factors such as inflation.Conclusion: any attempt to quantitative and qualitative expansion of social security should be in such way that in addition to invest on the development of the job and capital resource, policy makers should pay more attention to insurance development.

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Introduction: An important aspect of society's development is health development and in the other words the quantity and the quality of people's access to the health services. Considering that any planning to deliver services to poor regions needs the analysis of the current situation, this research classifies health development index in the country.Method: Using multivariate statistical method of factor analysis in SPSS software, we classified iran's provinces from the 32 health development index view point.Findings: using Factor analysis, five factors were extracted and named: expert human resources, rural health services, medicinal facilities, governmental health services and private sector services. These factors explain 61% of the changes of development level.Conclusion: Resuit showed obvious differentiation among provinces considering health services. Tehran is the most developed and Ilam is the most deprived provinces in iran.

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Introduction: The aim of this study is to analyze the rate of social capital in rural production cooperatives and analysis of its related factors. Method: The statistical population of the study consists of 2820 members of 18 rural production corporations of Koohdasht County in Lorestan province which from 93 people were selected using Cochran formula. In order to increase the accuracy of the data, 100 members were selected by two-stage random sampling technique and were interviewed. The reliability of the main scales of the questionnaire was confirmed as Cronbach alpha coefficients were above 0.70. The questionnaire was validated through getting the comments and opinions of some faculty members and cooperative experts. Finally, the data were analyzed using SPSS (version 11.5) the. Findings: There are significant differences between two with high and low social capital in the gender, marital situation, literacy level, income level, whole of land under ownership, membership precedence in corporation, cooperative principals , participation knowledge of production in productive activities, participation in decision-making meetings and participation in performed training periods. Conclusion: according to results of stepwise Discriminate Analysis, 5 variables of matrimony situation, whole of land under ownership, membership precedence in cooperative, knowledge of cooperative principals, and participation in productive activities, discriminated two groups with high and low social capital in the best way.

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Introduction: The differences in various geographical areas can no longer be explained by the differences in traditional inputs. There is growing evidence that social capital stands for the ability of producers to get benefit, by virtue of membership in social networks or other social structures in economic outcome (Portes, 1998 and Okunmadewa, et al. 2005 cited in Yusuf, 2008). Thus there is a need to complement human capital and physical infrastructure with social capital. In this study we analyzed correlation between social capital- based on the amount of membership in local organizations and participation in the management of these organizations indicators- and welfare of rural and nomadic producers in the Fars province. Method: A summarized model of household welfare regarding household and regional characteristics applied to estimate the role of social capital. In this model social capital beside physical and human capital were put in the per capita expenditure of households as an input. To gather data using stratified random sampling method-based on rangelands area, amount of production and the number of livestock related to rangelands-Abadeh, Darab, Shiraz, Firouzabad, Lar and Mamasani towns in Fars province were selected. In the next step using the random sampling method in different common rangeland units of the selected towns, 432 stakeholders were selected to fill the questionnaire.Findings: The results showed that the correlation between social capital and per capita expenditure was 3 times more than the correlation between human capital and per capita expenditure.Conclusion: Thus social capital plays a more important role in households' welfare compare to human capital. Also, in comparison of physical and human capital we notice that the effect of physical capital was more than human capital on households' welfare.

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Introduction: Different approaches had identified different explanations about the causes mental diseases incidence. The biological and psychological approaches believe that it is a physiological stressful conditions or childhood experiences. Whereas, the sociological schools believe that the main factor of these diseases are unequal social structures, social roles, absence of social supporting sources and social capital. Literature review The studies show that increasing the level of mistrust leads to decrease the level of social commitment, social cooperation and increase in the social pathologies. Social capital declines the effect of negative events in life (such as losing job or family problems) and will make the long–run problems (such as long–run mental and physical diseases) tolerable. this research reviews sociological approaches to the social capital and health, to detect the mechanism in which social capital affect mental health to the theoretical (causative and interactive)related to the topic. The findings based on the literature reviews show that social capital, social and supportive networks lead to feel well, decrease anxiety (stress), increase the strengthen of defensive system of the body and finally improve the mental health. conclusion This study attempt to detect the mechanism in which mental health is affected by social capital regarding interactive models and theoretical models (causative–linear) includes the models in the macro, median and micro levels. Finally theoretical models of Nan Lin and James Colman were chose as the final models which could study these two variables in the median level.

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introduction: Social capital is a well-known social determinant of health. This study intends to determine the relation between social capital and social health indicators and show how social capital influences social health.Method: one of the specific type of correlation study is ecologic or aggregate study in which research unit is group not individual, we used this kind of study. Social health indicators and social capital data were gathered from formal institution and national survey of measuring social capital in Iran in 2007. To analyze data, SPSS 15 was used.Finding: The results show that there are significant relationships between social capital and poverty, population growth rate, violence, literacy rate, unemployment and insurance coverage as social health indicators and there are positive correlation between social capital and poverty, population growth rate and unemployment. Altogether, the correlation between social capital and total social health (calculated by principal component analysis) in Iran is significant (r=-0.54, p value=0.001). based on 0.30 coefficient of determination, 30 percent of variance in social health can be explained by social capital.Conclusion: Positive correlation between social capital and poverty, population growth rate and unemployment can be explained by this view that, on the one hand, predominant type of social capital in developing provinces of Iran is old social capital with intra group relationships, restricted and specific trust. On the other hand, old (traditional) social capital in developed provinces of Iran was eroded and new (modern) social capital didn't form, therefore we can see distorted and unequal development in this province such as Tehran and Esfahan. Thus in order to social health promotion and improvement we need to pay attention to various kind of social capital, especially new social capital in health policy and planning.

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Introduction: Mental health is the main part of social welfare and the social capital is an important variable for wellbeing and social health. Results of some studies show that, in Iran, women have higher level of psychological disorder and lower social capital than men. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between social capital and mental health in women and men.Method: to analyze the relation, we implement a survey on a sample of 300 persons working for ministry of education. Was selected The instrument applied in this research was Goldberg mental health inventory. Three indicators including social confidence, social support and social participation applied to measure social capital.Finding: There was a significant relationship between social capital and mental health. Also there were significant differences between women and men. The finding of multiple regression showed that social participation, social support, personal trust, generalized trust, gender and age, explained %40 of mental health's variance.conclusion: Our findings determine gender-specific limitation of social capital as a resource for mental health. a Finding which needs more attention in future studies.

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Introduction: The aim of this study is to analyze the relation between social capital and those values which sociologists prescribe for the development of societies. Considering the fact that values have their roots in social macro structure, and regarding the appearance of women public sphere, the main research question is that, do woman's modern values differ across diverse social capital. Therefore, this research has striven to explain the effect of women's social capital on their values orientation. Method: The research is a survey, questionnaires were given to 504, 15-45 women in Shiraz. For this purpose 342 students were chosen from different field of study by random sampling. The questioner has face construct validity and reliability credits. Cronbach's Alpha is applied to assess reliability. To improvement of construct validity Factor analysis is applied.Findings: Social capital has a significant relation with globalism, universalism, rationality and desire to gain knowledge. Conclusion: social capital that always had been missed in development procedure has a significant relation with development related values. In other words it has a determining effect on improvement of women's cognition about development related values.

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Introduction: Distribution policy may absolutely or relatively effect on economy condition especially economy of the poor and disadvantaged social classes. On the other hand, since the importance and necessity of health as an undeniable right of life is evident for everybody, it can be confirmed that health is an ability which brings values for human life, in other word, health is a wealth. Method: The present research studies the counter effects of these two important socioeconomic subjects, i.e. income-health inequality by defining two indices of health (Selected Death Rate & Reasons of Death) and income distribution index (Gini Coefficient). After explanation of model, the concerned four equations have been estimated using panel data of the years 1982-2006. E views 6 Software has been used for estimation of model coefficients. Moreover, model estimation is fixed based on POOL System and Effects Method. Health- Income equations have been estimated with two criteria of Gini Coefficient and Income Mean. Findings: The results show that while health depends on both factors of income mean and income inequity, but according to the investigations, income inequity effects more on society health. Conclusion: In societies with lower income inequity we see more health for the citizens. By interprovincial studies conducted on different income groups, it concluded that in provincial groups with high and low income, income inequity effects on society health and in comparison with income mean, income inequity effects more on society health.

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Introduction: due to importance of poverty reduction in reducing social problems, sustainable development of a country and increase of social welfare level or to detect qualified persons using welfare programs, to study the poverty phenomenon has to be studied This can help policy makers in poverty elimination.Method: we used the statistical data on household budgets for measuring poverty indices (Foster-Greer-Thorbecke).this study conducted for both urban and rural areas of Kerman province and their comparison with corresponding Indices in National level. Findings: in general, the trend of poverty measures in both urban and rural areas has been declining. Using independent T test we found that incidence and intensity of poverty in rural areas has been higher than the corresponding figures for the urban areas. all of three measures in urban areas of province was higher than the same measures in urban areas of Iran. Hypothesis of increasing poverty measures in rural areas of province than rural areas of Iran were confirmed only about two variables (e.g. P0, P1).Conclusion: although the general trend of poverty in both urban and rural areas of Kerman province has been declining, but in some years this trend has high fluctuation that show poverty reduction policies has not been applied in strategic and sustainable program and has not been with strict identification of the poor. Increased severity of poverty in rural areas of Kerman needs more attention by policy makers to identify the poor and allocate helps to them, in the end of study regarding to socio-economic properties of Kerman province, we propose recommendations for poverty reduction in province.

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intorduction: Subsidy policy has been one of the most challenging economic policy, especially after1970s.Current Iranian government claims that it has started the reforming policy in connection with subsidy plan from December 2011.Although reforming policy is theoretically urgent and helpful policy for all including Iran ,to achieve its goals it requires a comprehensive infrastructural package. Implementing such policy incautiously, could be problematic. Lack of the above package in Iranian experience under recent and current government (2005-2011) is going to endanger usual and positive outcomes of subsidy policy. Considering the above concern, this paper is investigating the case in question.Method: after some literature review it is based on econometric methods and it uses time series data 1974-2011 periods (by assistance of auto regression model).Findings: 1-Gini coefficient and general indicators of welfare show that there is a high inequality in Iranian economy in the period of this study. 2-regarding current administration, the subsidy policy would worsen the income distribution, and in long run social welfare.Conclusion: Given the current administration and due to inefficiency of basic infrastructures of policy itself, subsidy policy would worsen the income inequality, and thus from social welfare point of view, it doesn’t work in its consistent and efficient framework.

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Introduction: This article explains law – evasion from the procedural justice theory point of view considering Tom Taylor theory. The Law evasion is a behavior that disregards formal norms in society. This research a new classification of law evasion ispresented it is differedbetween: soft and hard law evasion. This research explains soft law evasion. The soft law evasion includes all behaviors that disregard formal law in society and also is nonviolent, occasionally, and often is encountered with no punishment. This research analyzes the correlation between procedural injustice, political illegitimacy, civic distrust and law-evasion.Method: This is a descriptive-correlative survey. We applied Multi- stage sampling, a sample of 400tehran citizen over 24was chose to fill out study questionnaires.Findings: when people notice unfair and injustice law performance procedures, the law obedience behavior declines. In this situation, lack of procedural justice in law performance make authorities lost their legitimacy in view of people. This subject make people law evasion in society. These three variables (procedural injustice, civic distrust, illegitimacy) together explain %27 of variation of dependent variable.conclusion: When law performance procedures are injustice, people’s next behavior in front of law will not resemble with prior position. In fact, procedural Injustice and law prejudicial performance will change people orientation into authorities. The prejudicial condition of law performance via authorities reduces people’s trust into them and people question their legitimacy at the end. These variable reciprocal effects afford persons law-evasion in society. In fact, in this condition people prefer law-evasion versus law-obedience.

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Introduction: According to recent theories of economic growth and development and international economy of brain drain, human capital, domestic and foreign R&D capital stock, is important determinant of total factor productivity (TFP). In Iran's economy, in spite of allocating considerable amount of government budget to education expenditures we notice that power and TFP growth are low in economic growth, therefore considerable brains immigration. This paper analyzes the effect of brain drain to G7 countries on total factor productivity of Iran.Method: In this paper, we analyze the effect of brain drain (the number of highly educated people over than 25 ages who migrate permanent) on total factor productivity of Iran in during 1345-1385.Findings: brain drain has inverse effect on TFP growth. In other words, brain drain has considerable, also disincentive effect on TFP growth. in developed economies, the coefficient of domestic R&D capital stock variable, interaction variable of human capital and foreign R&D capital stock has not a significant effect on TFP growth.Conclusion: The results show that, to increase TFP growth, we should have increase the pull factors, decrease the push factors and increase the R&D spending in GDP considerably. Also in order to decrease technology trap, harmonization the instruction policies and research to economic policies, we require to make true economic policy due to repair the relative prices and to choose the trade partners that have high R&D capital stock.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The laws of capital punishment have been one of the foremost and controversial subjects among industrial countries in the last decades; politicians in many of these countries have been forced to reconsider these laws. All European countries have abolished exercising capital punishment. These criminal and murderers are not executed anymore. The exertion of it is considered violation of human right laws. Nevertheless, these are still many countries that exercise death penalty in their laws for religious and political reasons. There are two main presumptions for this punishment, each bring some reasons and documentation. Some believe that capital punishment is preventive of crime and some believe it has no effect of crime reduction. The purpose of this research is to know the attitudes of educated and intellectuals concerning this kind of punishment in Iran. Besides which crimes do they believe deserving capital punishment?Method: For this purpose 342 students and 43 faculty members from shahid Beheshti University were chosen from different field of study by random sampling. A researcher made questionnaire with 38 questions was given to the sample. The questionnaire was approved by three research methods professors with acceptable reliability and validity (cronbach alpha 82%).Findings: Research results showed that most of the sample approved capital punishment (69/6% of the students and 48/8% of faculty members), and both groups disapproved the abolition of capital punishment in the whole. But, the difference in attitude between the two groups was significant. The results also showed significant difference between male and female students. That is to say, female students were more in favor of capital punishment than male students. But between male and female faculty members this correlation was not significant.conclusion: The result of this study shows that vulnerable groups are more interested in dismissing people who are careless of social rights of others and violate the rights of defenseless people. The findings of this research are consistent with the findings of Thomas Kale and Vito Jenero (1998) and Marla Sandees and Edmond McGarel (1995).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: The aim of this study is to analyze cognitive abilities (concentration, problem solving and explicit/implicit memory) among healthy and addicted individuals.Methods: using purposeful sampling of 30 addicted people and 30 people randomly selected from healthy individuals of the same age and educational level as the addicted individuals we conduct this research applying the accuracy test of Toulous-Pierson, the Wechsler test, and explicit/implicit memory tests, respectively.Results: Using implicit memory, addicted people show a poorer performance in concentration and problem-solving than the healthy participants.Conclusion: This study demonstrates the effect of drugs on the hippocampus and frontal brain. The two areas have a noticeable impact on the implicit memory, and since frontal lobes play an important role in decision making, addicted people show a poorer performance in concentration and problem-solving than the healthy participants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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