In order to determine the effect of plant density, different ratios of Barley and Bersem clover, effect of method of planting on forage quantity & quality, a series of experiments were conducted in Ahvaz, Iran, during 1993, 1995 and 1997. In 1993 the following factors were studied; three levels of density (optimum local density and two other densities equal to half & twice of optimum), planting ratios in five levels (Barley and Clover pure stand, mmures of 75% Barley +25% Clover; 50% Barley + 50% Clover and 25% Barley + 75% Clover) with replacement series technique. An ANOVA indicated significant dry forage differences between densities and planting ratios (p = 99%). D3R3 treatment (mixture of 50:50 in high density), with 10.32 t/ha dry matter and 1923 kh/ha crude protein produced maximum yield. In 1995, first the experiment included three levels of density with row intercropping (common local practice density and two others equal to 1.5 and twice of common density) and planting ratios in five level (the same as previous experiment). Analysis of variance indicated significant differences in dry forage between densities and planting components (p = 99%). D2R3 treatment (50:50 in medium density), with 12.41 t/ha dry matter and 1850 kg/ha crude protein produced maximum yield. Calculated "LER" indicated that 24% dry matter and 30% crude protein more than pure. Second experiment had three levels with mix intercropping the local density practice and two other equal 1,5 and twice of the common density) and planting ratios in five levels. The experiment was designed in factorial arrangement such that (D2R4) treatment (mixture of 25% Barley + 75% Clover in medium density). with 16.801 t/ha dry matter and (D1R4) sole barley in low density with 4.744 t/ha dry matter produced maximum and minimum yield receptivity. (D2R4) produced crude protein equal to 2813 kg/ha and crude fiber was 27.53% which was the most suitable mixture. In 1997 experiment the factors were methods of planting with two levels (row and mixed planting) and proportions of planting, similar to the previous experiment. With respect to the results of previous experiments, the plant density was 1.5 times of the conventional density for both crops. Generally there were high significant differences between methods, proportions, and their interactions (P = 99%). The D2R4 treatment (mixed inter cropping of 25% Barley + 75% Clover), produced maximum (10.184 t/ha) and the D1R1 treatment (row pure stand of Barley) produced minimum (5.036 t/ha) dry forage yield, respectively. The results of this treatment (D2R4) (1958.8 kg/ha crude protein and 26.32% crude fiber) showed the advantages of this mixture in comparison to the other treatments.