In 2006 the sugar beet crop production in Iran was largest ever. In this year, 6,603,383 t with average sugar content of 16.84% delivered to the 32 sugar factories during five months of the campaign. From beginning of the campaign until early–November there was balance between the amount of sugar beet delivered and that of processed by the sugar factories. However, delivered beet to the factories exceeded than that processed by the factories during late–November and early-December, mostly due to risk of being frozen. Therefore, storage beets in the factories were 1,500,000 t for ten days in early–December. The amount of delivered beet in 2006 was 35% larger than that in 2005 (4,896,835 t), but the average sugar content was 1.5% less. The highest sugar content was recorded in the Fars province. During the campaign of 2006, beet juice purity showed reduction pattern. In addition, due to limitation in the capacity of some sugar factories, amount of 1,118,500 t sugar beets were transported on average 422 km from one province to another. For this transportation, about 100,000 trucks were used to travel on average 400 km and approximately 17,000,000 litters fuel were consumed. In general, it is necessary to manage the harvesting sugar beet and their delivery to the factory, to minimize sugar beet losses during the campaign.