The study area is located at the 38° 42´ to 38° 52´ northern latitude and 23° 45´ to 40° 45´ eastern longitude with an area of 283 km2 in the north-east of Tabriz In the genesis and evolution of various and typical alluvial fans on the study area, many factors such as, basion areas, climate, lithology, green cover and systematically effective.The tectonic crashed zone(about %90 mountation area) due to high sensitivity of lithology, climate, every year caused very sediment delivered to alluvial fans (e.g 9933.9 ton in per year only to Darh diz alluvial fan) and so more typical alluvial fans are formed. The role of paloclimatic vareation and doment of periglacial erosion system in the past and yet have very important role on the ratio of erosion, translation and, nature of deposition.Vareation of gradient and specially more than %5 in the length of many alluvial fans profile, indicate different deposition period due to climate condition and specially tectonic activity.The results of the field study, morphomatric and estimate coefficients and index, as well as statistical relations among some variations, indicate that the research hyphottieses on the role of effective factors in the genesis and evolution of alluvial fans are correct. E.g, the high correlation %97 with confident %99 between basion areas with alluvial fans areas, and ratio of sediment delivered to alluvial fans area correlation %936 showed very high significant relation among them. The exist of high amount fan coducty index for number 1, 2, 3, 10. Indicate confined with some natural obstacle (structural) and in the number 4, 5 unlike.The role of roughness coefficient of subbasion, not only are of very importance in the development and evolution of alluvial fans ,but also are far more effective in some of them (such as Galla riz),that their basion areas.