the most
common hair follicle turnor, has a wide variety of clinicopathological characteristics
and is often misdiagnosed.
Objective: The aim of this study was to
explain the clinical and histological spectrum of turnor in order to help for its better diagnisis.
Patients & Methods: In a retrospective descriptive study, the clinical and histological
features of pilomatricoma were reviewed. The
files and histologi9 sections of all biopsy
specimens examined in Hamadan Sina
; Hospital between
1992 and 1999 were
I analyzed.
Results: Among 4000 biopsy specimens, 22 cases of pilomatricoma were found. 59.3% of
the lesions were located on upper extremities.
The lesion developed in second decade of life in 36.5 percent of the patients. Shadow cells, calcification, ossification and granulomatous
reaction were detected in 100, 50, 9 and 45.5 percent of specimens, respectively. The
accuracy of clinical diagnosis compared with pathologic findings was 36.5 percent.
Conclusion: Pilomatricoma was the final
in 0.55 percent of all biopsy
examined in Hamadan Sina
Hospital between the years 1992 to 1999. It should be included in differential diagnosis of skin tumors.