From 1961 till now different and in some parts destructive earthquakes have caused heavy damages and life losses in different parts of Iran. The absence of consideration to proper locating of cities, plan less urban growth and development, non renovation, rehabilitation and reconstruction of old urban fabrics and etc. have caused a lot of problems and difficulties in preservation of cities from natural disasters. Old fabric of Zanjan city coincides with cultural, historical and central cores of the city. Existence of urban historical and valuable elements such as traditional bazaar, Jame' mosque (sayed mosque), Imamzade seid Ebrahim mausoleum, Yokhary and Ashaghy cemetery, Daraii building, Zolfaghari house, Sabze Meidan (square), Khanom and Abasgholi khan and Mirzai mosque, Rakhtshoy khane, Sardar and Mir Bahaaldin and Haj Mamad bridge, Karvansaray Sangi, Hosinieh Aezam Zanjan are from most important elements of identity in cultural and historical part of the region. Nowadays this historical fabric have faced huge problems and difficulties such as : lack of some urban services and land uses per capita like parking and open urban space and public space, loss of appropriate hierarchy in communication network and impossibility of permeability inside organic fabric, existence of incompatible land uses, loss of sufficient green space, inefficiency of compressive and detailed plans urban development, old facades, low quality of buildings due to their age, use of inappropriate materials, separation system based on small lots, non existence of appropriate urban facilities and equipments, location of most urban fabrics in buffer zone of historical and cultural monuments and insufficient codes of construction . As a result, this old and valuable fabric has lost its population in interest of marginal regions and complexes in preparation stage. Nevertheless, it is still part of densest urban areas in Zanjan city. The experience of recent decades earthquakes (example bam) show that most human life losses and physical damages take place in old urban fabrics. Where crisis & emergency management faces fundamental problems ; accordingly preparation of detailed earthquake zoning plan, recognition of unsustainable zones in natural disasters (Earthquake, flood, storm …) and artificial disasters (fire, ditch, …), the location of centers of succor and rescue, recognition of obstructed streets, calculating the volume of collapse of building units after earthquake is of significant importance. In this article by choosing criteria like building structure, ratio of height of building to width of neighboring street, quality of building, area and separation, age, number of flats, width of street, distance from fire-prevention centers, medical centers and void lands recognition of unsustainable zones have taken place with geographical information system. Between different data modulation systems and decision-makings in urbanism like index overlay, Boolean logic, hierarchal analysis process, neural networks, regression, correlation coefficient, factor analysis, fuzzy logic is one of the best models that is used in this research. The results of this research show that a great part of the region is unsustainable in natural disasters and the need for its renovation and rehabilitation is deeply necessary.