Background & aims: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of NEO personality dimensions on general health, quality of life and job burnout in a sample of faculty members of Iran University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this correlational study, data were collected by convenience sampling using General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), WHO Quality of Life- Brief (WHOQOL-FFI), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and NEO-FFI. In order to analyze the data, statistical indices, including mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient were used.Results: The results showed a significant correlation between personality dimensions, including neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness and agreement with any public health variables (correlation coefficients 0.435, 0.533, 334.513, 0.0) and quality of life (correlation coefficients 0.294, 0.438, 312.459, 0.0) and burnout (correlation coefficients 0.259, 0.351, -0.302, -0.299, 0.0), respectively in the Department of Surgery, but openness to experience had no significant correlation with any of the above-mentioned variables. Also, there was a significant relationship between the three variables of public health, quality of life with burnout.Conclusions: According to the findings, it can be concluded that in the participants of this study, increase of neuroticism scores was associated with decreased general health and quality of life scores and increased job burnout. Further, increased extroversion scores were associated with increase in general health and quality of life and decrease in job burnout scores.