Introduction: Corrosion of wastewater collection systems, especially in tropical regions, causes great damages on the world economy. This fact necessitates effective actions for preventing corrosion, in order to avoid enormous financial costs. Method & Material: This research was designed to assess and compare different oxidants (C12, KMnO4, H2O2), to prevent biological corrosion of concrete sewers. Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) was used as a criterion for determination of the wastewater current condition. Ten samples were tested for each concentration of the applied substances. ORP of each sample was measured and after addition of different concentrations of oxidants and detention time of 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes, it was measured again. Descriptive methods were used to present the results. Results: Results showed that the required amounts of Cl2, KMnO4, H2O2 concentration for prevention of sulfate reduction and corrosion were 50, 40, 12 mg/lit respectively. Reaction regarding Ca(ClO)2, KMnO4 was fast while it was slower for H2O2. The study showed that H2O2, Ca(ClO)2 and KMnO4 are more economic for prevention of biological corrosion, respectively. Conclusion: Study on other preventive methods is suggested and by comparing the effectiveness of each method, the best method for prevention of corrosion can be selected.