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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is distinguished by creation of cellular membrane on two sides of retina and vitreous body. The main aim of this study was evaluating the effect of encircling band in patients with retinal detachment complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy.Method & Material: This clinical trial study was conducted on 53 eyes with retinal detachment complicated by posterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy. vitrectomy combined with encircling band in a group of 25 eyes and vitrectomy without band in another group of 28 eyes was performed. Both patients were followed for a period of 4 to 18 months. Results: In 92% (23 eyes) of the eyes from first group, the retina was successfully reattached. This rate for the second group was 71%. The rate of successful anatomic retina was not significant in two groups. 16 eyes (64%) from the first group had a post operative visual acuity of 5/200 or better. In the second group 20 eyes (71%) out of 28 eyes had post operative visual acuity of 5/200 or better. In aphakic eyes there was no difference in two groups, but in phakic retinal detachment complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) there were more cases of redetachment in the second group (without band) (p<0.05). Conclusion: We recommend vitrectomy combined with encircling band for phakic retinal detachment complicated by posterior PVR, but we don’t advise encircling band for aphakic patients with posterior PVR.

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Introduction: In recent decades drug interaction aspects were considered as a new era in order to achieve a rational drug therapy. To optimize the drug therapy and prohibit the adverse effects of the medicines many researches have been performing. Several types of drug interactions are mentioned in the reference books. In our study, drug interaction facts were choosen as a standard reference to evaluate prescriptions. Method & Material: This study was performed on 3000 prescriptions that were collected randomly from several pharmacies in Chalous and Nowshahr cities during 2001 calendar year. The prescriptions were evaluated with regard to polypharmacy, the number and rating of the drug interactions in connection with the age and sex of the patients. The results were presented by descriptive methods.Results: The ratios of consumption and drug interaction in the prescriptions for female patients were more than those from male patients. Degree one drug interaction (major severity), was more in the prescriptions made by internal medicine specialists and cardiologists. Degree two drug interactions (moderate severity) were observed in the prescriptions made by gynecologists, and degree three of drug interactions were seen in prescriptions by general practitioners. Drug interactions rates for degrees 1, 2 and 3 were 5.6%, 37.9% and 56.5%, respectively. Cardiovascular drugs were mostly consumed by patients who were above 56 years old. The greatest number of medicines was observed in the prescriptions given by general practitioners. Conclusion: It could be concluded that the drug therapy in Nowshahr and Chalous is below the standards and in order to avoid the probable adverse drug reactions and other future problems, it would be better to afford making more rational prescriptions.

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Introduction: Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the world. According to national health objects, many countries have reduced prevalence of smoking. Unfortunately smoking rated continues to rise in most developing countries. This study was conducted to determine smoking rate in over 20 years adults in urban population of Rafsanjan, Iran. Method & Material: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 491 randomly selected adults of over 20 years old. A current smoker was defined as someone who smokes at least one cigarette per day for the last year. Chi-square and fisher exact tests for categorical data and t-test and analysis of variance were used for quantitative data and p<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: In this study 247 males (50.3%) and 244 females (49.7%) were examined. Mean age and standard deviation were 38.35±13.14 years (males 38.73±13.63 and females 37.96±12.62). The overall prevalence of smoking was 24.24% (95% CI 20.56 - 28.32), in males 38.46% (95% CI 32.42 - 44.86) and in female 9.83% (95% CI 6.53 - 14.45). Sex difference in smoking rate was statistically significant (p<0.001). Smoking prevalence and mean of cigarette per day increased meaningfully in older groups. For example 20-29 year age group were smoked 9.5 cigarette per day and subjects over 60 years were smoked 15.20 cigarette per day (p<0.001). Conclusion: According to the study data smoking rate, as a fatal risk factor for many noninfectious diseases, is significantly high and because there is not a serious national plan for controlling cigarette smoking, an increase in mortality and morbidity due to this agent would be predictable.

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View 1505

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Introduction: Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease with decrease bone density and abnormality in bone mass that could effect on pathologic fracture in the people. The main aim of this research is evaluating the criteria for simple estimation of osteoporosis and its relationship with bone densitometry. Method & Material: This cross-sectional study was done in 250 women patients in pre – and postmenopausal stage referred to Shiraz Central Hospital. Risk factors determined by questionnaire with demographic information and questions about osteoporosis risk factor. Results: Out of 250 patients that enter the study, 39.4% had normal and 60.6% had abnormal bone osteoporosis. There was a significant correlation between osteoporosis score and hip densitometry (p<0.05). Relationship between the score and patient with rheumatic disease or previous fracture was significant (p<0.05). Relationship between vertebral densitometry and cigarette smoking, inadequate daily ingestion of vitamin D, inadequate daily products of calcium, post menopausal age and high tea or coffee intake were statistically significant (p<0.05). Vertebral bone densitometry sensitivity and specificity were 64.5% and 48.1% respectively. Conclusion: Simple osteoporosis risk estimation score can be used as a primary method for screening and prevention of osteoporosis. The score of more than 6 is and indication for bone densitometry.  

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Introduction: Burden of psychiatric disorders in developed countries has identified by screening questionnaires and standard clinical interviews at a high level, but the epidemiological studies of psychiatric disorders in our country are brief and their numbers are few. Planning for providing essential mental health services to the people requires us to be knowledgeable about the present status of psychiatric disorders in the society. The objective of this research was to carry out the epidemiological study of the psychiatric disorders in ≥18 years old individuals in urban and rural areas of Hormozgan province. Method & Material: This cross-sectional survey was carried out during 2001 calendar year and was a part of national epidemiological study of psychiatric disorders. 361 individuals were selected by a randomized systematic and clustered sampling method from the existing families of Hormozgan province. A schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia (SADS) questionnaires was completed by the clinical psychologist for each individual. The diagnosis of the disorders was based on DSM-IV classification criteria. Data analysis was done by SPSS-10 statistical software. Results: The results of the study showed that the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in the province is 25.77 percent, which was 24.31 percent in the women, and 8.95 percent in the men. The anxiety and mood disorders with 14.68 and 4.99 percent had the higher prevalence in the province. The prevalence of psychotic disorders in this study was 1.94 percent in the men. The anxiety and mood disorders with 14.68 and 4.99 percent had the higher prevalence in the province. The frequency of psychotic disorders in this study was 1.49 percent, neuro-cognitive disorders 2.22 percent and dissociative disorders 0.78 percent. In the group of mood disorders, major depression with 3.60 percent and in the group of anxiety disorders, panic disorder with 5.82 percent had the higher frequency. Conclusion: Being aware of this matter reveals the responsibility of the province health policy makers for providing programs for mental health prevention, treatment and education of the people.

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Introduction: Thalassemia is one of the congenital anemia that cause physical, psychological, social and economical problems for patient and their family. The question is that how families face to this problem. The main aim of this study is investigating the methods that families with thalassemic children use to cope with the problem. Method & Material: In this descriptive study, the coping methods that parents use for their thalassemic children in Kerman were investigated. All parents (355) with thalassemic children were investigated. The data was gathered by a pre designed questionnaire (interview) and presented by descriptive methods. Results: The result showed that 94.1% of sample were imitating to God and believing to God for solving the problem. 74.4% of parents receive information and advices from their family. There were significant differences between coping methods in term of level of education, mothers’ job and having another sick child in the family. Result also showed that most of the parents used to cope with the problem in a way. Conclusion: Giving more information about the disease is a useful method for helping the families to cope with the problem.

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Introduction: Menstrual disorder is the most popular problem in the fertility ages. This problem is seen in the 9-14% of women. Also there are some other problems such as hirsutism and dysmenorrhea in the women. The aim of this research is assessment of frequency menstrual disorders in the target population. Method & Material: This cross-sectional study was performed in Boushehr university of medical sciences and Khalij-e-Fars university of Boushehr on 272 randomly selected girl students. A pre-designed questionnaire was uses for data collection. The questionnaire had three parts: 1) demographic specifications 2) Menstrual pattern and being of hirsutism and dysmenorrhea and 3) etiology.Results: The average age of menarche was 13.57±1.29, oligomenorrhea in 11.4%, poly menorrhea in 12.5%, menorrhagia in 36.3% and irregular menses in 34.9% of the study sample was seen. Ovarian cyst was found to cause oligomenorrhea (p<0.02). There was not any association between other reasons with menstrual disorders. Hirsutism was seen in 33.1% of the students who were fatter than the others and they had irregular cycles and oligomenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea was seen in 65.4%, with 89.9% primary dysmenorrhea and 10.1% secondary dysmenorrheal. Conclusion: High prevalence of menorrhagia (36.3%) and hirsutism (33.1%) among student in this study indicates that more researches should be done for investigating the reasons of these disorders and their appropriate treatment.

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Introduction: Corrosion of wastewater collection systems, especially in tropical regions, causes great damages on the world economy. This fact necessitates effective actions for preventing corrosion, in order to avoid enormous financial costs. Method & Material: This research was designed to assess and compare different oxidants (C12, KMnO4, H2O2), to prevent biological corrosion of concrete sewers. Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) was used as a criterion for determination of the wastewater current condition. Ten samples were tested for each concentration of the applied substances. ORP of each sample was measured and after addition of different concentrations of oxidants and detention time of 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes, it was measured again. Descriptive methods were used to present the results. Results: Results showed that the required amounts of Cl2, KMnO4, H2O2 concentration for prevention of sulfate reduction and corrosion were 50, 40, 12 mg/lit respectively. Reaction regarding Ca(ClO)2, KMnO4 was fast while it was slower for H2O2. The study showed that H2O2, Ca(ClO)2 and KMnO4 are more economic for prevention of biological corrosion, respectively. Conclusion: Study on other preventive methods is suggested and by comparing the effectiveness of each method, the best method for prevention of corrosion can be selected.

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Introduction: Sesame seed (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of indigenous plants of tropical Africa and Asia that is used widely in several food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Method & Material: In this descriptive study, pharmacognostical examination of the Iranian sesame was achieved. The results are presented by using descriptive methods. Results: Chemical screening of the sesame seeds gave positive reactions for steroids, lignans, oils, proteins, gums and mucilages and some anions and cations. The results of our quantitative assays on some natural constituents showed that the amount of gums and mucilages were 0.007% and 3.653%, respectively. Acid, saponification, iodine and peroxide values and unsaponification percent of Iranian sesame oil were 0.25, 192.19, 108.37, 3.10 and 1.25%, respectively. Conclusion: Most quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Iranian sesame are comparable with world standards.

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Introduction: Congenital myopathies are rare group of skeletal muscle disorders that are often hereditary. Infantile form of congenital myopathies usually have a rapidly progressive course leading to early death caused by respiratory complications, but when presenting in adults they are often asymptomatic. Case: We present a 71/2 years old girl referred to hospital with symptoms of weakness, cyanosis and dyspnea. Clinical and laboratory findings compatible with congenital myopathy, associated with cor pulmonale. Conclusion: Cardiac involvement in congenital myopathies are unusual, although cardiomyopathy and cor pulmonale have been reported.

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