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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Febrile seizure is a common disorder in children with an unknown etiology. Viral infection such as herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6) has been suggested. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of HHV-6 infection among children with febrile seizure who had referred to Bandar Abbas children hospital.Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted between 118 children aged 6 month to 5 years old without any history of epilepsy and major infectious diseases. Demographic data and family history of seizure, time of onset for febrile seizure and clinical characteristics gathered. At the beginning of the study and 10 days later a serum sample obtained. IgG against HHV-6 measured by ELISA method. Chi-square test was used to compare the frequency of risk factors in two groups of infected and non-infected patients by HHV-6.Results: 53 patients including 30 boys (56.6%) and 23 girls completed the study (mean age: 19.5±9.9 months). The HHV-6 test was positive for 23 children and the remaining 30 were negative. There were not any significant differences in frequency of major or minor risk factors of recurrent febrile seizure between two groups. 21.7% whom infected by HHV-6 vs. 1 child in negative group had longer than 15 minutes postictal phase (P<0.05).Conclusion: Forty three percent of the children with febrile seizure had infected by HHV-6. There were not any significant differences in clinical characteristics of the disease and frequency of risk factors for recurrent febrile seizure.

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Introduction: Cereal straws contain Cellulose, Hemicelluloses and Lignin and are most available renewable biopolymers. White rot fungi is used to convert these wastes into microbial protein. Pleurotus Florida are having the most delignification ability amongst other micro-organisms. We determined the amounts of protein, essential and non essential amino acids of the produced microbial protein from the wheat straw.Methods: Wheat straw was pretreated with NaOH 2% at 100oC temperature on autoclave condition. Then it was inoculated with Pleurotus Florida which provided by Mandel's media with 0.3 g/lit Urea and incubated for 4 weeks under room temperature. Protein concentration of microbial protein was determined. The extracted protein partly hydrolyzed with HCl 6 Normal and the other part hydrolyzed with Ba (OH)2 4 Normal for 48 hours under 110oC temperature condition and its amino acids analyzed by using A-200 Amino Nova analyzer.Results: The amount of protein extracted after 4 full test runs were 62.8 % per 100 g of dried microbial protein and the profile concentration of Non_essential and Essential amino acids was: Aspartic acid=5.22, Serine=3.6, Glutamic acid=6.38, Prolin=3.2, Glycine=4.21, Alanine=6.23, Cycteine=1.18, Tyrosine=2.61 Threonine=0.6, Valine=6.6, Methionine=2.1, Isoleucine=7.3, Leucine=6.8, Phenylalanine=4.3, Histidine=19.8, Lysine=9.5, Arginine=8.3, Tryptophan=0.96 g/100g of extracted protein. The ratio of essential amino acids to the total amino acids was 65.6%.Conclusion: Eessential and non essential amino acids obtained are indicative of its high quality. In the microbial protein produced by our study, considerable amounts of amino acids such as Lysine, Histidine, Lucine, Isolucine, Alanine, Arginine and Tryptophan were detected and as such it can be a proper replacement for the current available animal feed in the market.

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Introduction: Concerning cognitivism, psychotic experiences (hallucination) of schizophrenic patiets have been hypothesized to originate from a fundamentally cognitive biases.Methods: To explor the idea that attribution bias may underlin appearance of auditory hallucination, in the current descriptive study, a source-monitoring task were used to compare healthy controles with relatives of individuals with schizophrenia who had experienced current auditory hallucinations and those relatives who had not and individuals with major depression disorders across all of the schizophrenic and major depression patients of four shiraz psychiatry hospital.Results: The data were analyzed with regard to d', b and attribution bias scores. This scores is accounted based on SDT statistical method. Relative to three other groups, schizophrenian patients who had experienced current auditory hallucination in visual version of source monitoring task had poorer performance in attribution bias scores than, that hasn't attribute to the b scores and antipsychotic medication.Conclusion: The results has been explained in the light of the fernyhogh's re-expansion model (2004) and show the deficit in interactional relationship between attribution bias and inner speech.

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Introduction: Mosquito – borne diseases are a major public health threat in the world, including Iran. This investigation was undertaken to determine fauna, distribution, frequency and monthly activity of Anopheles larvae in Aligoudarz County.Methods: This descriptive research was carried out during April to December 1997 to study Anopheles mosquitoes fauna and seasonal activity in seven rural districts if Aligoudarz city, Iran. Sampling for Anopheles Larvae was done using standard dipping method. The mosquitoes Larvae were catched from larval habitats every fifteen days. The Larvae for each habitat were placed separately in test – tubes and transferred to the Laboratory. All III and IV instars of Anopheles larvae were preserved in Lacto phenol solution and later identified into species using a Microscope.Results: 9620 mosquito specimens from 115 breeding sites in 22 villages were collected. Eight species were identified: Anopheles superpictus Grassi, 1899 (93.18%), A. turkhudi Listin, 1901 (2.84%), A. maculipennis Meigen, 1818 (1.99%), A. marteri sogdianus Keshishian, 1938 (0.61%), A. dthali Patton, 1905 (0.45%), A. sacharovi Favre, 1903 (0.35%), A. claviger Meigen, 1804 (0.29%). A. stephensi Liston, 1901 (0.24%) and A. apoci Marsh, 1933 (0.05%). A. maculipennis, A. sacharovi, A. stephensi and A. dthali are reported for the first time in this county. A. superpictus was the most frequent and distribution Anopheles mosquito collected at the Aligoudarz. Anopheles larvae started to appear in late May or mid June and ended in mid November in the breeding places of Zallaghi – Sharghi and Zez – Sharghi districts. The curve of activity has only one peak in the second half of August.Conclusion: A lot of questions about the bionomics of Anopheles mosquitoes in Iran (especially in regions of western Iran) remain to be answered, that have yet to be studied.

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Introduction: Duration of labor and pain severity are main factors to fray pregnant women of vaginal delivery and acceptance for elective section. Hence, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of massage aromatherapy with lavandula in decreasing the duration of first and second stage of labor in nulliparous women.Methods: The present study is a clinical trial which performed in 2008 with 90 nulliparous pregnant woman. The women were randomly assigned into 3 groups. First group took only massage. Second group took massage with Almond oil, and the third group took massage aromatherapy with Lavender oil. Each group received back effleurage massage for 20 minutes at 3 dilatation. Then duration of first of stage of active phase and second stage of labor, pain severity and satisfaction in there groups were evaluated.Results: Duration of first of stage of active phase has been in massage cases 321±2.52 minutes and in massage with Almond oil cases 349±2.81 minutes and in aromatherapy cases 245±1.95 minutes. Duration of second stage of labor has been in massage cases 42.36±13.86 minutes and in massage with Almond oil cases 42.03±12.22 minutes and in aromatherapy cases 29±10.46 minutes. Also, mean labor pain intensity has decreased before intervention from 6.56±1.63 to 4.78±1.50 after intervention (P=0.0001). Aromatherapy has decreased pain intensity of active phase of labor after intervention (P=0.001) and has caused patient satisfaction from delivery (P=0.014).Conclusion: Massage aromatherapy with lavandula can be used as a non-drug method without side effects on mother and fetus to reduce the duration of the first and second stage of labor and pain intensity of active phase of labor.

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Introduction: Coping ways with stress in coronary heart disease can lead to significant changes in levels of IL-6 Immunologic Biomarker. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between coping ways with stress and IL-6 immunologic biomarker in coronary heart disease patients.Methods: In this experimental study, the subjects were 44 patients with confirmed CHD, admitted to the private sector hospitals. At least one major coronary vessels with more than 90% stenosis confirmed by angiography was inclusion crileria coping ways questionnaire- Lazarus and Folkman and human IL-6 kit (Bender Med System Manufacturing Co, Austria) with ELISA method measure were used. Statistical methods included mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis.Results: The results showed that there and significant positive correlation between emotional focused coping ways and immunologic IL-6 biomarker significant negative correlation between problem focused coping ways and Immunologic IL-6 biomarker, and 63% of total variance IL-6 biomarker are representation by coping ways. Coefficient of Emotional focused coping ways according to T-test showed that these variables with 0.99 reliably can anticipate changes related to IL-6 biomarker. Continuous regression coefficient showed that problem focused coping ways can significantly explain variance of IL-6 biomarker in coronary heart disease patients.Conclusion: We concluded that using emotional focused coping ways may lead to an a increases levels of IL-6. Using of problem focused coping ways may lead to decreased in levels of IL-6.

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Introduction: One of the obvious problems regarding radiography considered to be the malfunction of films and repeating the test, which leads to increase was carried out in hospital costs and irreparable radiation. The present research at shahid mohammadi teaching hospital of Bandar-Abbas, Iran.Methods: This decretive cross-sectional study was done within six months in shahid mohammadi and children hospitals of Bandar Abbas, Iran. We collected and investigated non-acceptable and disqualified films. The data was analyzed using SPSS software version 19.Results: Out of 37336 radiography, 2119 (5.7%) were repeated. In shahid Mohammad hospital, out of 31606 performed radiography, 1910 cases (6%) repeated films and in childrens hospital, out of 5730 radiography, 209 cases (3.6%) were reported. In both hospitals the highest frequency of skull radiography was estimated 20.8% and 10.9%, respectively. The major reason for the frequency included incorrect positioning, unsatisfactory exposure and patient motion.Conclusion: Comparing the results of the present research with other cities in the world, the repeated images is satisfactory, but ongoing training of radiographer, tabulation of the exposure factor, administering the quality assurance programs and quality control could help in reduction in images repeat.

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Introduction: Organization structure and manpower constitute two origin basic for an organization and for engendering an organization both must be exist. The purpose of this survey was to investigate the type of the organization structure (mechanic and organic) from viewpoint of Seniors and Juniors managers in Shiraz educational hospitals and organizational creation in apiece two structure.Methods: In this study descriptive study, organization structure and organizational creation questionnaires were filled by hospital managers. For data analysis, SPSS 16 was used and Spearman correlation coefficient and t-test were used.Results: Results show that between centralization and complexity with organizational creation and its dimensions, there is negative association. Also there is negative association, between formalization & 4 organizational creation dimensions: reception change, accepting ambiguity, abet new view and less control outside.Conclusion: Get results in this test showed that the creation in hospital with organic structure are more than hospital with mechanic structure.

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Introduction: Many studies detected factors contributing to the students’ tendency to lecture notes. This study aimed at evaluating the factors affecting students tendency to lecture notes in Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this descriptive study, 179 students from medicine, nursing & midwifery, health, and Paramedicine schools were selected through stratified random selection sampling. Data collection was done using a researcher-made questionnaire, the validity of which was confirmed by training experts and the reliability was found to be 0.82. Analysis was performed using SPSS 16 by descriptive and analytical methods.Results: Of 179 respondents 145 (81%) were female and the rest were male. The average age was 21±1.9. Out of 39 factors studied three factors, including volumes of textbooks to lecture notes (93.3%), mismatch of number of some credits with volumes of textbooks (88.1%), and the availability of summary of textbooks (87.2%), were considered as the most important factors in using lecture notes, respectively. Lack of study facilities in dormitory or college (19.6%), absence of awareness of the benefits of textbooks (27.7%), and making test questions from lecture notes (28.5%), were regarded as the least important factors. ANOVA results showed that the average tendency to lecture notes is higher among nursing, midwifery and paramedicine students than medical and health students (P=0.004).Conclusion: Learning during a semester has a vital role in students’ level of knowledge. Student's dependence on lecture notes may lead to their academic stagnation. It is recommended that educational planning authorities emphasize use of textbooks instead of lecture notes.

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Introduction: Abdominal aortic aneurysm is a multifactorial condition which associated with aging and atherosclerosis. During aneurysm surgery, hypotension after aortic clamp removing occure commonly that require specific treatments. This case report showes administration of blood and hemodynamic control methods after aortic unclumping during aortic aneurysm surgery.Patient: A 75–years-old woman who complained of back and flank pain, initially diagnosed and hospitalized as pyelonephritis. In ultrasound a pulsatile mass in middle part of the abdomen and the abdominal aortic aneurysm was diagnosed for the patient. After surgery consultation, the patient was diagnosed as ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.Following removal of aortic clamp during surgery despite adequate volume administration and reducing the maintenance dose of anesthetic agents, sever hypotension was occurred that only by reclamping the aorta and its gradual opening effectively controlled in normal range.Conclusion: With mixture of therapeutic measures such as intravascular ressusitation, especially with hypertonic solution, we can applying the method of acute normovolemic Hemodilutionthe. By using PEEP and monitoring ETco2, during the aortic clamping phase and gradual opening of aortic clamp, we can anticipate and treat the hypotension after aortic unclamping.

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