Introduction: Sore throat after surgery is an unpleasant complication in patients after general anesthesia with tracheal intubation. The incidence of this complication is 21-65%. Althadin tablets which are available in 700 mg tablets for sucking, are made of Althea officinalis, Glycyrhizzaglabra and Menthapiperita and have anti-inflammatory activity. The effect of Althadin has not yet been studied on sore throat after tracheal intubation. So, we decided to study the preemptive effect of single dose Althadin on sore throat after tracheal intubation.Materials and methods: We divided 70 patients who were supposed to undergo urologic surgeries, with general anesthesia and tracheal intubation, into two groups with 35 patients in eachbased on determining the sample size with convenience sampling method. After ethics committee confirmation and getting informed consents for using Althadin tablets to control sore throat after surgery, NRS scales were explained to the patients, and then they were divided into two random groups of case and control. In case group, one Althadin tablet were given to the patients, while no Althadin were given tothe control group. After the patients wake up, severity of sorethroat was scaled in recovery room and also after 2, 6, and 24 hours after the surgery, by NRS scale and by a medical student who was unaware of the groups.Results: The results show that, although the mean of sore throat severity in the second, sixth and twenty fourth hours after surgery were lower in patients who had received single doseAlthadin, this difference was not significant. No side-effects of althadin were reported.Conclusion: Single dose Althadin before urologic surgeries with general anesthesia, had no effects in reducing sore throat after tracheal intubation.