Techniques that anesthesiologist employ daily in the operating room such as airway management, manual or mechanical ventilation, administring rapidly acting intravenous pharmacological agents, blood and fluids infusion, and cardiorespiratory monitoring - are the mainstays of critical care and therapy. For these reasons, the anesthesiologist is the most proper person than other specialists for the management of ICV.For the purpose of determining of the anesthesiologists role in reducing of mortality in intensive care unit, we designed a retrospective study. We studied 1686 consecutive admission files to ICU during the past two years. There were 756 files related to those patients that had been admitted in 1380 (there was not resident anesthesiologist in ICV) and other 921 files related to those patients that had been admitted in 1381, (there was resident anesthesiologist in ICD). There after, we analyzed the data statistically.The results showed that, the mortality rate of patients had reduced from 38.3% in 1380to 26.9% in 1381.The presence existence of a resident anesthesiologist in ICU is useful and mandatory, because of a speedy access, prompt diagnosis and treatment of critical conditions.