Introduction: Growth and development are affected in major thalassemia by its complications. Materials & Methods: We studied growth and puberty in patients with major thalassemia over 10 years old of age (60 male, 40 female) during one year. The technique of study was descriptive and case control. We used a questioner containing three parts: Part 1: Demographic characteristics Part 2: Height (cm), weight (kg) and head circumference (cm) Part 3: Sexual status based on tunner schedule Also we evaluated honnonalful1Cfion and secondary sex characteristics in both boys and girls. Results: Among 100 patients (60 male, 40 female) 78% were between 10-13 years, 20% were between 14-17 years and 2% were between 18-22 years old. Also 62% of them had parents with familial relationships. Height, weight, head circumference and sexual puberty of patients were evaluated and compare to the control group with same age and sex. The height of 10 years old boys were on the 10th percentile and the height of other patients were below the 3rd percentile. Weight of all patients was under 3rd percentile. Height SD was (-65) and weight SD was (-14). There was not sexual puberty in 80% of girls and 90% of boys, but 5% of girls had natural sexual puberty. The sexual puberty of the control group among boys was 62% and among girls was 60%. Menstruation occurred in 5% of girls and secondary amenorrhea in 50%. In this manner there were secondary sex characteristics in 5% of boys. We detected IDDM in 4% of patients. Discussion: Growth is normal till eleven years in patients with major thalassemia that have had adequate care, but after this time, their growth drop abruptly and appear delayed puberty signs. So it is recommended to use growth hormone and testosterone and esterogen like complementary after 14-15 years of old, if there was no sextual puberty.