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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The level of Albumin excretion increase urine in diabetic patients. This amount is not in ordinary detection limit for urine proteins (50 mg/24 hrs) and it is called microalbuminuria. Methods and materials: A suspension of (1%) human albumin and polystern particles (latex) was made and tests carried out by indirect agglutination and turbidometry methods using proper polyclonal antibodies. Results: The obtained results indicated the detection limit of <25 mg/l of albumin in 144 urine samples (diabetic patients, healthy persons and normal urines with added albumin. Discussion: Presence of agglutination indicates a content of albumin level lower than 25 mg/l (cut-off), level and lack of agglutination indicates albumin in samples equal or greater than 25 mg/l, and denotes the presence of albumin in diabetic patients.

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Introduction: The palatine fistula is the most common complication after repair of the palate cleft. It is the main cause of injury and patients admission to the hospital due to escape of fluid, food particles residu and air to the nose and resulting in speech with vowel letters and hypernasality. Materials & Methods: In this study, 28 patients with the diagnosis of palate fistula were hospitalized and taken under surgery from 1994 to 1999 surveyed with retrospective method. Results: There were history of surgery for palate cleft in 26 patients, the patients were studied according to age/sex/technique and type of the surgical procedures in regard to labial and palate cleft and fistula. There were 15 cases of anterior fistula, 2 cases o(lateral, 3 cases of median, 5 cases of extensive and 3 cases of soft palate fistula. The surgical methods which were used previously for palate fistula listed as follow: 14 cases Wardill method, 10 cases lagenback and 2 cases furllow method. The type of fistula was anterior in the first method and alveolar cleft in the reminder. Discussion: The better results in furllow method or reverse Z plasty and lesser evidence of fistula in this technique were correlated with the findings of previous literature and recommended as a method of choice for the treatment of palate cleft.

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Introduction: Growth and development are affected in major thalassemia by its complications. Materials & Methods: We studied growth and puberty in patients with major thalassemia over 10 years old of age (60 male, 40 female) during one year. The technique of study was descriptive and case control. We used a questioner containing three parts: Part 1: Demographic characteristics Part 2: Height (cm), weight (kg) and head circumference (cm) Part 3: Sexual status based on tunner schedule Also we evaluated honnonalful1Cfion and secondary sex characteristics in both boys and girls. Results: Among 100 patients (60 male, 40 female) 78% were between 10-13 years, 20% were between 14-17 years and 2% were between 18-22 years old. Also 62% of them had parents with familial relationships. Height, weight, head circumference and sexual puberty of patients were evaluated and compare to the control group with same age and sex. The height of 10 years old boys were on the 10th percentile and the height of other patients were below the 3rd percentile. Weight of all patients was under 3rd percentile. Height SD was (-65) and weight SD was (-14). There was not sexual puberty in 80% of girls and 90% of boys, but 5% of girls had natural sexual puberty. The sexual puberty of the control group among boys was 62% and among girls was 60%. Menstruation occurred in 5% of girls and secondary amenorrhea in 50%. In this manner there were secondary sex characteristics in 5% of boys. We detected IDDM in 4% of patients. Discussion: Growth is normal till eleven years in patients with major thalassemia that have had adequate care, but after this time, their growth drop abruptly and appear delayed puberty signs. So it is recommended to use growth hormone and testosterone and esterogen like complementary after 14-15 years of old, if there was no sextual puberty.

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Introduction: Periodic Paralysis is diagnosed by paralytic crisis and mascular weakness accompanied with changes in serum level of potassium. Hypokalemic periodic paralysis is the most recognized type of disease with a very low prevalence, especially in men. Proper diagnosis is important for well preventive and well treatable measures. Materials and Methods: Frequency of disease has been measured in a 2 year period of time during this descriptive cross sectional study among inpatients of Motahary hospital neurologic ward in Urmia-lran to get basic information about frequency and other selected factors of disease. A total of 40 cases were observed during the years of 1996-1997. Results: 40 men (17 cases per 1000 hospitalization) were studied. All of them were male, 90% of cases were diagnosed as primary type disease. Major of patients had severe paralytic crisis and onset duration was between 1 to 24 hours. Hemi or quadric parasis were observed ill 60% of cases and others had some degrees of muscular weakness. Discussion: According to the frequency, sex and age and distribution of disease, it appears that hypokalemic periodic paralysis has a various pattern with high prevalence and high preference among males in this area or may be all over the country. So it is necessary to carry out more studies and pay more attention as probable differential diagnosis of paralytic features.

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Introduction: Manganese is an essential trace element. There is a little evidence for deficiency of manganese in human. Whereas its toxicity has been reported in several cases. Manganese toxicity occurs in humans exposed to high environmental concentrations (for example workers in the dry battery industries) and may be particularly important in the neonatal period. The chemical similarities between manganese and iron, may lead to the disturbances of iron metabolism. Therefore, the interference of Mn with Fe metabolism by In vivo studies, has been investigated. Methods & Material: In the present project, we used rats. Injection of manganese was carried out by using MnCl2 4H2O, with cancentration 100 mg/ml. Seven group of male rats were selected, so that each group included five rat and manganese injected in their perituneum. Results: The data of this study indicate that factors such as serum iron; TIBC; UIBC and pure transferring reduced to 9-40 percent, whereas serum manganese significantly elevated. Thus, manganese can interference with iron metabolism. Discussion: The data that has been presented in this article elucidated the probable mechanism by which Mn interference with Fe metabolism; which result in the appearance of anemia.

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Introduction: During recent years, cancer is one the most important chronic disease which is the main cause of mortality after heart disease. Regarding the fact that the mortality rate of this cancer is related to the stage of tumor, application of a proper diagnostic method for the purposes of early diagnosis of cancer increases the life expectancy. One of the best methods for diagnosing the disease is implimantation of mammography. Method & Materials: In the present study, result of all mammographies which were preformed at Imam hospital of Urmia and compared with result of pathological findings. Results: 1004 results of mammography were assessed. 15.4% presented with mass, from which 56% were benign and 7% malignant. The remaning appeared to be non-tumoural lesions. The comparison of 81 masses with their related pathological findings, revealed 72.8% correlation between the mammography and the pathological findings. Discussion: The most frequent group who admitted for mammography were 30-39 years old, and most of the breast cancers were found on the fourth and fifth decades respectively which corresponds with the international reports. This study stresses the role of mammography as an easy and cheap screening method for the diagnosis of breast cancer.

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View 2076

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Introduction: Urinary tract infection is the most common infection that is acquired after manipulating the urinary tract in hospital and the aim of this descriptive study is to determine the frequency of hospital acquired urinary tract infection and drug resistance. Methods & Materials: All of the patients who hospitalized in different wards of Imam Khomeini hospital during the year of 2000 were selected for urinalysis and urine culture at third day (expect for patients who had urinary tract infection). Results: 946 patients were studied. 46 of them (4.8%) developed to have hospital urinary infection (5.7% of males and 3.8% of females). The most common microorganism was E. Coli (28.2%) and drug resistance to ampicilline and co-trimoxazole was reported 85% and 68% respectively. 64.4% of patients received one or more types of preventive antibiotic and 38 patients (82.5%) had urinary catheter. Discussion: Irregular prescription of antibiotics for preventing of hospital infection increase the risk of drug resistance. Although E.Coli was the most common cause of hospital urinary tract infection (28.2%), pseudomanes aeruginosa was the second and the most dangerous organism of hospitals urinary infection (26%). The continuos education of correct and suitable inssertion of catheters could decrease the frequency of urinary tract infection, effectively.

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Introduction: The increasing number of renal transplant recipients in child bearing age (12-49 years) that did not have any pregnancy is the aim to evaluate the fertility and pregnancy of these females after transplantation. Methods & Materials: This evaluation has been carried out in descriptive, time-span focused and past-based methods and 42 pregnancy cases in 31 women with transplanted kidney who referred to the Transplantation clinic of the Imam Khomeini hospital in Urmia, were considered via surveying. The sampling was non-random statistical results were analyzed using spsswin and HG. Results: Mean age of patients at pregnancy was 28.45 years, and mean interval distance between transplantation till pregnancy has been 33/24 months. 75% of pregnancies were successful and 97% of the neonates have had desirable apgar and their average weight was 2198 gr. The most frequent complications during pregnancy was hypertention (21/4%) and then urinary infection (19%). 27.5% of patients had proteinuria from the first trimester of pregnancy, which returned to the normal level after three months of delivery. Discussion: Pregnancy could be safe if kidney function tests would be normal after two years of renal transplantation and these patients must be closely followed by a nephrologists and gynecologists.

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Introduction: The term mass hysteria was first introduced in the thirteen century in the field of medicine .It is manifested by a conversion disorder that appears in a group of individuals under stressful condition. The issue has received considerable attention by psychiatrists due to increased reported cases during the recent years. There are two types of mass hysteria including motor and anxiety types. Up to-date three epidemics of mass hysteria has been reported in Iran. The first epidemic was reported in a mining area near the city of Kerman in 1984. The second epidemic occurred in a village of Kerman district in 1992. The third epidemic was reported in a village of Yazd in 1994. We report the occurrence of the forth epidemic of mass hystria in Iran. Clinical Data: In April 2002, an unknown epidemic was reported in the village (Islamabad) of Sardasht, West Azarbayjan, Iran. Sixty four cases were reported within a short period of time. The disorder was only found in female individuals and commenced in a secondary school. All necessary examinations were conducted by local and district health authorities in collaboration with specialists at the regional and country levels. Following examination by our team, we came to a conclusion that psychological symptoms and epidemiologic characteristics were in line with the occurrence of a mass hysteria. Conclusion: Necessary recommendations and advice to handle the epidemic were issued and the disorder was controlled within three months under close supervision of the health authorities.

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Introduction: Medullary carcinoma of thyroid gland is seen in two forms, familial, and sporadic (non familial). Nearly 25% of medullry carcinoma of thyroid gland are familial and 75% are sporadic. Non familial (sporadic) form had 50% mortality at past, but with early and aggressive surgical intervention, this rate has decreased nowadays. Clinical Data: Patient was a 74 years old woman admitted with a mass, in front of neck and respiratory distress. Para clinic evaluations revealed retrostemal thyroid cold nodule measuring 4.5×5cm with pressure on trachea. Patient did not allow doing more than dissolving her respiratory distress by removing the mass that seemed it is necessary. Patient went under larygo-bronchoscopy and thyroidectomy. Five days after operation she released with good health. Microscopic evaluation revealed medullary carcinoma. Two years after operation, clinical signs for recurrence are negative, Cest X-ray, CT scan of mediastinum, kidneys, adrenal glands and sonography of abdomen and retro-peritoneum are normal. Discussion: Eradication of disease is not due to good post operation care and it is due to good biological behavior of original cancer cells and early operation.

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