Background & Aims: The problem of maternal mortality illustrates well the access, quantity and quality of the health services, women's situation in the community and also responsiveness of the health system to the women's needs. In recent years the maternal mortality ratio (number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births per year) in the West Azerbaijan Province was reported to be one of the worst in Iran, (84/100,000).The purpose of this study was to 1) provide a rapid and accurate estimate of maternal mortality in the Province, 2) to identify the various epidemiologic risk factors for maternal deaths.Materials & Methods: The study was a field trial and descriptive- analytic type. The data were collected for a period of 4.5 years. Between Farvardin 1380 and Mehr 1384, all reports of maternal deaths from reporting areas of the province including both private and public sectors were studied.
Results: The overall pregnancy-related mortality ratio was 42.4 deaths per 100,000 live births. The pregnancy-related mortality ratio differed by maternal age, maternal education, order of parity and the quality of prenatal and delivery care. Receiving any prenatal care by dead mothers is related significantly by residence in the satellite villages, maternal and her husband's educations. The leading causes of pregnancy-related death were hemorrhage, pregnancy-induced hypertension, indirect causes and embolim.The ratio of unsafe delivery significantly decreased from 1380-1384. Most of the deaths were preventable and the most important contributing factor was health care provider failure.Discussion: In West Azerbaijan, decreasing pregnancy-related mortality ratio requires implementing the interventional programs at community level, improving access to emergency obstetric services and improvements in all walks of life including health services at both prevention and treatment sectors.