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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: As mechanical aerated lagoon for treatment of domestic wastewater has been just recently utilized in this province and our country and by taking into consideration that exact survey have not been done about efficiency of different unites. This study has been carried out to investigate wastewater treatment systems and find out the quality of effluent. Materials & Methods: This research has been carried out on integrated stabilization pond system (ISP) during four seasons of 1381. The study is a descriptive-sectional one. Composite samples were taken from raw wastewater & effluent from mechanical aerated & maturation pond each 15 days once (24 times every year each time 6 samples). The samples were examined based on standard method for analysis of water & wastewater in 1995. The data analyzed and were shown in different tables & diagrams. Results: The research results showed that the concentration of BOD5, COD, & TSS in raw wastewater was fairly high during fall and winter seasons. The average temperature of raw wastewater & weather in summer were respectively 5 & 15 degree centigrade more than fall season. This factor leads to the low efficiency of system in cold season because of slowing biological activities. Reduction of liter per capital per day (LPCD) is the main factor of increasing concentration of pollutant in raw wastewater. Comparison of efficiency of system in two seasons in spring & summer shown that reduction rate of pollutant in summer was higher than the rest of the year. The reduction of BOD5 & COD in summer was 8.5 - 9.5 percent higher than spring season. Discussion: Based on experiments the rate of BOD5, COD & TSS in effluent was 52, 97 & 93 mg/l, respectively, which need environmental protection organization to be used in agricultural & irrigation purposes. It is concluded that integrated stabilization pond (ISP) has required efficiency for treatment of domestic wastewater. However we need more investigation on lagoon system.

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Introduction: Aprotinin has been used increasingly to reduce postoperative blood loss in open - heart operation. Because of it's potential for complications and high cost, it will be reasonable to use aprotinin more selectively in small dose in prime solution of pump. Materials & Methods: We prospectively studied the effect of preoperative low dose aprotinin [2 million units (230 mg)] on blood loss and transfusion requirement in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. 150 patients were randomly assigned to two groups: prophylactic low dose aprotinin (group 1) and a non - medicated control group (group 2). The two groups were compared in all demographic and operative variables. Results: Postoperative chest tube drainage was significantly decreased in aprotinin group compared with the control group (372.73 ml in group 1 and 482.2 ml in group 2, p<0.05) no significant difference was seen between two group in transfusion requirement (p>0.05). The use of fresh frozen plasma in group 1 was significantly less than in group2 (469.87 ml versus 680.69 ml p<0.05). Discussion: Our results suggest that prophylactic aprotinin reduces blood loss and FFP requirements compared with non - medicated group. Prophylactic use of aprotinin has been shown to decrease postoperative blood loss and transfusion requirements in patients undergoing cardiac operations with extracorporeal circulation.

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Introduction: Zinc has important effects on structural and functional activities of many enzymes, specially regulation of immune system. This study was carried out to examine the in vitro cytotoxic effects of zinc on Molt-4 cell line. Materials & Methods: In this study (by cell culture) the cell line was exposed to different concentration of zinc followed by incubation (37°C, 5% Co2) at various time points (12 to 72 hrs). Viability and proliferation of Molt-4 cells were then evaluated with florecent (Ethidium - Bromide and Acridine - Orange) staining and then analysed data by package of SPss (Dunet and Analysis variants test) were studied and evaluated. Results: The results showed almost different responses to different amount o/zinc by the Molt-4 cells less than 100p.M at different incubation time points had no effects on cell line when compared to the controls. Higher concentrations of zinc (200-500 µM) viability diminished to 80-85% at 12 hrs and less than 50% at 24 hrs of incubation times. Discussion: We conclude that Zn had dose-dependant cytotoxic effect on Molt-4 cells and probably application for immune-modulation.

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Background & Aim: Benzene as a component of petrol fuel is known to be a carcinogen and relation between benzene and leukemia has been known in most epidemiological studies. The main metabolism of benzene is occurred in the liver where benzene is oxidized and converts to phenol. Materials & Methods: To determine quantity of phenol in the urine of worker employed at petrol stations, 46 samples were obtained before and after working time hours. The samples were analyzed with gas chromatography equipped with flame ionization detector. The creatinine of urine was also determined based on Jaffe method by a spectrophotometer at wavelength of 520 nm. To determine concentration of benzene in ambient air, 23 samples were obtained with charcoal using personal pump sampling and analyzed by gas chromatography equipped with flame ionization detector. Results: The results showed that, the mean concentration of benzene in afternoon and morning was 106.73 and 42.17 ppb respectively and there is not any significant difference between the mean concentration of phenol before and after working time hours (p=0.91) The correlation coefficient of phenol after shift with benzene was 0.44. The urine concentration of phenol at afternoon work hours was more than the morning shift (p=0.035)Also workers less than 15 years occupancy the concentration of phenol was more than the workers having up to 15 years occupancy (p=0.049). Discussion: This research concludes that in condition that benzene in ambient air is less than 1 ppm, phenol metabolite is not a perfect biological monitoring. Because of carcinogen effect of benzene, it is necessary that the workers of petrol stations are under health care and period medical examination during their occupancy.

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Background & Aim: Notochord is an embryonic mesodermal derived axial strncture. In addition of its supporting role, it has multiple inducing abilities to all nearby developing strnctures including; neural tube, somites and endoderm. The purpose of this study was to characterise the glycoconjugate contents in the components of notochordal process as well as its surrounding mesenchyme during embryogenesis. Materials & Methods: Paraffin fixed 6 mm sections of days 10 to 14 of mouse embryos were processed for histochemical studies by using four horse radish peroxidase labelled lectins, maclura pomifera (MPA) and wistaria floribunda (WFA), lotus tetragonolobus (LTA) and ulex europeus (VEA1) that are specific for N-acetylgalactosamine (D-Gal NAc) and aL- Fucose side chains of the glycoconjugates respectively. Results: Our results revealed that a-L-fucose might have a role in the notochord development, but not on mesenchyme differentiation. Furthermore notochordal cells and adjacent mesenchyme with their extracellular matrix showed extensive reaction by using MP A and WF A lectins which are specific for Gal NAc. Therefore this sugar might have role in the notochord development and nearby mesenchyme differentiation. Conclusion: The expression of the Gal NAc and a-L-fucose as terminal sugars on glycoconjugates moieties are stage-dependent and thus probably genetically regulated. The timing and distribution of lectin reactions suggest that these molecules (Gal NAc and Fucose) may play a role (s) in notochordal interactions with adjacent mesenchyme and subsequent formation.

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Background & Aim: Patellofemoral joint dysfunction syndrome (PFD) or chondromalacia is a non-traumatic disorder in knee joint. This syndrome is one of the most common disorders in the young adults and can cause knee osteoarthritis in old age. This study was done to determine the prevalence of PFD sx in the female students. Materials & Methods: A simple sampling was done on the 131 female students with mean ages of 21.5y/o. The data were collected by a questionnaire and four clincial tests. If Clarke"s sign in extension position of knee joint was positive, PFD had been determined. Analyse was done by chi-square and t-test and pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The results revealed that the prevalence of PFD sx was 24.4%. Also no significant correlation was found between PFD sx and quadriceps angle. Conclusion: The prevalence of PFD sx in young age is high. Therefore in order to decrease the osteoarthritis of knee joint in old age prevention of PFD sx must be considered in adolescence with proper teaching and treatment.

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View 1132

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Background & Aim: Posttraumtic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage frequently results from skull base fractures. Risk of meningitis increases with prolonged CSF leakage prophylactic. Antibiotic prophylaxis in these cases is contraversial. Materials & Methods: In this retrospective study; among 1670 head trauma cases, 108 patients evaluated whom afflicted by posttraumatic CSF leakage, and admitted in neurosurgery ward of Tabriz Imam Khomeini hospital, from 1376-1380. Forty seven patients had rhinorrhea and 61 had otorrhea. Results: Incidence of meningitis in patients with rhinorrhea (2918%) was significartly higher than patients with otorrhea(9.8%) (P=0.0047). The incidence of meningitis was higher significantly, when rhinorrhea or otorrhea continued for more than 7 days (P=0.0001). Prophylactic antibiotic didn't cause significant difference in occurance of meningitis in both groups of rhinorrhea and otorrhea (P>0.05). In group without antibiotic prophylaxis, streptococcus pneumonia was the most common cause of meningitis (90 %). Conclusion: CSF leakage often ceases with conservative management. Prolonged CSF leakage associates with high rate of meningitis. Prophylactic antbiotic hasn't significant effect for prevention. Early diagnosis and treatment of CSF leakage are important factors in prevention of meningitis and its morbidides.

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Background & Aim: In cervical radiculopathies, C7 & C6 roots are the mos tcommon sites of involvement and to less signs like denervations & EMG finding in upper extremities than lower extremities radiculopathies. It seems that using of H. reflex of flexor carpiradialis in upper limbs the simple & possible early clue for evaluation & possible early clue for evaluation of cervical radiculopathies. Each electrodiagnostic center needs its own data & because there was no study in Iran till now. We decided to evaluate & standardize the H. reflex latency of flexor carpiradialis in our center. Materials & Methods: This study was done in 1380-1381 on random cases in urmia physical medicine & rehabilitation center of Imam Khomeini hospital who had no clinical sings & symptoms in upper extremities & neck area. 78 cases were studied with stimulation of median nerve at antecubital & recording from flexor carpi radials with standard method. Results: In this study on 78 cases H.Reflex was recorded in 90% of cases who were 23 men & 56 women with mean age of 35.6 years for males & 37.4 years for females whose H. Reflex was 16.5 m.s with standard deviation of 1.07 in males & 15.2 m.s with standard deviation of 0.7 in females. There was no significant difference between RT & LT side. The most correlation was between H. reflex latency & forearm length & then nerve condition velocity of median nerve in forearm. Conclusion: Using of these study data in cervical radiculopathy is so helpful & can be the introduction of resolving in evaluation of cervical radiculopathies & future studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Adult type rhabdomyoma is a benign tumor which occurs mostly in the head and neck region and exceptionally reported in orbit. In this article we report an adult type rhabdomyoma of the orbit in a 38 years old woman who was admitted with blurred vision and mild proptosis of right eye. The tumor is a very rare in relation to the gender of patient and location of the tumor. The selective treatment is surgery and complete tumor excision, which is simply available because of its well circumscription.

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There is a spectrum of face flaps in the reconstruction of soft tissue defects in hand. Based on reliable vascular anatomy of posterior interosseous artery, proximally or distally based flaps might be designed. Distally based island of posterior interosseous artery is a suitable choice to solve the soft tissue problems in the hand. The patient is a 45 years old woman, who is injured by a car accident. The truma is a lesion measuring 10×6 Cm in back of right hand. The extensor tendons were epitenon and exposed. The wound is covered by granulation tissue. Management, treatment and surgical methods are illustrated in three photograms.

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