Introduction: As mechanical aerated lagoon for treatment of domestic wastewater has been just recently utilized in this province and our country and by taking into consideration that exact survey have not been done about efficiency of different unites. This study has been carried out to investigate wastewater treatment systems and find out the quality of effluent. Materials & Methods: This research has been carried out on integrated stabilization pond system (ISP) during four seasons of 1381. The study is a descriptive-sectional one. Composite samples were taken from raw wastewater & effluent from mechanical aerated & maturation pond each 15 days once (24 times every year each time 6 samples). The samples were examined based on standard method for analysis of water & wastewater in 1995. The data analyzed and were shown in different tables & diagrams. Results: The research results showed that the concentration of BOD5, COD, & TSS in raw wastewater was fairly high during fall and winter seasons. The average temperature of raw wastewater & weather in summer were respectively 5 & 15 degree centigrade more than fall season. This factor leads to the low efficiency of system in cold season because of slowing biological activities. Reduction of liter per capital per day (LPCD) is the main factor of increasing concentration of pollutant in raw wastewater. Comparison of efficiency of system in two seasons in spring & summer shown that reduction rate of pollutant in summer was higher than the rest of the year. The reduction of BOD5 & COD in summer was 8.5 - 9.5 percent higher than spring season. Discussion: Based on experiments the rate of BOD5, COD & TSS in effluent was 52, 97 & 93 mg/l, respectively, which need environmental protection organization to be used in agricultural & irrigation purposes. It is concluded that integrated stabilization pond (ISP) has required efficiency for treatment of domestic wastewater. However we need more investigation on lagoon system.