Introduction: Menorrhagia is defined by loss of 80 cc blood or more per each menstoral cycle. 50% of patients are below 40 years old. It is estimated that 30% of women have menorrhagia. Over 20% of these women have anemia. NSAIDS are treatment of choice (due to administration in menstrual cycle and in patients, s with no complete family planning) vitex with 2000 years history of efficacy have used. Vitex rises the Lh secretion and inhibit fsh secretion, and is effective in fecundity, PMS, dysmenorrehea, menorrhagia, amenorrhea, premenopause breast fibrocystic disturbance disease, acnea and hyperprolactinemia. Duo to complication of long term use of NSAIDS, and multiple treatment effect of vitex, in this study the efficacy of mefenamic acid and vitex on reduction of menstrual blood loss and Hb change in patients with a complaint of menorrhagia is evaluated.Methods and Material: In this clinical-trial study in 2003-2004 on patients with a complaint of menorrhagia who were referred to Fatima Gynecology Clinic in Hamedan province, which were less than 45 years old and their menorrhagia was due to dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Bleeding volume was determined by Higam table, then Hb level was evaluated. The case group received mefenamic acid and the control group vitex for a period of 4 months. Oral iron therapy was prescribed for 3 months, if Hb was between 9-13 e gr/dl or the patients had anemia signs or symptoms. Then, bleeding volume and Hb level were, again, determined. Personal, laboratory, and treatment data were gathered in a questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics and frequency distribution tables.Results: The age of patients in two groups didn't differ significantly. Both mefenamic acid and vitx in patients with a complaint of menorrhagia had caused considerably reduction of menstrual blood loss and Hb content increase, with no statistically significant difference. Mefenamic aicd had more complications in comparison with vitex with significant statistical difference. Mefenamic acid and vitex in patients with a complaint of menorrhagia had caused either considerably reduction of menstrual blood loss and increase in Hb content, but vitex in comparison with mefenamic acid had much less complications.