After determining the optimum composition of plating solutions, samples of Cr18Ni9Ti steel were coated by Ni-P and Ni-Cu-P coatings, using electroless technique. An oxford 7059 EDX and a Siemens D500 diffract meter have been used to study the microstructure of coatings and crystallizing behavior of Cu and P, respectively. Corrosion study of coatings has been made in different solutions as: 5 vol% HCl, 0.5 molar H2S04, 10 vol% NaCl, and 50 vol% NaOH. The results showed that Cu on the contrary to P behaved as crystallizing element in Ni-P coatings, the results also showed that Ni-P base coating were resistant in dilute H2SO4, NaCl and NaOH containing solutions. This was not the case in solutions including HCl.