The rates of both road accidents' frequency and severity are high in Iran and the economical results put a great burden on the nation. Among these, the accidents which are caused by hitting roadside obstacles or are rolled over after an exit from road surface, account for 25-30 percent of fatal accidents. Considering the scarce resources available to tackle the problem, the necessity for efficient use is obvious. A powerful new software named RSAP for the analysis of such problems is recently (2003) introduced. The sub-models of deviation, accident forecast, and severity forecast; combined with geometric and traffic characteristics of the road, as well as economic indices of the society; altogether provide the ability for the system to analyze the complicated decision-making situations. Forecasting the vehicles' deviation risks and estimating the severities of the potential future accidents, then the optimized solutions in different economical conditions might be determined.In this research-work, considering the special case of the roadway in Iran, and performing different analyses using RSAP model; various charts and diagrams are developed. Using these, the planners and engineers in highway planning, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation sections; will be able to make optimized decisions whether to select the guardrails and cushions or to choose the next alternative; which is flatting the embankment slopes. The provided tool is also capable to forecast the potential future accidents' severities. This is also beneficial for making necessary corrections and modifications in the current standards practiced in Iran.