The present research aimed to investigate validity and reliability of the Responsibility Attitude Scale (RAS). In order to achieve this aim, 128 students from Tabriz University took part in an initial research, completing the Responsibility Attitude Scale, Dysfunctional Attitude Scale, and Maudsley Obsessional and Compulsive Inventory. The result of this research showed that RAS has acceptable validity coefficient. In this research the correlations between Responsibility Attitude Scale on the one hand, and Maudsley Obsessional and Compulsive Inventory and Dysfunctional Attitude Scale on the other were 0.45 and 0.51, respectively. Validity of the RAS was evaluated by exploratory factor analysis (EFA). In the second part of research, 76 students from the same university were recruited in order to study reliability of the RAS. The test-retest reliability coefficient of the scale in a week's interval, the correlations of odd and even items, and by split-halves were 0.84, 0.92, 0.61 respectively. The internal consistency coefficient of the RAS was 0.94. In sum, results of the present research indicated that RAS had acceptable validity and reliability there for it, could be used in clinical assessments and psychological research.