In spite of emphasis of Muslim logicians on the instrumental role of logical principles and regulations in the other acquired sciences as well as the entire spheres of human thinking, there has been no considerable effort to consolidate and actualize them by now. Thus in this paper we intend to analyze the efficiency of that knowledge and skill in the whole process of theorization, from the formation of the theory to its verification as well as inference of new hypothesis taken by the theories in question. Given that there are several methods of theorization in sciences, such as conceptualization, causal explanation, evidential explanation, inductive inference, and deduction, in this article, we try to explain these methods one by one and indicate the role and the efficiency of logical skill. In addition, we try to analyze the relation between two new western programs entitled “critical thinking” and “philosophy for children” as well as their impact on development of logical thinking, theorization and production of science.The necessity of embarking on the theoretical and actual education of the logical skills including formal logic and symbolic logic as well as consolidating the status of critical thinking in the national educational system are among the most important conclusions in this study. It can result in facilitating in the process of theorization and production of science in the various branches of sciences, either humanities or empirical sciences. Although some theorists are gifted an innate logic which regulates their thinking process inherently, they could certainly pave the road more easily by achieving the logical skills.