The use of CGE models for policy analysis markedly has gained popularity since 1970s. Based on the subject under research and its scope, the Computable General Equilibrium models could be presented and calculated for an economic activity, an economic sector or for the regional, national, and the world.
The independence of those models from time series data is the main advantage of using a CGE model in policy analysis. On the other hand, this approach allows economists to be able to examine and analyze the policy change or the effects of internal factors within the system which is interrelated with all economic sectors or the world.
In this paper, we present a CGE model for Iran and analyze the effects of government expenditures on GDP, employment and household income.
The results show that the increase in government consumption expenditures, reduces GDP, employment and household income. But increasing government investment expenditures in oil, services and construction sectors increase GDP and employment and also increasing government investment expenditures in agriculture and industry sectors, decrease GDP and employment.