The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of
training in polluted area on CBC, serum lipids, and serum
lipoproteins and performance time. 32 wistar rats were assigned to
four groups as control 1 (Cl), control 2 (C2), and experimental 1
(El) and experimental 2(E2). The El and Cl rats were placed in
non-polluted room and E2 and C2 rats were placed in a room
polluted by motorcycle to exercise on a motor-driven treadmill,
twice per day, 6 day per week for 8 weeks. CO, CO2, and S02
concentrations in polluted room were 42, 61, and 0.38 PPm,
respectively. RBC, WBC. HOB. %HCT, MCY, MCH, PLT, and
serum TO, TC, HDLc, TCIHDLc ratio and endurance time to
exhaustion and body weight were measured prior to the start and
following the termination of the experiment. Statistical analysis was
performed on data and the results of analysis showed that there
were significant decreases in RBC (P=0.0028), HOB (P=0.0067)
and %HCT (P=0.0015) in E2 rats following 8 weeks of exercise.
Also, significant increases were found in WBC (P=O.OO49),
MCV(P=O.055) of E2 and C2 groups.
The findings of this study revealed that 8 weeks of aerobic
training regardless of air pollution could decrease serum TO
(P=O.OOO7)and body weight (P=().OO21).Body weight was increased
in C1 groups, while in C2 group no change occurred; For Both E1
and E2 groups, the time to exhaustion was shorter when they ran on
treadmill in polluted room comparing to non-polluted room.
However, the other significant differences were found in other
It was conclude that air pollution did not change the well -
Known effects of exercise training on serum lipids and lipoproteins
profiles in rats. But it was found that exercise training in air
polluted environment had different effects on CBC comparing to
non-polluted condition.