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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of training in polluted area on CBC, serum lipids, and serum lipoproteins and performance time. 32 wistar rats were assigned to four groups as control 1 (Cl), control 2 (C2), and experimental 1 (El) and experimental 2(E2). The El and Cl rats were placed in non-polluted room and E2 and C2 rats were placed in a room polluted by motorcycle to exercise on a motor-driven treadmill, twice per day, 6 day per week for 8 weeks. CO, CO2, and S02 concentrations in polluted room were 42, 61, and 0.38 PPm, respectively. RBC, WBC. HOB. %HCT, MCY, MCH, PLT, and serum TO, TC, HDLc, TCIHDLc ratio and endurance time to exhaustion and body weight were measured prior to the start and following the termination of the experiment. Statistical analysis was performed on data and the results of analysis showed that there were significant decreases in RBC (P=0.0028), HOB (P=0.0067) and %HCT (P=0.0015) in E2 rats following 8 weeks of exercise. Also, significant increases were found in WBC (P=O.OO49), MCV(P=O.055) of E2 and C2 groups. The findings of this study revealed that 8 weeks of aerobic training regardless of air pollution could decrease serum TO (P=O.OOO7)and body weight (P=().OO21).Body weight was increased in C1 groups, while in C2 group no change occurred; For Both E1 and E2 groups, the time to exhaustion was shorter when they ran on treadmill in polluted room comparing to non-polluted room. However, the other significant differences were found in other parameters. It was conclude that air pollution did not change the well - Known effects of exercise training on serum lipids and lipoproteins profiles in rats. But it was found that exercise training in air polluted environment had different effects on CBC comparing to non-polluted condition.

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This paper seeks to evaluate the complex, competing and ever-changing discourses between cultural difference, gender and sport in relation to global sports movements. The paper raises a number of questions about inclusion and exclusionand, although it attempts to provide some answers to these questions, it does not claim to have all the answers or even that the answers offered by a Western academic are necessarily the most appropriate answers for academics and practitioners working in Iran. The role of a social scientist, however, is to problematise as much as problem solve with the latter dependent upon establishing links between academics and practitioners. The paper is structured in five sections. The first section highlights the role of women in the Olympic movement from the ancient Olympic Games until the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta in the US. The second section evaluates the role of women in sport outside the Olympic movement and explores the ways in which the Western domination of global sports movements such as the Olympic Games has resulted in the alternative organising and organisation of womens sport. The third section evaluates the ethos of "Sport for All" and the influence of discourses of UK sport policy in informing wider global discourses of gender and sport. The fourth section examines the relationship between the UK Womens Sport Foundation and the development of other Womens Sports Associations around the world. The final section of the paper concludes with a focus on cultural difference, gender and the 2000 Sydney Olympics and asks if the Olympic ideal can bring the Middle East and the West together without unduly compromising cultural difference, gender relations or sports participation and performance.

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Research concerning the effects of exercise of human immune system has revealed contradictory results. It has been shown that, in general, moderate and regular exercise increases some aspects of immune systems functions in contrast to intensive exercise, which can result in inflammatory responses of the immunological system and acute or chronic inflammation of muscular system in athletes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of eccentric & concentric exercises on T-Iymphocyte sub-populations and IL-6 concentration in female athletes. 12 female athletes (mean age 21 ± 0.75 years old, weight 57 ± 5.34 kg, and height 162 ± 2.71 cm, respectively) were selected to participate in this study. Subjects performed 13 minutes of eccentric exercise with pacing on treadmill according to Ellestad protocol and 13 minutes concentric exercise with pacing on treadmill in opposite direction. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after, one and two hours after exercise. Absolute numbers of T lymphocyte sub - populations including CD4+, CD8+, CD3+, CD56+ (NKC) and the ratio of CD4+/ CD8+ were determined in blood samples using flowcytometrey and IL-6 concentration was determined using ELISA. The results showed that absolute numbers of CD4+, CD3+, CD8+, CD56+ (NKC) increased significantly immediately after exercise and decreased significantly after one hour compared to the resting status levels.IL-6 concentrations showed significant increase after eccentric exercise. The results indicated that short term but heavy exercise can temporary suppress the immune system. This effect will increase individual susceptibility to pathogens in long term.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the domestically made calipers (Mojtahedi, Puiaye Armaghan, and Baniroo) for measuring skin fold thickness. 200 Tehran University students were assessed simultaneously by four kind of calipers including Yagami, Mojtahedi, Puiaye Armaghan, and Baniroo (Tanara). For estimating the subjects body fat percentage (%Fat), middle of Triceps & Calf muscle was estimated by Loghman equation. Statistical analysis was performed using Paired T-test and Cronbach Alpha. The results of analysis showed that all three kind of calipers were reliable (Mojtahedi=0.9737; Puiaye Armaghan = 0.9983; and Baniroo = 0.9984). Among them, only Puiaye Armaghan caliper was valid in measuring skin fold thickness (P=0.99). According to these results, Puiaye Armaghan mechanical caliper seemed to be a valid and reliable caliper; therefor, it was recommended that Puiaye Armaghan caliper be used in assessing skin fold thickness and estimation of body fat percentage.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Iron is one of the most important elements, which plays a role in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin. Since hemoglobin plays an important role in carrying oxygen, the measure of these factors in strenuous body activities may be change in the blood serum. The present research was conducted to determine the effect of selected aerobic exercise on iron, ferritin, and total iron binding capacity serum in girl students. 30 students of Azad Islamic University of NajafAbad aged 20-25 participated in this research. Subjects were divided into two groups of control and experiment. Fasting blood sample was collected before and after the termination of exercise and iron, ferritin and total iron binding capacity of their blood serum was measured. Statistical analysis was performed on data using t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of analysis showed that serum iron increased at 7.33 mg/I, ferritin of serum decreased at 4.53 mg/I, and total iron binding capacity increased at 1.34 mg/I, but no significant difference was found between iron and total iron binding capacity of serum.

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The necessity of identitying a method to bring about the best durable flexibility for the tissues in the shortest time is one of the most important rehabilitation and sportive issues. The aim of this research was to study the flexibility of hamstring muscles (HMF) of dominant and non-dominant limb after a course of stretching exercise in consecutive and alternative repetitions, and comparing the two HMF measuring methods. 45 subjects were randomly divided into three groups (n=15). Groups 1 and 2 performed static stretching exercise with a frequency of 10 repetitions lasting 30 seconds interspersed with a 60 second rest intervals between each repetitions. The consecutive group performed the task six days a week and the alternative group performed the exercise every other day during the week. Hamstring muscle flexibility (HMF) of both limbs was measured using four methods of AKE, SRT, HJA, and SLR. The results showed that, despite the slight difference between the HMF of the two experimental groups, there was no significant difference between HMF of the dominant and non-dominant limb. It was concluded that since the muscle elongates in the range of its elongation capacity, one-day pause in the course of exercise has the same effect on the HMF persistence irrespective of the method of muscle elongation.

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To study athletes quality of life and to compare it between social and individual sports athletes, 15 life components were studied on 895 athletes (15-40 years old) engaging 20 different sports. These components were material well being, physical well being, personal growth, marital relations, parent-child relations, extended family relations, extramarital relations, altruistic behavior, political behavior, job characteristics, occupational relations, job satisfiers, creative aesthetic behavior, sports activity, and vacation behavior. Taken together, these make an integrated, valid, and reliable tool to reflect quality of life (Quality of Life Questionnaire, QLQ), which its Farsi translation was used in the present study. The results indicated that females engaging in individual sports and males engaging in social sports enjoy a better quality of life, comparing to subjects of the same sex.The interaction of QLQ components with the type of sport and sex are discussed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to describe and evaluate the quality of thesis and dissertation of physical education graduate students between 1978 to 1999. This was a descriptive field research in which from 743 existing thesis and dissertations, 209 were randomly selected considering the concentration field of study, year defended and so on. A researcher made questionnaire including 125 question items was used. The reliability (a = 0.96) and objectivity (n = 0.8) of the questionnaire was determined. 15 components such as the title, goals, hypothesis, methodology, statistical analysis and so on were evaluated. Descriptive statistics as well as Kruskal - Wallis and Mann - Whitney tests were used. The results of analysis showed that there was significant difference between the components among various education institutions. Follow up test indicated that Gillan and Reza University significantly gained higher score than others.

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