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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Despite of success in treatment of cardiovascular disease by drugs and other methods, cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction are the most common causes of death in developing countries. Many reports spread about correlation between free radicals and increase of homocysteine with atherosclerosis pathogenesis. The aim of this research was study of correlation between elevations of homocysteine with changes of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity after myocardial infarction.Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive cross-sectional study that performed in 2006. In fasting condition, blood was taken from 48 patients and 48 health people under 76 years. Serum homocysteine determined by ELISA method, erythrocyte SOD (rSOD) activity assayed by Randox company kit and serum SOD (sSOD) activity assayed by Cayman chemical company kit.Results: In patients group was 36 men and 12 women; in controls group was 29 men and 19 women. The mean of homocysteine in patients were 30.3±5.3 mmol/L and in controls were 11.1±3.1 mmol/L, that was significant differences between two groups (P<0.001). The mean activity of sSOD in patients and controls were 2705±2078 U/g Hb and 2509±2450 U/g Hb, respectively. The mean activity of rSOD in patients and controls were 47.8±25.6 U/mL, 44.8±24.6 U/mL, respectively.Conclusion: In this study was observed increase in homocysteine, sSOD and rSOD in patients compare to controls; however increase of SOD was not significant. To seem, elevation of SOD is due to cellular damages. This enzyme inhibits free radicals.

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Background and Aim: Type II diabetes (NIDDN) is one of the most common metabolic diseases involving 5-6 percent of human population. In addition to its high prevalence, it is of high importance due to complication such as CVD, nephropathy, neuropathy, etc. According to various studies, neutrients have a vitcel role in preventing and controlling it, this study is, therefore, designed to determine the status of nutrients and energy in take in type II diabetic patient in Sabzevar in comparison with Standard measures.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study is conducted on 92 type II diabetics referring to Sabzevar diabetes clinic. Their height and weight were measured, nutrients intake of each subject were obtained via 24- hour recall in three successive days and nutritional frequency. Food processor software was utilized; data analysis was done using descriptive statistics, one- sample t-test and Smirnof- Kolenogrof.Results: Mean age of the patients was 53.83±13.03 years and their mean BMI was 26.89±4.82 kg/m2. In this research, intake of energy and all macronutrients except for protein were less than standard in men and women (P<0.05). Also, intake of all micronutrients except for sodium was less than standard in women. In men, micronutrients including follacin, vitamins B12, E, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc and celenium were less them standard values (P<0.05).Conclusion: The findings indicated that the intakes of micro- and macronutrients in type II diabetics are lower than the standard values. Therefore, more attention is to be paid the diet of these patients to reduce the risk of relevant complications.

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Background and Aim: 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase is the second enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway. This enzyme catalyzes the delta-aminolevulinic acid to prophobilinogen. Because there have been few studies in chronic renal failure, we thought it useful in patients with chronic renal failure. Thus, the goal of this study is to measure 5-aminolevalinate dehydratase activity in patients with chronic renal failure.Materials and Methods: Blood was obtained from patients with chronic renal failure for 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity determination in erythrocytes. Measurement was based upon the conversion of uminolevulinic acid to porphobilinogen, which is then measured spectrophotometrically.Results: Our results showed that 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity was (634.7±21.2 micromol/L/min) in patient group and in control group was (825.4±23.6 micromole/L/min).Conclusions: Our results showed that 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity was decreased in patients with chronic renal failure when compared to control group. These results showed that this enzyme may be inhibited in patients group.

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Background and Aim: Traumatic knee dislocation is an uncommon injury that may be limb threatening.  Ligamentus, nerve and vascular Injury are complication of it. Popliteal vessele Injury is important complication. Historically, arteriography has been used routinely in patients with knee dislocations. The goal of this study: is artriography always necessary?Materials and Methods: We conducted an institutional retrospective review of patients admitted at a university trauma center with knee dislocations from Feb. 2006, to feb.2007. Eighteen patients (16 male and 2 female; average age, 28 years) had 18 dislocations (10 left and 8 right, 17 posterior and 1 latral). Most patients (n=12) were involved in motor vehicle crashes. Seven patients underwent arteriography.Results: All patients had ligamentus injury (in order to PCL, ACL, LCL). 8 patients had popliteal vessel injury. Physical examination in 9 patients was normal so angiography didn’t do. In other 9 patients physical examination were abnormal, two of them undergo early BK amputation without angiography. Six patients with abnormal angiogram 6 patients undergo vascular surgery. The other one had normal angiography in spite of abnormal physical examination.Conclusion: The common complication in knee dislocation is ligamentous injury otherwise the important is vascular damage, and it seems that routine arteriography is not necessary in patients with a normal PE after reduction of the knee dislocation.

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Background and aim: Glucose and insulin are two important factors in regulation of food intake. Also, existence of central glucoreceptors have been determined in human and many of animal species and regarding the similarities of central regulation of food intake in human and chicken, in this study evaluated existence of central glucoreceptors and regulatory role of glucose in ingestive behavior of broiler cockerels.Materials and methods: This case-control study performed on 128 Ross 308 broiler cockerels. At the first, guide cannula implanted stereotaxicaly in right lateral ventricle of brains of chickens. At onset of experiments, birds were injected with different doses of glucose and insulin via intracerebroventricular. Then in other experiments, chickens received insulin prior to injection of glucose and cumulative food intake was measured 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minute after injections. Data obtained were analysed by SPSS statistical software and One-Way ANOVA. Significant differences imply to P£0.05.Results: The results of this study showed that glucose and insulin had no effect on food intake in chickens (P³0.05).Conclusion: It is concluded that central glucoreceptors had no role in start of ingestive behavior in birds.

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Background and Aim: Delivery is potentially associated with stress. Maternal stress and anxiety stemulate sampatic system and result in changes in vital sings. These changes can have undesirable effects on maternal and fetal health. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of massage on physiologic responses among parturient women attending Bentolhoda Maternity in Bojnord city in 2005.Materials and Methods: In this randomized single blind clinical research, 62 healthy primiparous women with a normal pregnancy such as gestational age between 37-42 weeks, single tone pregnancies and vertex presentation were chosen for experimental and control groups. Sampling was made by purposive method. The experimental group received 30 -minutes directional , reasonably firm and rhythmic effleurage massage in the back ,foot or both and control group received 30- minutes routine nursing cares in the active phase of labor (cervix dilation 5-7 cm). Vital sings between two groups were compared before and after 30 minutes intervention in the active phase. Consequently the data were analysed using SPSS soft ware.Result: Findings showed that all variables decrease after massage therapy. there were statistically significant differences in systolic blood Pressure (P=0.04) and respiratory rate (P<0.001).Conclusion: According to the results of this research midwives can use massage for providing relaxation and alleviate physiologic responses to labor in parturient women.

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Background and Aim: The studies have been suggested that 98% of accidents can be expected. Iran has developed that has been 33 fold of developed countries of statistic of morality from accidents. According to statistics of Universal Health Organization, Iran has been got first position in driving accident all over the world. It’s incidence of accident and morality and malformation frequency and using drugs are not comparable to any countries. Therefore, this research has studied on susceptible factors and damages from motorcycle accidents in Mashhad.Materials and Methods: The present study is a descriptive study and Research Society has been all passengers of motorcycle that has presented for accident in Shahid Kamyab First Aid Hospital .According to studies, 400 patients are selected for research sample. In limited time of study, sampling of all bedridden patients in different parts has been performed on 2005. Questioners have been tested by using the recent Internet papers and library information and traffic police, officer's knowledge and kinds of damages and have been filled by questioners with interview, observation and record methods. Data Analysis has been done by necessary Statistical Tests and Software (spss 11.5). Results: The findings suggested that the most injured patients who present for motorcycle accidents have ranged from 21-30 years old. The most accidents have been happened for people who worked 6-10 hours at 24 hours before accidents. 76.6% of people have not used safety hat and all of dead did not have safety hat. 17.3% of people has been used drugs. 31.1% of Research Unites has been smoke cigarette. The most injures are happened in extremes. .The most method accidents have been lateral. 62.2% of Research Unites has been operated. The most frequency of accidents have been happened at 20 P.M. There is significant statistical relation between gender, workweek and injuries, kind of safety cover, using drugs, smoking cigarette and alcohol and morbidity and kinds of damages but there is not any significant statistical relation between transportation to hospital and accident model with injuries.Conclusion: According to results of research, statistics of motorcycle accidents and paroxysm and extension of damages from it is significant. The amount of using drugs, alcohol and cigarette in Research Unite is also privilege that they can be susceptible factors in accidents. Special education courses, observe the rules, enactment of law for driving motorcycle, obligatory using of safety hat and good production of parts of motorcycle and optimizing of productions and roads play important roles in decreasing statistics of traffic accidents. Also, cultural enrichment, promotion of awareness, situational actions, amusement facilities, new regulations and controlling borders and fighting with supplying drugs will decrease addiction and accident.

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Background and Aim: Not only evaluation of antropometric characteristics use for evaluation of children growth, but also it is sample, cheap, reliable and the strongest instrument for survey growth pattern and nutrition stats in different society. The purpose of this study was prevalence of malnutrition on the base of antropometric characteristics in children who study at grade one primary school and relation between malnutrition and some factors socioeconomic such as: Number of children, education and job parents. This study performed in 2005-2006.Materials and Methods: This cross- sectional study was done on 558 children who study at grade one in Gonabad primary school. They were selected by stratified random sampling. All children were between 6 years and 3 month until 7 years and 3 month old. Children were between 6 years and 3 month until 6 years and 9 month were compared with 6.5 years of NCHS table standard and children were between 6 years and 3 month and one day until 7 years and 3 month were compared with 7 years of NCHS table standard. To evaluation malnutrition status used three criteria: Weight for age (Gom’s), weight for height (Waterlow) and height for age (Waterlow). Data analysis was done with SPSS soft ware and chi-square test.Results: Prevalence malnutrition was with wasting 38%, with underweight 40.7% and with stunting 14.3%. There was relation between malnutrition with number of children, education and job parents, distance between pregnancy and twinning which was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion: The results showed nutrition status wasn’t satisfactory and some of them have acute and chronic malnutrition. Thus it is necessary to improve nutrition of children by planning free nutrition in school. With attention to effect of some of economic factors in prevalence malnutrition, it is necessary to survey this problem as one of primary planning of our country, in the result complication, expenses treatment malnutrition will be reduced.

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Background and Aim: Gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the most complications in anticoagulated patients. Previous series have shown that most anticoagulated patients who present with gastrointestinal bleeding have had mucosal disease.Materials and Methods: The underlying diagnosis and clinical course of 60 patients who represented with severe acute gastrointestinal haemorrhage while taking the anticoagulant warfarin is reviewed, and matched with 120 patients in control group who presented in the same, not taking warfarin.Results: The mean age of patients was 62 years. A bleeding site was identified in 90% of cases and the major source of bleeding was the alimentary tract. The most common diagnosis was peptic ulcer and erosion. The most of patients were hemodynamicaly stable, and shock was more frequent in patients with INR more than therapeutic level. No direct relation was found between anticoagulation period, history of gastrointestinal disease and drug history of patients with bleeding severity. Endoscopic treatment was attempted in 30% of patients. Conclusion: In our study the most common cause of gastrointestinal bleeding is peptic ulcer disease. Also this study shows that patients who had GI bleeding can safely undergo endoscopic treatment.

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Primary breast sarcomas are rare tumors, accounting for about 1% of all malignant breast cancers. Breast leiomyosarcoma are extremely rare and only 28 well doccumented cases have been reported.The mean age of reported cases is 54 years. We presente a 20 year old woman with large right breast mass. Histological exammination reveled high grade sarcoma with pleomorphic spindle cells, hyperchoromatic nuclei, frequent mitoses and extensive necrosis. The tumor cells were positive for desmin, smooth muscle actin and vimentin and negative for cytokeratin, EMA and S-100 Protein. Axillary lymph nodes were free of tumor. Our patient is the youngest reported case of breast leiomyosarcoma in English literature.

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