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Background and Aim: Macroprolactinemia in which most circulating PRL forms Big Big PRL (>150KD), is a major causes of Idiopathic Hyperprolactinemia with mild or lack of symptoms. We aimed in this study to introduce a simple and inexpensive polyethylene Glycol precipitation test (PEG) for macroprolactin evaluation and avoiding other expensive diagnostic investigations also evaluation of classic hyperprolactinemia symptoms in macroprolactinemic patients.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, serum prolactin was measured before and after precipitation of macroprolactin by polyethylene glycole in 90 patients with hyperprolactinemia (PRL>30µg/L), furthermore clinical and radiographic findings recorded.Results: 18.8% of cases were macroprolactinemic without hyperprolactinemic classic symptom.Conclusion: Regarding to high prevalence of macroprolactinemia and lack of classic symptoms of hyperprolactinemia and to avoid diagnostic and trapeutic pitfalls the screening for macroprolactin in all hyperprolactinmia recommended.

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Background and Aim: Teucrium polium (TP) is one of the herbal medicaments which used as a visceral analgesic agent. The aim of this survey was to compare the effects of TP aqueous extract and morphine on tail-reaction time in the rat.Materials and Methods: This experimental survey was carried out on 36 wistar-albino female rats that divided in to 3 groups (n=12) randomly. First group samples were administered with TP oral extracts for 30 days. Second group samples were addicted by Marshal Method. The third group didn’t receive any agent. Tail reaction time was measured blindly by Tail Felike methods (UGO BASILE 7360, Italy). Data obtained were analyzed by SPSS (12). Software and statistical ANOVA and Tukey test. Results were expressed as mean±SD. Statistical different were significantly by P±0.05.Results: The results of this survey showed that tail reaction time were 12.95±1.72 mse in that group which received TP extract, 15.14±2.29 in addicted group and 7.74±1.63 mse, in control group respectively. These results showed that tail reaction time in groups were addicted and received TP extract increased compared with control group but did not any different between themselves. The mean weight in addicted group were significantly decreased compared with control and group which received TP extract but water consumption value was significantly decreased in addicted group compared with other groups.Conclusion: The results from this study showed that T.P aqueous extract can affect on somatic pain and increased tail felick reaction time in female rat. The exact mechanism needs future study.

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Background and Aim: Today’s, in order to increased an angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery (CABG ) is considered safe and effective treatment for relieving the symptoms of coronary artery disease. Because of more than 500.000 patients undergo coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) each year in the United States. Supraventricular arrhythmia is the most common complicate of the postoperative course of patients following coronary artery bypass grafting, which of SVT occurs in 40% of elderly patients, and risk of SVT was increased in (45%) patients with a history of atrial arrhythmias. Although it is offer benign and self limited, it can lead to complicated such as stroke. Various etiologies caused to SVT arrhythmia that including: Homodynamic instability and electrolytes imbalance. The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between fluid and electrolyte variables and the development of Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) after CABG in patients at unit ICU heart surgery of Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad city in 2005.Materials and Methods: This prospective randomized study was carried out in 80 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Data collection with demographic variables example: Age, gender, weight, and also previous history of SVT, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrest, previous surgery, diabetic, hypertension, tobacco use, pre and postoperative laboratory values of potassium calcium and magnesium, intravenous intake, hourly urine out put and chest tube drainage. Data analyzed with SPSS soft ware and chi-square test.Results: Results of the presents research showed that, amount of blood drainage in the chest tube and intake and out put of fluids may provide evidence of SVT after CABG in patients. which could lead to better identification and nursing management  in ICU (Open  heart surgery)for improve homodynamic status , patient  recovery and prevention of post operative Supraventricular arrhythmia. Conclusion: According to the results incidence of SVT was 37.5% and ventricular tachycardia was 2.5%.they indicate that there is a significant  relationship between the amount of chest tube drainage and urinary out put with SVT after surgery(P<0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: One of important but forgotten methods in family Planning is EC. In America with using this method they could prevent of 1.7 unwanted pregnancy and the number of induced abortion decreased about 40% in year. In these studied 50-60 present of women who had abortion they had indication to use EC. Most of them don’t have any knowledge about this method. Favorable opinion about this method needs to warn and create usable circumstances. Knowledge of women about this method is very important therefore this study designed.Materials and Methods: In a descriptive study 92 married women between 15-49 years old client to Uremia expert central Kousar assessed. The method of collection information was a question sheet that it had 2 parts demographic and qualification arranged in the rate of knowledge.Results: Analysis and assimilation of information shows that 41.3% of partners in this design was occupied 31.5% of them was heard the name of E.C. Only 8.7% of units that they were researched on had previous record using of method EC. Conclusion: Unfortunately the rate of unwanted pregnancy in IRAN is very high (about 25%- 40%). The percentage of women who has knowledge about this method is very low (9%). In our country there isn’t any information and statistical about E.C. In a study in Sweden on 762 demanded women about this method the commonest reason of demanding was tearing of condom. 

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Background and Aim: As refractive errors are the most common ocular disorders, which are usually corrected with eye-glasses and the clients' satisfaction is of general and global significance in the modern world, this study was intended to cross-sectionally describe and analyze the intensity of refractive errors and the satisfaction of people suffering from refractive errors about glasses prescribed for them to correct their errors.Materials and Methods: The subjects of the study were 150 patients with refractive errors. The study data were collected through (1) interview checklist to record the demographic details of the patients and the satisfaction of the patient and the person who accompanied him/her and (2) observation and examination checklists to determine the type and intensity of refractive errors.Results: 34.7% of the subjects were male and the rest female. Their mean age was 29.06±14.57; 63.8% of the patients and 67.2% of their mates were dissatisfied with glasses. The most common refractive disorders in descending order were myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. No significant relationships were found to exist between myopia, factors such as sex and job with dissatisfaction from eyeglasses. However, a significant relationship was observed between age groups and satisfaction from eyeglasses (P<0.01).Conclusion: In order to gain the satisfaction of the people using eyeglasses, contact lenses and surgical procedures which are associated with advantages and disadvantages, to correct for refractive errors a number of factors including medical diagnosis, the patients’ attitude and socioeconomic status, and the dominant social culture, are to be taken into consideration. 

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Background and Aim: Many researches have been done on incidence rate, characteristics and PTSD duration on war handicapped, but less research have been done on their family for survey of their students educational condition. This article is to compare the educational condition of PTSD war handicapped children with the other normal students.Materials and Methods: In this perspective study 65 samples were selected randomly from Over %25 war handicapped infected with PTSD from guidance school girls and boys. The control group was selected also from their classmates randomly. 2 students were selected as control group for both cases. The average marks of the students in each lesson (subject) and totally were compared. The student’s marks were described by determining the average, standard deviation, the least and the most marks. The data were analyzed by Pearson, t-student and chi-square with P≤0.05.Results: The results showed that there was no meaningful difference between each lesson average and total marks of the students in both groups due to some factors such as: the important role of the PTSD handicapped wives in their children education development, war handicapped organization supports from PTSD war handicapped and their family were effective in the run.Conclusion: It is suggested that, war handicapped organization pay more attention and support their family for improving their children better educational condition .It is also necessary to pay more attention to the handicapped wives as a good and strong support for their children.  

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Background and Aim: The purpose of the present study was to obtain validity and reliability of the form B of Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scales in Iran. Health locus of control is one of the most widely measured parameters of health belief for the planning of health education programs.Materials and Methods: 496 university students participate in this study. The reliability coefficients were calculated in two different methods: test- retest, parallel tests and Cronbach alpha. In order to survey validity of the scale we used three methods including content validity, concurrent validity and construct validity.Results: The concurrent validity of the questionnaire, as measured by Levenson’s IPC scale was.57 (P<.001), 0.51 (P<0.01) and 0.53 (P<0.01) for IPC, respectively. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed a three-factor structure (internal, chance and powerful others). Subsequent exploratory principal components analysis supported a three-factor structure that items loading adequately on each factor. Also, supporting the construct validity claim that these dimensions were more-or-less orthogonal to one another. In addition, the reliability of this scale was estimated through test-retest, parallel forms, and Cronbach's coefficient methods.Conclusion: The results showed that reliability and validity of Persian Form B of MHLC was acceptable and respectable.

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Background and Aim: Pruritus is the most important skin symptom in uremic patients. A large number of treatments for it have been used such as, topical emollients; reduce the elevated serum calcium, phosphorus and PTH concentration, administration of antihistamines, oral charcoal, ketotifen, Erythropoietin (EPO) and ultraviolet ray. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of emollient with heliotherapy for the relief pruritus in patients undergoing hemodialysis.Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial, 25 adult patients suffering from CRF with Pruritus and were on maintenance hemodialysis at least for 2 months, (and the cause of their itching was not internal or skin disorders), were studied. The patients were divided in 3 groups according to Hattori system (A, B and C). The intensity of pruritus was graded from 0 to 4. The patients had not any contraindication for heliotherapy. At first, patients used emollient therapy for 8 weeks. Then the patients were treated with heliotherapy for 8 week (after 2 months without treatment).Hemoglobin, serum calcium and phosphorus concentration were measured (before and after the treatments). Then the intensity of pruritus was compared before and after the treatments. Then the data were analyzed using SPSS package, Wilcoxen and McNemar tests.Results: There were not significant differences between serum calcium and phosphorus concentration, pruritus intensity, before and after emollienttherapy but there were significant differences between all of them before and after heliotherapy (P<0.001, P<0.003, P<0.005 respectively). There were not significant differences between Hemoglobin concentration before and after treatment by emollient or heliotherapy.Conclusion: Heliotherapy is an effective and safe treatment for the relief pruritus in patients undergoing hemodialysis.  

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Background and Aim: Health is a valuable gift that God has given to human. Health and the relationship between mind and body have been discussed in all of the time from the creation of mankind. The certain personality characteristics including personality type and hardiness are a major factor in relationship between stress and health which person evaluation of stressful situations of life and coping mechanism too, that are much dependent in personality characteristics. Hardiness is a personality characteristic that is mediating and facilitating a stressful life events and psychological problem. The purpose of this research was the study of relationship between personality type/hardiness and health in students who are educating in Gonabad Islamic Azad University in 2004.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive correlative cross-sectional study was used a three variable, one group design. The relationship between personality type/hardiness and health among 376 students were examined. 376 students were selected by stratified random sampling. Instruments: sample selection form, a demographic questionnaire, Eysenck personality inventory (introversion, psychoticism, neuroticism), Ahvaz hardiness scale (challenge, commitment, control), A36-item short form (sf-36) that was provided by WHO for health assessment have been used to measure the variable. Data was collected by the above instruments during one simester.Results: There was a significant direct correlation between hardiness and health (r=0.672, P<0.001) also a significant indirect correlation between introversion and health (r=-0.153, P=0.003), psychoticism and health (r=-0.631, P<0.001), and Neuroticism and health (r=-0.601, P<0.001).Conclusion: As it was found that hardiness as personality characteristics plays an important role in health, it is suggested that using the educating method will be addressed as the best, improvement strategy for health in students.

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Insulinoma are the most common islet cell tumors and located almost exclusively in the pancreas. Most of these tumors are sporadic; they may also be associated with the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome (MEN1). More than 90% of insulinomas are benign. Preoperative radiographic localization may prove difficult. Intraoperative palpation and ultrasound remain the gold standard for detection. A 27 years male presented with history of intermitent fainting attacks, headache, loss of consciousness and increased body weight. His fasting blood sugar was 40 mg/dl and insulin glucose ratio was 0.57-0.76. CT scan of abdomen did not show tumour in pancreas. Laparotomy was done and tomour in head of pancras was removed .according to clinical and microscopic finding the tamour was found to be a insulinoma. The aim of this study is recognition of this rare tumor and diagnosis with laboratory methods.

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