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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Early diagnosis of brain tumors according to ocular symptoms is important considering the fact that sometimes ocular finding is the first presentation. The purpose of the present study was to investigate ocular findings in patients with brain tumors. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study 100 patients with documented brain tumors that were operated on in Ghaem Hospital, Neurosurgery Department, were reviewed and the ocular findings were analyzed statistically. Results: Out of 100 patients, 41 were male and 59 were female with the mean age of 32 years. Bilateral papilledema in 56%, unilateral papilledema in 9%, visual field effect in 14%, unilateral optic disc atrophy in 15%, petosis in 2%, proptosis in 3%, six nerve palsy in 12% and third nerve palsy in 3% of cases were found. Conclusion: Due to the fact that ocular findings are sometimes the first symptom to occur in patients with brain tumors and these patients may refer to an ophthalmologist or optometrist so early diagnosis and referral to a neurosurgeon can be helpful.

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Background and Aim: Iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia is one of the main nutrition problems and public health in the world. Teenagers especially daughters are those who are in the risk of anemia. Side- effects of anemia like decrease of IQ and learning ability and physical growth disorders that cause retardation of mental and physical capabilities at last endanger development of countries. This research has been done to determine the influence of nutrition training and weekly Iron supplementation in the rate of girl learning of Gonabad high schools. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study 10 high schools were chosen in cluster from different parts of Gonabad. The samples were 385 students from grade one, two and three. After data were collected by using a questionnaire for demographic data and a standard test of speed and accuracy of learning. Finally all data were analyzed. Results: Statistic analysis and findings of this study showed that there is not any relationship between demographic data and student learning scores based on chi-square test. But at the end of the study learning level increased in both groups and it was more in the case group. Also using independent T and even T for suit nutrition training showed that average score increased from 44.80 to 72.4, in the case group. but in the control group its increased from 43.89 to 69.8. Conclusion: These average scores show that we have increase in both groups, but it is more in case group. That means 16- week iron supplementation has a positive effect on the increase of average learning score.

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Background and Aim: One of neoplasia and infection screening methods is pap-smear. Screening methods, once per three-year intervals among 20 to 65-year-old women, diminish the incidence and mortality rates of cervix cancer up to 90%. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the histological pap-smear results epidemiologicalIy in Birjand Imam Reza hospital during two consecutive years. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study histogical documents in hospital histology archive, during two sequential years, were studied. Variables such as the rate of infections frequency, age, delivery number, abortion number etc. were considered. Data were subjected to SPSS software and descriptive statistics. Results: The results of this study from 2918 archived files showed that: in 91.9% of cases no kind of infection has been reported. meanwhile from 8.1% of cases: 3.3% fungal infection were with the mean age of 33.5 years and mean pariety of 2.5,3.8% of cases were infected by tricomonas with the mean age of 32 years and mean pariety of 3.1% had bacterial infection after breast feeding with the mean age of 29 years and pariety of 2. Moreover it was shown that time gaps between post abortion infection is fewer than post partum infection. No significant relationship was found between infection and variables such as age and pariety. Conclusion: It is suggested that the probability of post partum infection is more than that of post abortion.

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Background and Aim: The sedative effects of medicinal herbs of Echium Amoenum Fisch & Mey on nervous system have been known for many years. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of methanolice extract of Echium amoenum Fisch & Mey against seizure induced by picrotoxin in mice. Materials and Methods: In this experiment study, in the first phase four groups of animals were pretreated by metabolic extract of this plant via intraperitoneal injection. After 20 minutes each animal received picrotoxin 10mg/kg for the induction of seizure. Then lateney of onset time for the beginning of seizure, duration of seizure and mortality were determined. Data were subjected to the t test and chi-square test (P<0.05). Results: The results showed that latency of seizure was increased significantly in case groups that pretreated with different doses of extract (P<0.05) (especially 6.25 mg/kg). In addition, these doses delayed significantly the time death in mice (P<0.01). Conclusion: The extract of Echium Amoenum appears to be effective on seizure induced by picrotoxin in mice.

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Background and Aim: One of the most important issues in the measurement of psychology is finding outonomous instruments containing similar results to evaluate a structure. Obtainig Convergence among separate instruments is difficult, so fewer researches have already studied the convergence of such methods together and a weak diagnostic agreement has been reported among these instruments. The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of agreement between two clinical interview methods according to DSM-IV-TR with MMPI test in diagnosing personality disorders. (Active phase of illness) to determine the admissibility of short-form MMPI test being currently common in Iran. Materials and Methods: In this analytic- observational and cross-sectional study, the hospitalized and out-patients referring to Tabriz Razi hospital, were selected randomly and assessed during two stages through clinical interview and MMPI test (short- form). The collected data were recorded in separate forms, so that the psychotherapist interviewer and the psychologist tester did have no information about the diagnostic results. Then the indices of MMPI diagnostic performance, kappa coefficient, P number and positive and negative diagnostic power were calculated to determine the agreement rate of the mentiored methods. Results: The obtained results showed an average convergence between MMPI test and the clinical diagnosis and the spesifity (sp) of this test relative to its sensitivity (se) indicated its higher function in excluding the personality disorder comparing to its confirmation. Conclusion: Various statements are posed for low convergence between the mentioned evaluative methods among which the dysfunction in expressing the diagnostic symptoms and criteria and the problems relating to the low sensitivity of the evaluative scales in short form MMPI test are remarkable.

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Background and Aim: Surfactants are organic chemicals that aggregate in joint surface of gas-liquid or solid-liquid so change water characteristics, and accelerate cleaning process by declining surface tension. Surfactants, in fact, are the main chemicals in detergents and constitute 5-30% of the detergents by weight. Detergents enter the environment, through the direct discharge of raw wastewater or treated effluent, and reduce the quality of water resources and increase treatment costs. Considering detergents discharge limit, based on effluent discharge standards as 1.5 mg/l for surface water, 0.5 mg/l for groundwater, and for agricultural use. The goal of this study was to investigate the efficiency control of Qods township wastewater treatment plant. Materials and Methods: In this s experimental research the detergent amounts of raw and treated wastewater were measured for six successive weeks, six samples per week. Anionic surfactants were determined through MBAS method and compared with discharge standards. Results: The findings showed that detergent amounts in raw wastewater was about 1.23 to 5.23 mg/l and in treated waste water was about 0.093 to 0.263 mg/I. The removal efficiency was determined to be 93%. Conclusion: Considering the results of this research and comparison of high removal efficiency of detergent waster effluent discharge standard, into environment, it was observed that the amount of detergent of effluent was lower than effluent discharge standards into surface water and groundwater, so a modern treatment would not be necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: At least two thirds of all deadly accident and damages occur in the developing countries as Iran, among them bums may put unpleased effects on humans body and spirit. In order to reduce bum rate, preventive programs are of high importance. The goal of this study was to determine the epidemiological characteristics of bums in Immam Reza Bum Center. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive- retrospective study, data were collected from all medical records of MIRBC during three years (2000-2003) and analyzed by SPSS statistical package. Results: 56.6% of the patients were male .The ratio of male to female was one to three and 61% were in urban areas. Mean age of the patients was 22.35 years, and that of alive patients was 20.10 and for dead patients was 28.78 years, and 61.3% were under 5 years, mean burned surface was around (32.68%) at whole, in the dead patients was 64.49% TBSA. and 21.38% in survived ones, in males 28.83% and in females 37.82%. Also, 41.9% of bums was a combination of the second and third degree and the commonest cause of burn was self-inflicted (57.9%), the mean of hospital stay at whole was 19.68 days, in surviving patients was 22.35 days, and in dead patients was 13.44 , the most burns and mortalities occurred in autumn. The overall mortality rate was 25.9% and 11.2% in children, 34.2% in adults .Also mortality rate in women was 35.9% and in male was 18.4%. Conclusion: With regard to these findings, bum causes high rate of mortality, deformity, disability, pain, physical and psychological problems for person and society and their families. Therefore, it is suggested to provide special educational programs via mass media and apply special rules, to decrease the complications of burn and to construct a new emergency unit, to develop the quality and quantity of burn wards to increase the chance of survival.

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Background and Aim: Excitatory amino acid receptors (EAAs) play vast roles of which a possible application has been suggested as nociceptive neurotransmitters. Although studies on the role played by EAAs ego.N- methyl- D- aspartic acid (NMDA) in acute and tonic pain has shown controversial results most studies attribute a critical role to NMDA receptor in the development of persistent pain and secondary hyperalgesia following nerve and tissue injury. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of MK-801 on acute and tonic pain in rats. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study formalin was used to produce acute and tonic pain. In order to examine the effects of MK-801 as a non- competitive antagonist of NMDA receptor on formalin test male rats weighing 250-300gr were used. Each group contained 6 rats. Twenty minutes before formalin test, the rats were injected with different concentrations of MK- 801 (0.075, 0.1, 0.15, 0.3, 0.45 mg/kg) i. P; the control group was injected with saline 0.9%. Reaction against pain was recorded as 0-3. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukeys tests. Results: It was shown that MK-801 at doses more than 0.3 mg/kg significantly reduced pain behavior during the first phase (P<0.001)and MK-801 at doses more than 0.1 mg/kg significantly reduced formalin induced pain behavior during the late phase (P<0.05) Mk-801 at 0.45 mg/kg had the most significant effect (P<0.001).Showing significant differences with other doses (P<0.05); moreover high doses of MK-801 (0.45 mg/kg) increased motivation in rats. Conclusion: These results suggested that MK-801 the non- competitive antagonist of N- methyl D-Aspartic acid receptor (NMDA), could decrease acute and tonic pain. Therefore NMDA receptor plays an important role in pain.

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Enzymic "New Pressor protein" (NPP) from activated human plasma, with homology to β fragment of XII coagulation factor (βFXIIa ), potently raises blood pressure and heart rate when given i.v. to bioassay animals. Concurrently, there is a massive rise of plasma catecholamines, which must be primarily of adrenal medullary origin because all these effects are largely abolished by acute adrenal medullectomy. We postulate that peptides resulting from i.v. injection of NPP act as mediators of its action on the sympatho- adrenal, establishing an axis that connects XII coagulation factor, derivative peptides, and the sympatho-adrenal system to produce these cardiovascular effects. Endogenous NPP may not circulate in healthy animals or humans but could be produced from endogenous XII coagulation factor should it be activated in pathophysiological states involving endothelial dysfunction, inflammation or thrombosis. Such endogenous NPP could conceivably cause clinical effects similar to those reported here in a manner that counteracts the normally very beneficial therapeutic effects of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibition.

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