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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پیاپی 42)
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    4 (پیاپی 42)
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    4 (پیاپی 42)
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Background and Aim: Lead is one of the world wide using metals that has been used since ancient time. It is also a toxin, known to have adverse effects on the body even at low level of exposure and it induces a bread range of physiological, biochemical and behavioral dysfunctions. Studies have shown that this metal has harmful effects on several tissues such as nervous system, blood tissues, cardiovascular system, reproductive and urinary system.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study white male rabbits of New Zealand race were used and divided into two groups. Experimental group (N=10) 6.5 mg/kg of lead acetate were injected intra peritoneal every other day to each animal for 7 weeks as chronic dose and control group (N=10) were injected only with demonized water. After taking biopsy from left ventricular heart tissues of each group, tissue preparation was performed for LM and EM studies as standard method. Morphologic study was carried out on electron micrographs. Data have been compared with statistical methods.Results: Electron microscopic study revealed the nuclei of left ventricular muscles were heterochromatin appearance and abnormality and vacuolization in mitochondria in experimental group when compared with control group. Morphological findings in experimental group showed that histological tissue changes have been more significant to control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: These results suggest that lead acetate had severing effects on heart tissue during chronic dose.

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View 1258

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Background and Aim: Helicobacter pylori treatment is advised in all cases of chronic dyspepsia recently but despite several new drugs, treatment failure is probable yet and the choice method to eradicate Hpylori is contraversial.Materials and Methods: We studied all patients with chronic dyspepsia who referred to endoscopic ward of Imam Reza hospital. After demonstration of Helicobacter pylori infection by rapid urea’s test (RUT), these cases were divided into two groups randomly. The first group was treated by Metronidazole, Amoxicillin and Omeprazole and the second group was treated by previous drugs plus Bismuth Substrate for 2 weeks. Then drug side effects were asked during the first and second week and Helicobacter pylori eradication was evaluated by UBT (Urea Breath test) six weeks after the treatment.Results: Among 56 cases in this study 39.3% were male and 60.7% were female and 41-50 years cases were more frequent. 27 cases (48.2%) were treated by triple therapy and 29 patients (51.8%) were treated by quadruple therapy. Most common symptoms during the first week were abdominal pain and flatulence but during the second week the common side effect was flatulence. Although, treatment side effects were rare in the second week and only 25% of patients had significant symptom. Finally the total treatment success rate was 49% and Helicobacter pylori was eradicated according to UBT in 50% by triple therapy and 48% by quadruple therapy. The difference between two methods was not significant, although treatment success ratio was higher in young people. Conclusion: Triple therapy (Omeprazole, Amoxicillin and Metronidazole) is an effective regimen for the first line therapy in eradication of Helicobacter pylori especially in young people.

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View 1538

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Background and Aim: COPD is a prevalent problem with well-known complications. Rehabilitation techniques have been reported to be effective in pulmonary function tests of these patients. The present study was conducted to determine the effects of rehabilitation techniques on the pulmonary function tests in moderate severity COPD patients in education hospitals in Esfahan city in 2006-2007.Materials and Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental design. 80 participated Patients in the study with Moderate severity COPD, 50 patients in Case group and 30 patients in control group, were selected randomly. Data collection was done by demographic data and clinical status survey forms. Initially, pulmonary function tests were evaluated on two groups and then pulmonary rehabilitation in case group was carried out during two months in 20 minutes per time. After intervention, pulmonary function tests were evaluated again in each group. Data analysis was done by SPSS software. Results: Pulmonary function tests increased in case group. FEVI/FVC varied from 61.4 to 67.02 in case group.Conclusion: Pulmonary rehabilitation education can improve pulmonary function tests. Therefore, pulmonary rehabilitation education should be a part of physiotherapy programs in COPD patients until improvement in their clinical status.

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Background and Aim: Although no part of human anatomy is invulnerable to hydatid disease, it has been reported to occur in most of vital organs. Hydatid disease of urinary tract is uncommon, accounting for only 2-3 % of all such cases. Testes are extremely rare sites for echinococcosis. There are only three cases of testicular hydatid disease which were reported. In this laboratory animal model, we studied echinococcosis in rabbit testis.Materials and Methods: In this experimental trial study, 14 male Albino rabbits (body weight 2.5-3kg) were randomized into two groups: group A (study group), for testicular injection and group B (control group), for intraperitoneal injection of viable protoscoleces. All rabbits were infected, and then housed them under pathogen-free conditions for 10 weeks (70 days). One rabbit from group A and three from group B died one day after injection, and the other rabbits survived during follow-up period. At 10th week they were all anaesthetized and then we studied all testes with ultrasonography. In group A; all testes were excised, and in group B; we removed liver, kidneys and took four biopsies from peritoneum, for histopathology investigation.Results: There was demonstrable hydatid cyst (protoscoleces and germinative layer) in testes of five rabbits from group A, but in one rabbit both testes were normal. In group B, three out of four rabbits developed peritoneal hydatidosis.Conclusion: The mechanism of testicular resistance to echinococcosis could be blood-testis barrier because when we directly infected the testes of rabbits with protoscoleces, hydatid cyst developed.

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Background and Aim: Gold nanoparticles are one of the most applicable metal nanoparticles which are widely being used in different fields such as nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology. The goal of this study is the production of gold nanoparticles with appropriate size by the use of Glutamic acid which is considered as a green method. For diagnostic application the synthesized gold nanoparticles would be than conjugated with anti-morphine antibody. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, gold nanoparticles were synthesized and coated by chemical reduction method with the use of Glutamic acid. Formation of gold nanoparticles and their size were recognized and measured by UV-Vis spectroscopy, Dynamic light scattering and Transmission electron microscopy. Anti-morphine antibody was purified and prepared by subcutaneous injection of 400 µg/ml dose of morphine vaccine to 9 rabbits. Study of immunity, immunogenicity and antibody production was performed by immuno-diffussion methods. After production and recognition of colloidal gold nanoparticles they were changed into suspension by the use of PBS buffer. They were then conjugated with anti-morphine antibody and incubated at 4oC for 115 hours. Conjugated nanoparticles were characterization by SDS-PAGE and UV-V is spectroscopy. Results: The highest absorption of these particles was at 525 nm and their size was about 20 nm formed bands pertaining to conjugated nanoparticles were displaced in compare with standard samples. Conclusion: Glutamic acid is capable of synthesizing gold nanoparticles and since amino acids are intoxic, the nanoparticles which are synthesized by the use of amino acids, would be applicable in medicine and biotechnology. Nanoparticles conjugated with antibodies, could be also used as recognition tools.

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View 1747

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Background and Aim: In the patients at risk of aspiration, it is necessary to induce general anesthesia and intubate their trachea as rapid sequence. Succinylcholine is the only neuromascular blocker with short onset and ultrashort acting effect, therefore choice of drug is in rapid sequence induction of anesthesia. This drug has many advantages, including low cost, short onset, short duration of action, and profound muscle relaxation with no need to reversal of muscle relaxation. The most important side effects of this drug are fasciculation, postoperative myalgia and rise in serum potassium. We compared Lidocaine with Atracurium in preventing these side effects.Materials and Methods: The patients aged 20-50 years, in class I or II physical status (ASA), were randomly assigned either to group A or group B. Those in group A were given Atracurium (0.05 mg/kg), 3 minutes before Succinylcholine. Those in group B received Lidocaine (1.5 mg/kg), 30 seconds before Succinylcholine at induction of anesthesia. All patients in both groups received Sodium Thiopental (4 mg/kg) and Succinylcholine 1.5 mg/kg at induction of anesthesia. We evaluated and recorded fasciculation and myalgia in two days after operation. We also measured serum potassium before induction and 5 minutes after Succinylcholine injection. In order to control of post-operative pain, we used intravenous Morphine or Acetaminophen as either oral or suppository. Results: 160 patients were studied. The occurrence and severity of fasciculation were the same in two groups (p>0.05). There were less myalgia in group B in comparison with group A, one and two days after operation (p<0.05). There were no significant changes in serum potassium in two groups. Conclusion: Lidocaine is as effective as Atracurium in decreasing the occurrence and severity of fasciculation, following Succinylcholine injection at induction of anesthesia. Lidocaine is more effective than Atracurium in decreasing the occurrence and severity of myalgia.

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View 929

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Background and Aim: Over 80% of hospitalized patients receive IV therapy through peripheral catheters during a hospital stay. This technique of therapy has numerous complications such as phlebitis which can affect the patient's health state. The prevalence of phlebitis in Iran is higher than other countries. So, according to high prevalence of phlebitis and insufficient researches about chlorhexidine gluconate solution as a selective disinfectant for prevention of phlebitis, research in this subject seems necessary.Materials and Methods: This research is a clinical trial study which was done on hospitalized patients in Tabriz Imam Khomeini hospital in internal wards. For this aim collectively 60 patients were studied in chlorhexidine gluconate 2% and Alcohol ethylic (Ethanol) 70%.The Samples were selected through available sampling and divided in two groups randomly. Data collecting tool was observing checklist which includes two sections: demographic characteristics and standard scale of phlebitis signs and symptoms.Results: This research showed that incidence of phlebitis in chlorhexidine group was 36.7% and in Alcohol ethylic group was 53.3% which there was no significant differences between both groups (p>0.05).Conclusion: Although there were no significant differences between using of two solutions on prevention of phlebitis, but incidence, signs and symptoms of phlebitis in chlorhexidine group was lower than Alcohol ethylic group. So, it is suggested as a selected solution for disinfecting of catheter insertion site.

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Background and Aim: Body temperature controlling in patient undergoing open heart surgery is very important and critical. In fact it is the base of work and by measuring temperature correctly, complications of hypothermia can be prevented.Objectives: the overall purpose of this study was to determine and compare tympanic and nasopharyngeal temperatures in patient undergoing open heart surgery with hypothermia.Materials and Methods: This was a correlation study. The sample consisted of 60 patients undergoing open heart surgery with hypothermia. Body temperatures are measured in three sites–right ear, left ear and nasopharynx. Both of them were measured simultaneously before, during and after hypothermia. Tympanic temperatures were measured with an infrared thermometer and the nasopharyngeal temperatures were monitored by heart and lung machine, in fact it is a process in open heart surgery.Results: This study showed that the mean of body temperatures are different in three sites. The difference between right and left ear wasn't significant, but the mean of nasopharyngeal temperature was significantly different with right and left ear. In order to determine the sensitivity of tympanic to changes of temperature, correlations between three sites – right ear, left ear and nasopharyngeal – are calculated. Temperatures at three sites had a high correlation (p=0.01).Conclusion: All sites are sensitive to changes of body temperatures and they can show core temperatures of body well. Therefore, when there are limitations for monitoring of body temperatures by nasopharyngeal route, the tympanic route can be a good replacement.

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Background and Aim: Committed human forces to an organization besides reducing absences, delays and displacements, causes a great rise in the operation of the organization, mental freshness of the staffs and manifesting both organizational admirable targets and personal goals. Lack of commitment or a low-level one leads to negative results for the person and organization; such as lapses from duty, absence excisions', unwillingness to stay in organization, deduction in the trust of the clients and decrease in income. Therefore, organizational commitment in the staff of a hospital who pace in creating a product named "protection, returning and qualifying human health" appears to be of great importance. It is the goal of the ongoing research to study the relationship between the organizational climate and the organizational commitment of the staff and the managers which leads to distinction between organizations.Materials and Methods: This survey is based on a cross-sectional method. The community of the research has been the whole managers and the staffs of teaching Hospitals of Hamedan University of medical science (Ekbatan, Besat, Farshchian and Mobasher Kashani).The samples were calculated in accordance with the coincidentally sampling formula of 137 individuals. Time scope of the research has been February up to June of 2008. The data is analyzed upon the tests of moment correlation coefficient of Pierson, t test, chi square test, regression and ANOVA test. Results: Organizational climate has a positive and meaningful effect on organizational commitment of the staffs and managers. Among the compilations of organizational climate, group spirit, intimacy, engagement, consideration and thrust has positive effect; and hindrance and production emphasis has negative impact on organizational commitment. All dimensions of the organizational commitment (affective, continuous and normative) also have positive and meaningful relation with organizational commitment. Also among personal characteristics gender, age, record of service, level and field of activity are of important relation on organizational commitment.Conclusion: Based on the results of the ongoing research, improvement on the organizational climate causes a rise in the commitment of the staffs and managers to the organization and also can lead to protecting the abilities and continual competing advantages.

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Background and Aim: Health fulfillment is based on all effective factors that fulfill it. One of the 11 slogans of 21st century is oral-dental health and it was one of the PHC items before. DMFT is a very simple, fast and reliable index in determining oral-dental health. Grade 3 students of primary school are between deciduous and permanent form dental growth point of view that mixed teeth are observed in this period that make DMFT possible. This study was done to determine oral-dental health status of students with the help of DMFT index in Gonabad city.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-cross sectional study, all grade 3 students of primary schools (529 students) were checked for oral-dental health statues and interviewed by a dentist. The used instruments were a checklist, DMFT index, questionnaire, once used mirror a special catather. Data were analyzed by SPSS with T-test, correlative coefficient and variation analyses were analyzed. Results: 51.2% of the samples were male and 49.8% female. 77.3% used tooth-brush and 8.32% used from dental floss. DMFT of students in research was 3.86±1.11 and DMFT was 1.04±0.22 that showed no meaningful difference in two semis (p=0.18, p=0.12). The students that had no caries free tooth were 8.3%. One sided variation analysis showed a meaningful relationship between brushing frequencies with the index. Family size and education had a meaningful relationship with DMFT.Conclusion: The results showed that oral-dental health statues of grade 3 students of Gonabad primary school follow the country model and it is fairly well and CF has no meaningful difference with national index but it is average in accordance with WHO goal. Programmed efforts for KAP improvement and using need resources, administration evaluation, costs efficacy of some measures such as fluoride therapy, etc seems necessary.

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