Background and Objective: Despite 40 years of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) therapies, overall survival rates after cardiac arrest remain poor. On the average, 10-15% of patients who undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation following a cardiopulmonary arrest in hospitals, are discharged but this rate is different in different countries. Information on who is likely to benefit from cardiopulmonary resuscitation is essential for decision making regarding resuscitation efforts. The purpose of present study was to determine the outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for in-hospital cardiac arrests and to identify risk factors associated with survival to the time of hospital discharge. Materials and Methods: A 1-year cohort study in Emam Khomeini Medical Center that is a 1000-bed tertiary, academic and regional referral center was preformed. The samples were adult inpatients ( mean age 58.12±19.16 years), excluding those who had cardiac arrest in the operating room. Eighty seven patients analyzed. A check list was used to assess the performance and quality of CPR team and a questionnaire was used for assessment of knowledge in personnel. Results: Among eighty-seven resuscitated patients, sixteen (18.4%) survived after resuscitation but all of them died after 3-100 hours. Twenty seven (31.4%) patients arrested in the intensive care unit, 14 (15.1%) on the ward and 46 (53.5%) in the emergency room. There was no significant difference in survival based on location of arrest. Factors associated with poor outcome were age, interval between collapse and start of CPR, systolic pressure, arterial pH, K, initial rhythm, time of arrest, and duration of CPR. The skill of resuscitation team was associated with survival. Conclusion: Based on these data, survival till hospital discharge rate after cardiac arrest remains low. It is necessary to improve the skills and update the knowledge of resuscitation team. Hospital managers and nursing associations should consider CPR training and continuing education for all nurses and residents. They should also establish a special CPR Team in Hospitals.