Background and Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between characteristics of anthropometry, body fat percentage and amount of Sargent jump with swim time (100 m freestyle) in adolescent elite swimmers.Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive therefore, 21 male swimmers aging 10-15 years old were evaluated in: height, weight, 8 length body, 5 width body, 7 circumference body, 2 skinfold, hand grip strength and also Sargent jump with using the scales, tape meter, caliper and hand grip device and recorded the resulting data analyzed by partial and Pearson correlation tests.Results: The results of this study showed that there is a negative significant correlation between swimmers record (73.50±10.69 seconds) with arm length (32.72±3.89 cm), forearm length (25.10±2.87 cm), hand length, arm span length, foot length, the width of the palm, forearm circumference, hand grip strength, body fat percentage and the history of swimming (p£0.05). In addition, there is a direct correlation between Sargent jump records and sitting height, LBM and fat calf (p£0.01). Pearson correlation test which was also used to analyze the ratio of limb length to height, showed that there are significant negative relationships between the ratio of forearm length to height and the LBM to height (p£0.01).Conclusion: Talent of adolescents with anthropometric methods is accurate and some of anthropometric factors, have more relationship with the performance in swimming.