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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Obstructive cholestasis is associated with overproduction of some materials such as endogenous opioids (EOP) and nitric oxide (NO) in the blood streams. Physiology of sex axis hormones could be affected by some of these changes. This study was done to investigate the relationship between obstructive cholestasis and sex axis in adult male rats. METHODS: To study the topic, three groups of animals were used: no- surgery, sham- surgery, and surgical ligation of the bile duct. After 3 weeks, all animals were killed by ether. Serum concentration levels of inhibin B, FSH and LH were determined by ELISA and RIA, respectively. FINDINGS: The level of inhibin B was significantly higher in cholestasis than control and sham, and serum FSH and LH were significantly higher in control and sham than cholestasis (p<0.05).CONCLUSION: The results showed that obstructive cholestasis decreased the levels of serum gonadotropins but it did not damage testicular functions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Dextromethorphan is a well-known over-the-counter antitussive drug with over 45 years of clinical usage experience. Its toxicity is low, but extremely high doses may produce muscle or CNS depression, drowsiness and gastrointestinal upset. In the present study, the effect of dextromethorphan on the neuromuscular transmission of isolated chick biventer cervicis muscle preparation was examined. METHODS: The isolated chick (about 3 weeks old) biventer cervicis muscle was put in the organ bath. The organ bath had a vessel with volume of about 70 ml, it contained tyrode solution aerated with oxygen and was kept at 37°c. The nerve supplying the twitch-fibres was located in the tendon against which the electrodes were placed. It was stimulated usually at a frequency of 0.1 HZ, duration of 0.5 msec. and voltage of 5-10 volt and twitch response was recorded by a polygraph apparatus after transferring through a transducer.FINDING: Dextromethorphan in the range of 2.5 to 5.4 µM has an inhibitory effect on the twitch response to indirect electrical stimuli and contracture of exogenous acetylcholine. The inhibitory effect of dextromethorphan was not antagonized by physostigmine or 4-aminopyridin. Potentiation of twitch response due to 10 fold greater duration of the stimuli was decreased by dextromethorphan. Both tetanosis and facilitating after tetanosis were inhibited in the presence of dextromethorphan. Twitch response to the direct electrical stimuli was inhibited by dextromethorphan. Caffeine significantly antagonized the inhibitory effect of dextromethorphan on the twitch response to indirect electrical stimuli. Dose-response curves of acetylcholine and carbachol in the presence of dextromethorphan shifted to right with a decrease in the efficacy. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that the inhibitory effect of dextromethorphan on the neuromuscular transmission of the chick biventer cervicis muscle is mediated through blockade of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium channels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1433

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Normal blood pressure varies based on age, sex, height and weight, however it is necessary to use standard references to evaluate the values. The objective of this study was to determine the rate of normal blood pressure in 7-11 year old children in Zahedan and compare it with standard references. METHODS: After taking legal agreements and important information, this study was performed on 1500 students who were chosen by cluster sampling method from primary schools of Zahedan (750 males and 750 females). One hundred fifty persons were randomly selected from each grade of school. Blood pressure was detected at a relax position with standard cuffs. The measurement was repeated two weeks later and the data was evaluated. It was analyzed by Pearson coefficient and multiple regression analysis. FINDINGS: The results showed that mean of height, weight, systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 7 year old boys were 116 cm, 19.5 kg, 99.5 and 68.5 mmHg and in girls were 117cm, 19 kg, 101 and 70 mmHg, respectively. In 8-year-old boys were 120.6 cm, 21.2 kg, 100 and 68.8 mmHg and in 8-year-old girls were 12.5 cm, 20.2 kg, 101.2, and 70.1 mm/Hg, respectively. In 9-year-old boys were 127 cm, 23.5 kg, 102 and 70.7 mmHg and in 9-year-old girls were 126.5 cm, 23.5 kg, 102 and 71.5 mmHg, respectively. In 10-year-old boys were 13.6 cm, 25.9 kg, 102.1 and 70.7 mmHg and in 10-year-old girls were 132.8 cm, 26.1 kg, 103.5 and 71.6 mmHg, respectively. In 11-year-old boys were 136 cm, 28 kg, 105.2 and 70.6 mmHg and in 11-year-old girls were 136.6 cm, 29.2 kg, 106.5 and 72.8 mmHg, respectively. Multiple regression analysis and Pearson coefficient showed that these variables have a direct relation and effect with each other. CONCLUSION: Results showed that systolic blood pressure is nearly comparable with standard range. While diastolic blood pressure is more than the standard range, and height and weight of children are less than the standard range for each percentile.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 51534

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    4 (20)
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The increase of serum level of FSH accompany with increasing age indicated a decrease in ovary response and fertility in A.R.T (Assisted Reproductive Technology) cycles. This study was done to evaluate the relationship between age of women and FSH level with the number of oocyte and the rate of fertilized oocyte. METHODS: This study was done on 111 infertile couples who were in cycle of IVF in Babol Fatemeh Zahra infertility center during 1996-2001. The number of oocyte, fertilized ovum, serum level of FSH and LH were evaluated. Data was analyzed by SPSS soft-ware. FINDINGS: The mean age of women was 30.2±6.4 years and mean of the numbers of oocyte and fertilized oocyte was 7.2±4.5 and 2.8±3.1, respectively. The mean of FSH and LH was 9.2±3.92 IU/ml and 10±4.1 IU/ml, respectively. There was a significant relationship between the number of oocytes and fertilized oocyte with the age of women. Fertilization rate was 70.3 % and there was not a significant difference in fertilization rate among age groups. CONCLUSIONS: According to the results, the age of women can be a predictive factor for A.R.T (I.V.F) programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1491

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    4 (20)
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Manifestations of hypothyroidism range is severity from subtle alteration of thyroid functions with no apparent symptoms or nonspecific complications to myxedema coma. So many symptoms of hypothyroidism may be unnoticed or attributed to other diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical presenting features of hypothyroid patients in an iodine deficient area of the north of Iran. METHODS: This study was performed on all hypothyroid patients attended in Babol Shahid Beheshti hospital during 1995-2000. Diagnosis of hypothyroidism was based on clinical findings and assessment of serum TSH and T4. Patients with prior diagnosis of thyroid or nonthyroidal diseases were excluded. Data was provided by taking history, clinical examinations and interview. In statistical analysis, the relative frequency of each variables based on sex was determined and compared with x2 test.FINDINGS: 213 patients (177 females, 36 males) with mean ± SD age of 40±14 (about 14-16 years) were studied. Duration of presenting symptoms prior to diagnosis of hypothyroidism was less than one month in 23%, 1-3 months in 22%, 3-12 months in 16% and more than one year in 30%. Hypothyroidism presented with facial and periorbital puffiness and edema in 48%, which was accompanied by feet and hand edema in 7% and 2.3%%, respectively. Facial edema was more common in men than women (75% vs 43%, p< 0.001), goiter and neck discomfort in 18%, musculoskeletal symptoms such as joint and muscle pain and stiffness in 10%, hand and fingers paresthesias, characteristics of carpal tunnael syndrome in 9%, tiredness and fatigue in 6.5%, menstral and problems related to pregnancy in 2.3%, hoarse voice in 1%, abdominal distension and pain in 1% and unknown cause in 2.4%. CONCLUSION: Many cases of hypothyroidism begin with nonspecific symptoms that it is essential for primary care physicians to be aware of them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1050

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Conjunctiva is a mucusal surface colonized by a bacterial microflora that seems to be involved in some eye infections such as conjunctivis, keratitis and endophtalmitis after oculartrauma, surgery or other causal condition. So it is essential to know the normal flora composition. The aim of this study was to know what the normal aerobic bacterial conjunctival flora is. So when the infection occur, we can choose the antibacterial drugs, before culture and antibiogram. METHODS: This experimental study was performed on 135 healthy persons without conjunctivitis who referred to the eye clinic of Shahid Beheshti hospital of Babol during 2001. Swab speciemens were collected from both eyes of every case (without use of tetracaine), and cultured on blood-agar (5%) and then medium and finally diagnostic bacteriologic studies and essential differential tests were performed on them. FINDINGS: Among 135 studied cases, 70 were male and 65 were female. The youngest one was 1 year old and the oldest 70 years. Of 270 swab speciemens, growth was in only 27.7% (n=75) of cases. Also, 41% of healthy persons had normal conjunctival aerobic bacteria. The colonization happened to be unilateral in 67% (n=37) and bilateral in 33% (n=19) of cases. Also, among 75 studied colonies, 84% (n=63) was monobacterial and 16% (n=12) was polybacterial. There were 43 positive cultures of coagulase-negative staphylococci, 11 non-pathogenic neisseria, 10 gram-negative bacilli, 7 coagulase-positive staphylococci and 4 positive cultures of gram-positive bacilli. CONCLUSION: Conjunctival colonization with aerobic bacteria accounts for approximately 50% of healthy people that mostly occur unilateral and consists of predominatly one aerobic bacterial species. Coagulase-negative staphylococci are the main components of this flora.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3226

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Hospital solid wastes are important amount of municipal solid wastes. These materials have pathogenic and hazardous agents that threaten health of patients, staff and other persons. This study was done to determine the quality and quantity of solid wastes in the hospitals of Babol University of medical sciences. METHODS: This descriptive and cross- sectional study was performed in three hospitals of Babol town (Shahid Beheshti, Yahyanejad and Amirkola hospitals) that total solid waste and infectious waste amount per bed has been studied as random sampling in one week of any seasons and in three days.FINDINGS: The most amount of hospital solid wastes have been produced in emergency, operation rooms and ICU wards in summer and winter seasons and on Fridays. The mean of total amount of solid wastes per bed in these centers were 778.2±3.6kg and 2.01kg per day and the mean of infectious wastes amount per bed were 167.4 kg and 0.67 kg per day, respectively. Mean of weight percent in these wastes included plastic, paper and cardboard, textile, glass, metals, food wastes and other wastes were 25.6%, 16.4%, 15.7%, 2.8%, 1.4%, 22.9% and 15.3%, respectively. Mean density of these materials in these hospitals was 313.2±12.9 kg/m3. CONCLUSION: With regard to hazards of hospital solid wastes especially infectious wastes, it is necessary these hazardous materials to be managed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1099

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Warts disease is one of the common skin diseases, which is due to human papilloma viruses. The peak incidence is at the age of 12-16. Warts occur commonly on the back of hands and feet. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of warts disease in sclap, face, hands and feet among school girls in Babol in educational year of 1999-2000.METHODS: This cross-sectional study was done with randomly sampling, clinical examination and filled questionnaires in Babol girl guidance schools during 1999-2000. FINDINGS: Out of studied 300 girls, 45 cases (15%) had warts and 76 (25%) had past history of warts disease. The higher frequency was common wart and the commonest sites were hands. The peak incidence of this disease was at the age of 14. CONCLUSION: Determination of prevalence of wart disease can be effective in improvement of prevention and treatment protocols.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 5918

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Pelvic inflammatory disease is responsible for 5-20% of gynecologic hospital admission. These infections due to their high prevalence and serious complications are considered as a main problem in gynecologic field. This study was done to survey its risk factors and clinical manifestation. METHODS: This study was performed on 8114 admitted patients in Shahid Yahyanejad hospital during 1995-2000. 145 pelvic inflammatory disease were diagnosed. Data was gathered by questionnaires and then surveyed.FINDINGS: Prevalence of pelvic inflammatory disease was 1.8%, with high prevalence in 20-29 year old group (37.3%). The most common clinical manifestation was pelvic and abdominal pain and tenderness. The contraceptive method in patient was tubal ligation (27.6%) and withdrawal (26.9%). There was recent curettage in 13.8% and hysterosalpingogram in 11.4%. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of pelvic inflammatory disease in this study was less than other studies which is related to ethical principles and probably low prevalence of gonorrhea and clamydia infection. Diagnosis is clinical and depends to rule out other differential diagnosis and delay in treatment due to serious complications. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1125

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Regarding recent medical progress in prevention and treatment of diseases, the mean age is increasing. According to physiologic and pathologic conditions in this age, it seems temporomandibular disorders (TMD) needs more attention. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of TMD signs and symptoms in sanatorium elderly. METHODS: This randomized descriptive and analytical study was performed on people over 65 years old living in Kahrizak sanatorium in Tehran. 191 women and 79 men were examined in TMD symptoms and signs. Data were statistically analyzed.FINDINGS: 40.4% of the elderly had at least one symptom and 83.4% at least one sign. Women more than men had at least one symptom. The most prevalent symptom was sound sensation in ear and the most prevalent sign was TMJ sounds. The majority of symptoms and also TMJ sounds and muscle tenderness were more prevalent in women. The prevalence of most symptoms in patients with complete denture was more than those without tooth and denture. All of TMJ signs in patients without tooth and denture were more prevalent than those with complete denture (p=0.000).CONCLUSION: In this study, the abundance of elderly with signs were more than those with symptoms, probably old people used to hide their symptoms, limit their mandibular movements and also adapt with disorders. The high prevalence of TMD symptoms and signs in women, arising from probable relation between pathogens, female hormones and emotional stresses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 779

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Oligomenorrhea in the first years of menarch can be as normal condition, but when is consistant, or when is occurring after several normal menstrual cycles, other underlying disease must be considered. This study was done to determine the relative frequency of oligomenorrhea and other relative factor in Babol city's high school girls. METHODS: This descriptive and cross- sectional study was done on 800 high school girls, 14-19 years old group of Babol city in years of 2001-2002. A questionnaire about (weight, height, menarch age, existance of excess hair, ance …) has been given to students and the collected data was analyzed by Chi-square test and p<0.05 was considered meaningful. FINDINGS: The mean age in this study was 16.9±2.5. Relative frequency of oligomenorrhea was 25.4% and for normal menstruation was 74.6%. 47.3% of oligomenorrhea group and 24.3% of normal menstruation group has had hirsutism. Family history of oligomenorrhea was 45.8% in oligomenorrhea group in comparison to 32% in normal group. There was a meaningful difference between two groups in all study stages. CONCLUSION: Oligomenorrhea is relatively common among Babol citys high school girls. Because hirsutism, acne and other signes of hyperandrogenism were much more common in this group, more evaluation of causative factors of oligomenorrhea and so their related treatments are advised.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The most common cause of ureterovaginal fistula is pelvic surgery. Approximately 10% of urinary fistulas may involve ureters. It was not found ureterovaginal fistula associated with pelvic fused kidneys in English literature. Fistula repair technique is significant in this case because of kidney position. CASE: An 18-year-old female with continuous urinary incontinence five days following cesarean section referred after one month. IVU showed fused pelvic kidney with left hydroureteronephrosis. Cystoscopy and dye test, under anesthesia did not show vesicovaginal fistula. Double-J catheter did not pass into the left ureter. With regard to these findings, ureterovaginal fistula was diagnosed. For repair, mid line lower abdominal incision was made. Repair procedures such as direct ureteroneocystostomy and psoas hitch was difficult because the ureteral length was short and psosas muscle was behind the pelvic fused kidneys but bladder flap was the convenient procedure that we could do in this patient. The patient was dry and IVU became normal fallowing repair. CONCLUSION: Repair techniques for ureterovaginal fistulas depend on the ureteral length proximal to the fistula such as direct ureteronecystostomy, psoas muscle hitch and bladder flap. Bladder flap is the convenient procedure in pelvic fused kidneys because of short ureter and kidneys position.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1481

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