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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders that results in significant consequences in active population of the society. In traditional manuscripts, there are many indications about the antidepressant effects of rose oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the antidepressant effects of rose oil and geranium oil. METHODS: All experiments were carried out on male Swiss-Webster mice (25-30 gr). The antidepressant activities of rose oil and geranium oil were assesed using the forced swim test. In this test, mice were placed into a cylinderical glass (25 cm height, 12 cm in diameter) containing a column of 17 cm of water at 25±1°C. After 30 min (for the injection route) or 2 weeks (for the oral route) of the rose oil and geranium oil administrations, the mice were subjected to forced swimming test for 8 min.FINDINGS: Acute subcutaneous (s.c.) injection or chronic oral administration of rose oil and geranium oil significantly decreased the immobility time in the mouse forced swim test. The geranium oil response was biphasic. Pretreatment of animals with amphetamine and nortriptyline also reduced the immobility time. The inhibitory effects elicited by rose oil, geranium oil and amphetamine but not nortriptyline were antagonized by reserpine.CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the antidepressant activities of rose oil and geranium oil may be mediated through a presynaptic mechanism.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1440

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Ferritin with molecular weight of 450 kDa is the most important iron storage protein and is made of 24 subunits consisting of light and heavy chains. Each ferritin molecule is able to store 4500 Fe3+ molecules. The aim of this study was to determine the preparation of highly pure ferritin for usage in diagnostic and research systems. METHODS: In this study, ferritin was extracted and purified by homogenizing liver tissue, heating at 75 degrees centigrade, ammonium sulfate fractionation and gel filtration chromatography on sephadex G-200 column. The purify of ferritin was improved by using recycling chromatography. Resulted protein was electrophoreses on polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS-PAGE). Existence of ferritin was confirmed by ELISA test and potassium ferricyanide staining of gel. Silver nitrate staining of gel was used to confirm the purity of ferritin. Electrophoresis of ferritin under reducing conditions in presence of 2- mercapto ethanol was done to show the subunits (19 and 21 kDa) of ferritin. FINDINGS: This purification method resulted in very pure ferritin and the yield was 100 µg/gr of wet liver tissue. Electrophoresis of ferritin under reducing conditions in presence of 2- mercapto ethanol showed the both subunits (19 and 21 kDa) of ferritin.CONCLUSION: Highly pure ferritin resulted by this method is appropriate for diagnostic and research purpose and the yield is reasonable comparing other studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1325

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Background and OBJECTIVE: Aluminum has been known to cause toxic effects on organ systems. Although the knowledge on aluminum (AL) toxicity has markedly improved in recent years, information concerning the reproductive toxicity of this element is still very limited. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of graded dose of aluminum chloride administered to pregnant mice on their placenta and uterine in a short time. Methods: This study was performed on plug-positive female NMRI (National Medical Research Institute) mice that were randomly divided into six groups (12 mice in each group). Three groups of plug- positive female NMRI mice were given IP injections of ALCL3 at 150 mg/kg on days 10, 11 and 12 of gestation, respectively. Three other groups were given normal saline on the same days as control groups. Mice were killed on day 15 of gestation, the weight and diameter of placenta were recorded. Both placenta and uterus were examined with stereomicroscope and also uterus fixed and stained for microscopic examination.FINDINGS: In all experimental groups, in 14.3%, 13.8% and 13.3% of fetuses, placenta showed abnormal appearance and some degrees of atrophy on days 10, 11, 12 of gestation, respectively that in comparison to control group it was significantly higher (p<0.05). Also, the diameter of placenta in experimental groups (7.2, 7.2 and 7.3mm respectively) was significantly smaller than control groups (7.6mm)(p<0.05). The uterine of AL treated groups showed hemorrhagic area in external examination and infiltration reaction and dispersed necrotic foci in myometer in microscopic examination.Conclusion: According to the results, ALCL3 showed toxic effect on placenta and uterus of pregnant mice. It could explain at least part of teratogenic effects of ALCL3

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View 1268

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Background and OBJECTIVE: Cesarean section is the most common obstetric operation causing pain especially due to flatulence. A number of analgesics have been used to relieve pain after cesarean section. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of super mint oil on pain severity after cesarean section. Methods: This study was performed on 107 women (47 control and 60 case groups) in Shahidan Mobini hospital of Sabzevar. The drug and control groups received 40 drops of super mint every 20 minutes three doses just after serum disconnection. VAS (Visual Analog Scale) method was used to evaluate the effect of super mint on pain severity. FINDINGS: The Mann-Whitney test indicated that pain severity in case group in comparison to control group was significantly reduced at second 20 minutes and third 20 minutes and 120 minutes after intervention (p<0.001).CONCLUSION: According to the results, effect of super mint oil on pain severity after cesarean section was strongly confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1378

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: One of the main reasons of root canal treatment failure specially in maxillary second premolars is missed canals. Since this tooth has various number and canal configuration, it was decided to show the root canal morphology in this tooth in an in vitro study using dye penetration, in order to increase the knowledge of dentists with the morphology of the maxillary second premolars to decrease the root canal treatment failures. METHODS: In an in vitro experimental study a number of 100 extracted human maxillary second premolars from patients referred to the dental medical services were chosen randomly. The teeth were decalcified using the clearing techniques. Then the canals were colored using Indian ink, in order to study the number of roots, canal configuration and the location of the apical foramen according to Vertucci’s root canal classification.FINDINGS: Results were analyzed under direct sunlight and according to Vertucci’s root canal classification. Among the 100 examined teeth: 11% Type I, 48% Type II, 30% Type IV, 3% Type V, 8% Type VI, Type III, VII and VIII were not observed. 98% of the examined teeth had one root and 2% had two roots. 41% were with two foramina and 59% with one foramen. 78% of maxillary second premolars had two canals. CONCLUSION: Before deciding to perform root canal treatment gaining a good knowledge of the morphology of the pulp chamber is essential. According to a high prevalence of two canals in our study, it is necessary to look for an extra canal during the access cavity preparation. Either directly or by using angled radiographs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3071

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Rhinoplasty is one of the common operations in plastic surgery. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of internal and external osteotomy in rhinoplasty in Babol. METHODS: This clinical trial study was conducted on patients referred to the center of plastic surgery of Babol medical University from September 2001 to May 2003. Patients chose one of two methods of the surgery (external and internal osteotomy). After surgery the rate of ecchymosed and edema, duration of resolution of edema and late complications of the surgery were evaluated. Data were analyzed by SPSS and proportions were compared by X2 and Fisher’s exact test. FINDINGS: One hundred subjects with the mean age of 23.44±5.75 and 77 subjects with the mean age of 24±6.5 years were operated by internal and external osteotomy, respectively (p=0.597). Severe edema was significantly higher in patients were operated by internal lateral osteotomy than those who operated by external one (16% and 1.3%, respectively) (p=0.00001). Mean duration of the resolution of edema in patients operated in internal lateral osteotomy was significantly higher than those operated by external one (11.5±3 and 8.4±2 days, respectively) (p=0.0000.1). Late complications as mucocyst and step in internal lateral osteotomy occurred in three cases but no case was seen in the external one. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the rate of edema and ecchymosis and late complications in cases operated by external lateral osteotomy were lower than cases operated by internal lateral osteotomy. So it is recommended that this method of surgery is used for rhinoplasty.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1055

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Induction of anti rejection therapy in renal transplanted patients is performed in various forms and there is a great difference in steroid administration. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of oral and intravenous prednisolone (Methyl prednisolone) in prevention of rejection during first two weeks of hospitalization. METHODS: In this clinical trial study during one year in a randomized trial, 60 patients in two groups (31 for parenteral route and 29 for oral route) were studied for rate of rejection. Also, according to gender, age (less or more than 35 years old), clinical manifestations, time of rejection (first or second week) and the results of isotope scan (DTPA), the findings were assessed. FINDINGS: It was found eight cases of rejection in oral group and six cases in parenteral one without any significant difference. Also, there was no significant difference between two groups for other parameters. The only meaningful difference was for isotope scan that was true for all rejections of the parenteral group but in only 25% of rejections of the oral group, it showed the problem (p=0.049). CONCLUSION: In short term, there is no significant difference between two methods. But because sample size was small, this study should be repeated with larger one.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and OBJECTIVE: Nowadays, arterial cannulation for continuous and direct monitoring of arterial blood pressure has a wide indication especially in cardiac surgery. However, this method is useful but it may have some complications. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of some complications of radial arterial cannulation such as arterial thrombosis, hematoma, and sensitivity of cannulation site. Methods: This prospective study with consequential sampling study was performed on 139 cases who referred to Dr. Heshmat hospital in Rasht from November 2002 to May 2003 and arterial cannulation has been carried out on all of them. The mentioned complications were studied according to observation form and Allen’s test. Data were analyzed statistically by t-test, Chi square test and Mc Nemar test.FINDINGS: From all cases, 68.3% were men and 31.7% were women. Incidence of radial artery thrombosis on the third day after cannulation was 43.9%, incidence of hematoma and sensitivity of cannulation site on the same day were 38.8% and 16.5%, respectively. These complications reduced on 7th day after cannulation to 7.2%, 5% and 1.4%, respectively. There was a significant difference between incidences of complications on different days after cannulation (p<0.05). The findings indicated that there was a significant relation between incidence of thrombosis and time of Allen’s test and also between the incidence of hematoma and thrombosis (p<0.05). But there was no significant relation between incidence of hematoma and thrombosis, but there was no significant relation between incidence of complications under study and sex and also between radial thrombosis and size of artery (given wrist circumference).Conclusion: Despite high incidence of these complications, they are declining rapidly and no serious side effect is found. Radial arterial cannulation is still considered as a safe and suitable method.

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Background and OBJECTIVE: G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency is the most common enzyme deficiency in human beings. Using fava beans, some drugs and oxidant agents cause life-threatening hemolysis in children and other ages. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of G6PD deficiency and its relation to age and family history. Methods: This cross sectional, descriptive and analytical study was performed on 732 persons. Students aged between 7-11 years old were randomly chosen by cluster sampling method. Data were analyzed by SPSS. For comparing enzyme deficiency between two sexes and the effect of family history, chi square test was used. FINDINGS: From 732 students, 295 were male and 437 were female. 11.2% of males and 1.4% of females were G6PD deficient that this difference was considered significant (p<0.0001). Children who have G6PD deficiency, history of G6PD deficiency among their family members was significantly more (p<0.0001).Conclusion: Due to high prevalence of G6PD deficiency as a threatening factor for public health in north of Iran, it is suggested cord blood G6PD screening be considered at birth especially in male neonates and the quality of primary health care and public information be increased by teaching.

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View 1293

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: A large number of youngsters and adolescents smoke in the different countries and they have inappropriate information about the correlation between cigarette smoking and numerous diseases and do not receive appropriate education in this regard. The aim of this study was to determine effective factors in tendency towards cigarette smoking among adolescents in Iran and promoting public health level with providing appropriate education and changing their attitude to cigarette smoking.METHODS: Totally 1000 students of Tabriz city from different schools were randomly chosen. Data were collected by questionnaire consisting of 11 questions without mentioning the personal characteristics of participants that its reliability validity was confirmed by psychiatrists and social medicine specialists. Data were analyzed by SPSS and Chi square test.FINDINGS: The results of this study showed that 16% of students in Azarshahr, Osku, Khosroshahr and 12.6% of students in Tabriz smoke cigarette. The main reason in tendency towards smoking is lack of suitable recreation that included 33% of all cases and other factors were as follows: fun, curiosity, hopelessness and social and family problems.CONCLUSION: Health behaviors are acquired and also are educable and changeable. One of the best ways in preventing cigarette smoking is to give health education especially to adolescents. They should be educated on how to say no against the pressure of their bad friends.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1575

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Background and OBJECTIVE:  Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and continues to be a major cause of cancer death. Major risk factors for breast cancer studied for many years, but epidemiologic studies have been inconsistent in suggesting all association between smoking and breast cancer risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of active and passive smoking on breast cancer.Methods: In this case- control study, 105 patients with confirmed breast cancer referred to Omid hospital in Mashhad and were compared with 105 healthy women who were living in their neighborhood and were the age-matched (±3 years) with case group. Information concerning potential risk factors exposure status was collected by structured questionnaire and interview. Breast cancer risk relation to smoking was estimated by calculating the odds rations.FINDINGS: In this study, smoking had no relation with breast cancer. Passive smokers had an odds ratio 18.5 (95% CI= 8.7-39.4). The women used water pipe had an odds ratio 7.3 (95% CI= 2.7-19.7). Also, in people who were passive smokers during their childhood, the odds were 4.86 fold.Conclusion: The findings suggested that the risk of breast cancer has a positive relationship with active and passive smoking and water pipe use. Thus, health interventions including no exposure to smoking and not use water pipe seem to be necessary in this regard.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 4874

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Statistics show that numerous oral contraceptive users take it incorrectly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and use of OCP in women who referred to health center of Ramsar town. METHODS: This descriptive and analytical study was performed on 358 OCP users referred to Ramsar health care centers in 2002 (the first six months). Method was as simple nonrandom sampling and data were collected by interview and questionnaire completion and then analyzed by SPSS.FINDINGS: 43.6% of cases use pills incorrectly and knowledge level in 40.8% of women was low. There was a significant relationship between education and OCP use (p=0.003) and also between job and OCP use (p=0.03). There was a significant relationship between training presentation in first meeting and use of OCP (p=0.019).CONCLUSION: The results showed that the knowledge level and correct use of OCP in women receiving family planning services is not desirable.

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View 1282

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: There are many researches regarding association between periodontal problem and smoking but there are a few studies about this relationship and the changes in salivary composition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of smoking on salivary composition in subjects with moderate periodontitis before and after periodontal therapy.METHODS: In this study saliva samples were taken from 30 patients (15 smokers and 15 nonsmokers) with mean age of 33 who referred to periodontal clinic of Babol dental faculty.  Laboratory parameters were SIgA, SIgG, Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Albomin and Amylase. Salivary sampling was done in two stages before and after scaling. Data were analyzed using paired t-test and t-test.FINDINGS: The concentration of SIgA, K and P were greater in smokers before therapy (p<0.05). Post treatment, K and P level were greater in smokers (K=18.8±0.57, P=11.27±0.8) than nonsmokers (K=16.78±0.43, P= 8.83±0.8) and Mg was greater in nonsmokers (2.73±0.55) than smokers (1.16±0.13) (p<0.05). There was a reduction of SIgA and Mg in smokers after treatment (P<0.05). The reduction of SIgA in smokers (0.08±0.011) was greater than nonsmokers (0.03±0.012) (p=0.005). Post treatment nonsmokers had reduced SIgA level and increased Ca concentration (p<0.05).CONCLUSION: There was a reduction in SIgA level after treatment in both groups, which is related to decrease of inflammation. Smoking has not any considerable effect on salivary composition changes after periodontal therapy.

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View 1025

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Mortality, which caused by diarrhea and unnecessary hospital admission, can be decreased by simple, available and effective methods and mothers have an important role in this regard.METHODS: This descriptive and analytical study was randomly performed on 250 mothers who had children under 5 years of age. Data were collected by questionnaire and then analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi- square test and correlation coefficient.FINDINGS: The knowledge of mothers towards diarrhea (84%) was moderate and their practice (50%) was low. There was a significant relationship between the knowledge and practice of mothers with variables as occupation, educational level, husband ‘s job and education, place of living, income, numbers of children, age of child, birth interval of children, history of diarrhea in child, information on taking care of child during diarrhea and the most important source of information. Also, there was a significant relationship between knowledge of mothers with sex of child and their practice with age (p<0.05). There was a significant linear relationship between knowledge and practice of mothers (r=0.385, p= 0.000). CONCLUSION: Based on low practice of mothers, it is recommended to give necessary knowledge to mothers by regular educational program and make them sure that fluid therapy is effective. Therefore, they can learn necessary skills to prevent mortality of children due to dehydration.

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View 1115

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Vestibulitis and VIII nerve lesions are the final diagnosis in most of the patients presenting with acute true vertigo, but central vertigo due to brainstem lesions must always be considered. In most of the patients, brain MRI is the only available solution. In this study, blink reflex (BR) abnormalities in acute true vertigo were compared with MRI findings. METHODS: One hundred and five patients who were presented with acute true vertigo without other signs of brainstem involvement, and who had normal neurologic examination were evaluated. In 18 patients in whom new neurologic signs were appeared or their symptoms were lasted for more than 72 hr, BR and brain MRI were requested and their results were compared.FINDINGS: From 18 patients, in 5 patients BR and brain MRI were normal and central vertigo was ruled out. In 8 patients both BR and brain MRI were abnormal. Three patients had normal BR and abnormal brain MRI. In the last two patients, brain MRI was normal but BR was abnormal.CONCLUSION: Abnormal response of BR (76.9%) were well correlated with abnormal MRI findings (84.6%), and the results of the two tests were additive. Therefore, BR can be a good accompaniment for brain MRI in evaluation of central vertigo.

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View 997

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    4 (پی در پی 28)
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سابقه و هدف: اکثر بیمارانی که با سرگیجه واقعی حاد مراجعه می کنند مبتلا به بیماریهای وستیبول و عصب VIII هستند، ولی همیشه ترس از این که سرگیجه از نوع مرکزی و بعلت ضایعات ساقه مغز باشد وجود دارد. در اغلب موارد تنها راه تشخیص این بیماران MRI مغز است. در این مقاله کاربرد رفلکس چشمک در بررسی بیماران مبتلا به سرگیجه واقعی حاد در مقایسه با MRI مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است.مواد و روشها: تعداد 105 بیمار که به علت سرگیجه واقعی حاد بدون سایر علایم درگیری ساقه مغز و با معاینه نرولوژیک نرمال مراجعه کرده بودند مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. در 18 بیمار که در طی 72 ساعت اول علائم نرولوژیک جدیدی ایجاد و یا علایم آنها بیش از 72 ساعت ادامه یافت رفلکس چشمک و MRI مغز انجام و نتایج آنها با یکدیگر مقایسه گردید.یافته ها: در هیجده بیمار مورد بررسی، در پنج بیمار هم رفلکس چشمک و هم MRI مغز طبیعی بود و تشخیص سرگیجه مرکزی رد شد. در 8 بیمار هم رفلکس چشمک و هم MRI مغز غیرطبیعی بود و در سه بیمار رفلکس چشمک نرمال و MRI مغز غیرطبیعی بود. همچنین در دو بیمار MRI مغز نرمال و رفلکس چشمک غیرطبیعی بود.نتیجه گیری: پاسخ های غیرطبیعی بدست آمده توسط رفلکس چشمک (76.9%) قابل مقایسه با یافته های غیرطبیعی MRI مغز (84.6%) بود و علاوه بر این انجام دادن هر دو تست با تشخیص موارد زیادتری از ضایعات ساقه مغز و مخچه همراه بود. بنابراین پیشنهاد می شود که از رفلکس چشمک در کنار MRI برای تشخیص سرگیجه مرکزی استفاده شود.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Gastrointestinal (GI) involvement is a cause of morbidity and mortality in kidney transplant recipients. Patients are at risk of GI infections during 1-6 months after transplantation. The major viral pathogen involving GI tract in transplanted patients is CMV. The incidence of active disease in seropositive patients is about 25%. There is a significant increase in mortality of kidney recipients suffering GI disease with CMV.CASE: A 58-year-old man hospitalized with weakness and confusion three weeks after kidney transplantation. Gradually LLQ (Left Lower Quadrants) tenderness appeared. Abdominal X-ray showed sub diaphragmatic air. Sigmoidal perforation was revealed after abdominal laparotomy. CMV-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) from blood was positive and CMV colitis was confirmed by colonic biopsy. Ganciclovir and broad spectrum antibiotics were started but he died 5 days later because of sepsis.Conclusion: CMV disease may be fatal in kidney recipients. Despite severe disease, there may be just a few signs and symptoms. So, there must be a high index of suspicion in kidney recipients during first 6 months after transplantation. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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