Introduction: Having an appropriate diet in toothless patients with complete dentures should be considered to provide their required nutritions. In this research, our purpose is to assess serum levels of iron and folic acid in some of the patient referred to the prosthetic department of Mashhad Dental School, both before and after the replacing of prostheses and also to study the serum level changes in them.
Materials & Methods:
This interventional study was done on 30 cases. A standard questionnaire including two parts, has been used the first contains personal information and the second part contains a chart for information on the primary and secondary serum levels of iron and folic acid. The primary level of iron and folic acid indicates the level of them after three months period, of being toothless. And the secondary level indicates the level of them three months after applying the prostheses (Artificial teeth). For statistical analyses, t student test and t test pair were used.
Results: Evaluation of the gathered data in the population of this study in which the mean age was 52.6 years old, demonstrated low iron and folic serum levels, comparing to normal range, both in the first and second sampling. Also, the assessment of the secondary iron level changes compared to its primary level didn't show any significant decrease, while the folic acid decrease was quite significant (P=0.003). The study of these changes based on different sexes, only demonstrated a significant difference in iron serum level (P=0.012); while in the case of folic acid there was no difference in the secondary decrease between men and women.
Conclusion: According to findings of this research, the role of healthy teeth in having an appropriate diet and providing calorie and required nutritions, due to effective chewing power, was emphasized, applying substitute prostheses could not have an correcting the nutritional diet of these subjects. Therefore, it is suggested these patients should get education on correcting their diet with supplements and other nutritions, or having control periods for checking their nutritional health.