Introduction: When the prosthetic treatment of whole masticatory system and patient occlusion are done, the duration time of temporary restoration increases. In this period, one temporary restoration should have the properties of an ideal prosthesis. Therefore, the material selection for making a temporary restoration is important. The aim of this experimental study was the comparison of marginal integrity of temporary crowns made from two types of temporary materials; self cured acrylic resin (Tempron), and light cured composite resin ( & Methods: In this experimental invitro study, 20 brass dies with 1mm width shoulder finishing line were prepared which had 7mm height, 7mm basal diameter and 8 degree convergence angle. A coping was made from the brass sleeve for each die to build up the prepared form. Dies were divided into two groups of 10, and then the temporary restoration was made directly. After cementation of cases on related dies, the marginal gap was scaled by a microscope with 100 degree magnification. Next, they were put under occlusal load (40N) for 50000 cycles and 3400 cycles of thermocycling (5-55oc). Finally, the marginal gap was scaled in post dot. Data analysis was done by student t-tests with 95% significance level.Results: 1. The average marginal gap in self cured acrylic resin before occlusal load and thermocycling was less than light cured composite resin, but this difference was not significant (P=0.19). 2. The difference of marginal gap between Tempron and Revotek after occlusal load and thermocycling was not significant (P=0.48). 3. The comparison of gap before and after thermocycling and occlusal load revealed that marginal gap decreased after thermocycling and occlusal load in Revotek more significantly than Tempron (P=0.042).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that Tempron and Revotek lc in both invitro and direct fabrication had good marginal integrity before and after occlusal load and thermocycling, but Revotek lc revealed a better result in gap reduction.