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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of present study was to see the effect of static and P. N. F stretching methods: On two important factors of Physical fitness, range of stretch and strength of hamstring muscle in non-athlete men. For this purpose twenty two non- athlete men were selected randomly from available population  and divided into two groups of eleven subjects per group. First group worked for eight weeks, doing static stretching exercises. The second group used P. N. F stretching exercises with C- R pattern for the same period of time. In the beginning and st the end of fight weeks period. Pre and the post test were taken. The data were analyzed, using (t) test for dependent and independent groups. The result of testing hypothesis revealed that eight weeks of static stretching program Significantly increased the range of stretch and strength of hamstring as well. The result also showed that using eight weeks of P. N. F exercise program with C- R pattern significantly increased range of stretch and strength. In comparing the results of two methods of stretching no significant difference was found between two exercise programs.

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The purpose of the study was to describe the physical fitness of 1st. 2nd and 3rd. grade boy students in primary schools at the national level. A researcher- made questionnaire, along with the Canadian A ward Fitness Test (CAFT).  including 50 yard dash. Curl- ups in one minute, Flexed- arm- hang, 4 *10 y and Shuttle run, Standing broad jump and 300 yard run were used for collecting data. The statistical population of the study consisted pf 1st. 2nd.And 3rd. grade nationwide primary school boys. Random samples were selected from five regions in north, south east, west and central part of the country. Finally, 1080 subjects, from each grade, participated in the study. Standard norms were developed for each one of the variables and the selected stated were compared accordingly.        

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Islamic revolution, and with increasing society's demands for receiving a better service, it seems a gap or ambiguity exist here which needs to review and study the cause of them, so a lack of academic performance evaluation system is quite evident. This paper, introduce the results of a study that was done about "determination and explanation performance evaluation indicators in physical education departments ". For this purpose, in the first step, a group of experts including faculty of physical education and management departments were chosen, and then, their view point about performance evaluation indicators were solicited After that, on the basis of their suggestion and study of existing documents, and regarding duties and goals of these departments, the preliminary base of indicators was recognized in three groups which are: 1) education, 2) research 3) and services. Then, the group of service indicators was put to evaluation by 33 physical education Ph.D faculties, with using a five- choice scale qualitative questionnaire (from very high to very low). For convert the collected results into deterministic values, Fuzzy logic was employed Results show that 10 indicators have (very high and high), 9 indicators (medium) and 5 indicators (low) degree of importance, more analysis will be given in the paper. Moreover, the reliability of questionnaire was founded 0.98, by using alpha chronbach test.

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The aim of this investigation was to study the effects of participation of the physical education college of T.T.U female students in physical fitness and swimming courses on some of physical and motor factors in the first simester .25 subjects were randomly selected and motor and physical factors included cardiovascular endurance, explosive power, abdominal muscle endurance, trunk flexibility, were measured before and after the participation in the first semester. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test at = 0.05 the findings of this study showed that: there was a significant increase in cardiovascular endurance (p = 0.000) and abdominal muscle endurance and significant decrease in an aerobic power (p = 0.025) but in trunk flexion (p = 0.941) and balance (p = 0.656) no significant difference was observed. Also no asignificant difference was observed in agility and explosive power (p = 0.111)      

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View 1907

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This Research" The Effect of Physical Practice and Random/Blocked Mental Imagery on Performance and Learning of Tracking Task" on 108 Ferdowsi University students in 9(nine) groups of 12 students with mean age of (21.69±1.51) and mean of MIQ score of (51.26± 2.99) were done. The groups do physical practice and mental imagery in two methods of random and blocked in 10(ten) sessions. Results show that between performances of Random/Blocked Mental imagery with Random/Blocked physical Practice in acquisition process was significant. Physical practice groups were better. But, difference between physical practice groups and combined groups wasn't significant. In retention process' Random/Blocked mental imagery in comparison with physical practice and combined groups had a better performance. Random mental imagery in comparison of blocked mental imagery was better. Also Reconstruction hypothesis of Lee and Magil for non effect contextual interference with generalized motor program parameter change is contradict. However mental imagery with Peter Lang's Bioinformational Theory is agreeable. According to this theory mental imagery of movement task in a special speed conduce to speed interference with next movement. With contextual interference with Davies's Retroactive Rnterference is agreeable.

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The purpose of present study was to compare the blood leukocyts number and subset groups and determine the rate of neutrouphile phagocytic activity in elderly active and non-active men. For this purpose forty elderly men were selected randomly in tow groups of active with mean age of 67.1 and non-active with mean age of 65.65. For measuring the variables, 5cc of blood was taken infasting condition and 48 hours after the last exercise session. The number of leukocyts, monocyts, lymphocyts, neutrophils and eosinophils were determined whit using the full automatic instrument. For determining the rate of phagocytic activity of neutrophils the NBT method was used. To do the statistical analysis, the spss software was used ,and to accept or reject the hypothesis (a =5%) was selected After applying the (t) test between independent groups, no significant difference between was found between the number of leucocyts, neutrophils, lymphocyts and eosenophils under resting condition. Also between the number of phagocytic active neutrrophils ,no significant difference was found among active and non-active elderly men under resting condition, But between the number of blood monocyts of active and non-active elderly men, and between the phagocytic activity of blood neutrophils of active and non-active elderly men significant difference was found under resting condition.      

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The aim of present investigation was to study the effect of attentional-focus feedback on error-detection capability. 48 (24 males and 24females) subjects who participated in this study voluntarily divided into four experimental groups according to estimation condition (estimation/ no estimation) and type of feedback focus (internal/ external). The task was bimanual coordination that the subjects should to move two slides from back to front to produce given relative phase ( in phase) and move a pointer to intercept a ball at the computer screen. Mixed factorial ANOVA showed that in acquisition phase, there were the estimation and feedback interaction effect on relative phase and estimation, feedback and trials interaction effect on movement time for constant error (CE) and root-mean-square error (RMSE). In addition, in the retention phase, there was an estimation and feedback interaction effect on relative phase for CE, so no estimation-internal and estimation external groups were better than other groups. In conclusion, learners' sensitiveness to sensory information that focuses their attention to movement effect or external-focus comparing to movement itself or internal-focus, increase learning. Thus, one of the effects of external-focus feedback on motor learning is error detection capability that it added to other mechanisms that proposed in this regard previously.      

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Low back pain is one of the most common and importantspinal injuries. The relationship between the abnormal muscle function and low back pain has already been documented. However, its exact mechanism and the quality and quantity of this relationship specially the interaction between the pain and muscle weakness is not clear yet. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the interaction between the isometric muscle force, the low back pain and the exercise therapy factors. Methods: Twenty four women with chronic low back pain and 22 healthy women all between 20 to 45 years of age participated on this study. Before and after 36 treatment sessions the isometric muscle force of the flexors and extensors of the trunk in three different posture including standing up right, flexed trunk up to 45 degrees and full trunk flexion (90 degrees) were measured and compared with normal subjects. MANOVA for the repeated measurements were used for statistical analysis. Results showed that the isometric muscle force in patients was smaller than that of in normal subjects in all postures (p=0.01). The muscle weakness was more obvious in flexed postures than in standing posture. There was a significant interaction between low back pain, muscle force, posture and the treatment factors. In conclusion, low back pain is associated with decreased isometric trunk muscle force. This decrease is more in flexed postures. Exercise therapy increased the muscle force significantly. Muscle force evaluation can be used in rehabilitation planning.    

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1992

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The working environment in which individual perform their duties is a function of many factors. Similarly, effective management and function of managers within their organization depend on factors outside of their organization. One of the most important factors that can contribute to the effectiveness of a manager within an organization is using the manger bases of power for the purpose of influencing other important figure outside the organization. The Purpose of this research was to assess the bases of power and the effectiveness of directors of colleges of physical education in state universities. The statistical population was all the scientific board members, directors, and deans of colleges of physical education throughout the country. 328 persons (63 manager and 268 board members) complete four questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using SPSS:pc. Regression analysis and test of relationship were used to examine the relationship. The results of analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between effectiveness and management performances.  

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Child cerebral palsy (CCP) covers all aspects of disorders of motor, sensor systems and those structures that as a result of studding should become a base of highest activity forms that we call highest cortical functions. In order to study ridetherapy influence two groups of patients with cerebral palsy in the age from 3 to 14 years old, of both sexes were formed. The first basic group was composed of 50 children, 3l from t hem had hyperkinetic form and 20 - spastic syndromes. They underwent rehabilitation at the hippodrome 3-5 times a week for 90-120 minutes. 11 control groups was composed from 50 children who did therapeutic gymnastics according to B. Bobath (I) methodology, 90-120 minutes daily. Course of treatment lasted 2-4 month in both groups. In order to assess effectiveness of rehabilitation we elaborated evaluation scales with point system. Examination before treatment gave opportunity to use individual and differential approach in each particular case while carrying out RT in the first group and TE in the second. Before beginning rehabilitation, in preparatory period children were theoretically acquainted with the stable, horse texture, different paces (step-trot-gallop), its feeding and care. Point system evaluation scales elaborated by us gave opportunity to define effectiveness of RT in children with cerebral palsy. Indicators of face, trunk and limbs involuntary movement intensity before rehabilitation were identical in both groups - 3,566±0,176and 3,567±0,164 point. Final data after RT amounted to 1,002±0,009 point in basic group and 2,001 ±0,135 points in control group (p<0, 001). In order to study motor activity on horse children shown that this method has higher therapeutic effect in case of hyperkineses compared. Biomechanical influence of RT on organism of child with cerebral palsy is interdependent process based on biological feedback - biofeedback. Thus, in conclusion, it may be said that horse bake therapy is original, effective, activity and adequate method that provides building of new motor skills, decreasing of spasticity, hyperkineses, broadening of outlook, improvement of memory, utmost mobilization of compensatory abilities of child's young developing brain to overcome all difficulties faces in the making of both perceptive and basic habitual skills in children with cerebral palsy.    

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