The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of gender and activity level on student’s physical- self concept.408 boy and girl students in secondary school aged 11 to 14 years (204 girl students (12.86 1.10) and 204 boy students (13.05 have been selected in randomly clustering form. Students completed personal questionnaire and physical self - description questionnaire (PSDQ), which consisted of nine specific components of physical self-concept (Activity, Appearance, Body Fat, Coordination, Endurance, Flexibility, Health, Sport competence, Strength), and two global scales (global physical self-concept and global esteem) (Marsh, 1994). Related study covered comparing casualy type or after this research, A 2 (gender) ×2 (activity level) UNIVARIATE were used for determine the effect of gender and activity level on Physical Self-Concept and sub-scales. Finding of univariate test indicated that the main effects of gender and interaction activity level and gender weren’t significant (p>0.05) but the main effect activity level was significant.. Finding of univariate test also indicated that girl students showed greater Physical Self-Concept than boy students in appearance sub-scale (P£0.05), in contrast, the effect of activity level on Activity, Appearance, Coordination, Endurance, Flexibility,, Sport competence, Strength sub-scales were significant (P£0.01), in order words, Activity students showed greater Physical Self- Concept in above sub-scales. In accordance with previous researches, the results showed students participation in physical activity lead to increase in physical, appearance and psychological factors that lead to increase in physical self- concept. Therefore it suggested that education chiefs and physical education teachers provide all- encompassing participation of students in physical activity in order to enhance physical self- concept.