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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this study, we assess the impact of oil price changes on the economic growth of some OECD oil exporters countries, including Norway, UK and Canada, and by recognizing the dependence of developed industrialized countries on oil and the impact of oil prices have on their economies and in turn the dependence of developing countries like Iran on the economy of advanced countries. We use the GARCH method to estimate non-linear transformation of oil prices, which are in turn used in VECM framework. The variables used in the model include short and long term rates of interest, rate of inflation, GDP growth rate, effective exchange rate and increase and decrease of oil prices estimated using the non-linear GARCH method. The results for different countries imply asymmetrical impact of oil price changes on GDP growth rates; on the other hand, the results show that monetary shocks are an important and noticeable factor on variability of GDP growth rates, supplementing the impact of oil price shocks.

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In this paper the Hodrick-Prescott filter is used to decompose real GDP for Iran into long-run trend, business cycles and irregular movements. Then, following the work of Lucas (1977), the stylized facts of business cycles identified, including the co movements among the variables, their relative variability and their persistence over the cycle. This inquiry covers the period 1338-84 and uses yearly data on key economic aggregates. Some of the results confirm Lucas' view of the business cycle, that is, the general co-movement of the series and the higher volatility of investment and durable consumption. It has been revealed in the analysis that consumption, Investment and total export are pro-cyclical and coincident with the cycles. But total import, export of oil and non-oil, durable consumption, investment in machinery, durable consumption and government expenditure are pro-cyclical and leading the cycles. The analysis also revealed that monetary variables showed acyclical behavior in Iran's business cycles while prices are countercyclical. The Phenomena in Consistent With Kydland and Prescott (1990). The results of Granger Causality method indicate that oil export fluctuations may have been the major source of Iran business cycles.

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Today in Process of economic integration and Common market establishment, Economic blocks have special importance. In this regard, neighborhood, integration and economic similarity, co languages are influencing factors on deepening of commercial and economic relationship between countries. However, at a general concept, aforementioned are subset from broad concept of contiguity in commercial trade, trade index measurement such as Cosines criteria and trade concentration and economic homogenous indexes e. g. Economic freedom degrees, per capita income convergent, state role on economy, are explaining countries strategies towards blocking and regional- business integration. The objective of this study IS to examine the possible enhancement of regional trade integration of agricultural products among the Organization of Islamic countries (me) members. By implementing various blocks, it is expected that contiguity may reduce heterogeneity in the structure of the OIC countries' economies, and in contrast, raise the degree of trade similarity. Accordingly, a statistical analysis of agricultural trade relationship in the regional blocks, in addition to their degrees of economic freedom and economic similarity, enables us to evaluate a reduction in the economic heterogeneity of the blocks established actually and potentially in OIC. The implication is that deepening trade integration in the current blocks (such as ECO, GCC) based on contiguity will expand inter-block trade flows among the OIC countries.

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Nowadays, many developed countries are looking for ways to increase their productions, tax incomes, control liquidity, decrease unemployment rate, and so on. These countries are trying to overcome all these problems to build a perfect economically developed society. One way to meet the above demands is making fair markets such as stock market; it is a kind of market which many companies wish to join and take advantages of it. Not all companies have the necessary conditions to join stock market; moreover it is not so useful for all of them to do so. Some companies prefer to Participate it on other markets out of stock market, called (Over the Counter). OTC enables them to get the necessary conditions to enter stock market, if they want to. In the other hand, OTC helps to have a more efficient application of capital markets. This is the issue that we tried to discuss in this paper.

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In this research we are considering milk gathering centers in Khorasan province and also analyze elements such as quantity and capacity of milk gathering centers, distance and time of transportation. Meantime up to determined regulation and standard from veterinary affair and department of controlling foodstuff we evaluate capital and current costs of milk gathering centers (in town, township, village) and after that we determine minimum economical capacity of one milk gathering center and also we detect other non-profitable centers and analyze them. In addition, we use one linear programming model with aim of decrease in transportation cost of milk up to milk industrial factory so with this tool we apply for best locality of milk gathering center. In this model we consider elements like milk production quantity in different area, distance between place of production up to consumer location (factory), transportation cost, minimum economical capacity of milk gathering center, maximum capacity of milk gathering centers and maximum capacity of milk industrial factory as effective elements on locality.

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For achieving Economic development, it is necessary to have order and rule and a particular balance on all sectors of economy: agriculture, industry, and commerce.Then economy goes toward an efficient workability, favorite output, social security and welfare, and employment, and move in to increase of the absorption, competition, on utility of the natural resources on the best manner. In recent years, privatization and liberalization have become very important in the world. According to the economists and researchers, privatization and liberalization provide the best solution for the problems of Public organizations. Insurance industry, in this respect, is no exception. This paper is about liberalization and pay special attention to job opportunities in the industry and relation between insurance and above mentioned items. It also studies the works which have been done inside and outside the country, and finally describes the testing and analyzing methods. This paper has been done by causality-test and stationary-test, and time series between (1343/1381) in Iranian insurance companies. The results are as follows: 1- Liberalization has positive impact on job opportunities in insurance industry.2- Per capita insurance premium has a negative impact on the employment of the industry.3- Surplus value insurance and receipts insurance premium has an increasing impact on the employment of the industry.At the end, some proposals have been offered for improvement of the insurance industry in Iran.

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Technology assessment is a vital stage in the process of decision-making in industry and technology management. It is a part of technology management and has to integrate the socio-economic context of a technology in order to fulfill the demands completely. In this paper we try to evaluate and assessment of technologies for six selected branch of Khorasan industries by TOPSIS method with respect to eleven qualitative and quantitative criteria and Porter's technology assessment method have been conducted. Criteria under consideration were gathered via statistical documents and questions for asking from experts of industries and universities. Results obtained show that the industrial branch of food production and beverages (code 15) among six selected industrial branches was at the first rank and production of other nonmetallic mineral products (code 26), textile manufacturing (code 17), equipment and machinery manufacturing (code 29), plastic products (code 25) and motor vehicles (code 34) were in the following ranks, respectively.

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Know-how evaluating and pricing is one of the most complicated activity. The complexity of technology and know-how pricing has provided difficulties for enterprises that lead them to avoid using scientific method for pricing. On the other hand, they have to use a very authoritative pricing method in commercializing process. In this paper, we used a model to evaluate know-how systematically and then price the technology base on experience and heuristics. Then the model is tested with the real cases in research institute of petroleum.

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This research by reviewing literature on economic security concludes the insufficiency of economic security models and improves them by economics of law and economic development theories. And from the constitutional point of view, theorize duties of the public management for higher private sector participation for the trend of economic development and show its' legal instruments. Determinants of this idea, introduces the public sector socioeconomic expectations from the private sector. Retrospectively, private sector numerate his economic rights' expectation for the public managers in securing three groups of (security, competition, developmental) rights originated by some interpretation of the Islamic Constitution of Iran. Measuring the amount of mutual satisfaction in a national agreement context, can be performed both from the view point of the public and private sector, but in this research we are confined to the evaluation of the private perception of the public sector management. Then based on the designed model, relative perceived satisfaction from each instrument (educational, executive, reformative) in each of expected rights (security, competition, developmental), in each public demand from the private sector ( i.e. consumption, production and investment)' is evaluated. And concludes to what extend the government should invest on (legal- instrumental) controllable variables to attract more private sector participation in social economic development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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