Background and Aim: Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder which can lead to hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. The incidence of diabetes mellitus is expected to increase in human population in the future. The present study deals with the effect of palm seed extract on the blood glucose and lipids concentration in male diabetic rats.Material and Methods: In this experimental study, 40 adult male Wistar rats, each weighing about 240-250 gr, were divided into 4 groups: control and diabetic (received nothing) treated control and treated diabetic groups (received palm seed extract). In order to induce diabetes, stereptozotcin was injected intraperiotoneally (60mg/kg). The treated groups received (0.5mg/kg) palm seed extract intraperitoneally every day. 14 days latter, blood samples were obtained from all groups and serum levels of glucose and lipids were measured. Result: Concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, LDL, increased significantly in diabetic group when compared with those of control group (p<0.05), while these values in the treated diabetic group showed a significant decrease compared with those of untreated diabetic group. In addition, the serum level of HDL in diabetic and treated diabetic groups was considerably less than those of control and treated control groups (p<0.05). But the concentration of triglyceride didn't show any significant difference among various groups. Conclusion: Probably hypolipidemic effect of palm seed is due to the presence of oleic acid and linoleic acid and its hypoglycemic properties is due to the elements such as magnesium and zinc which stimulate the synthesis and secretion of insulin. Manganese also mimics insulin properties.