INTRODUCTION: Diabetes mellitus is the most common internal disease and it`s prevalence is 1-2% of general population. Control of diabetes has important role in preventing complication of the disease. Hemoglobin A1c is the best index for monitoring the control of diabetes.This study was aimed to measure hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level and factors influence it in diabetic patients coming to the diabetes center in Sanandaj during year 1999.MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a descriptive study. Of patients coming to the diabetes center, 223 cases were selected by census method. Data was collected by interview. Hb A1c was measured by calorimetry assay of fasting blood sample in all patients. RESULTS: Of 223 selected patients, 41.3% were male and 58.7% were female. The range of patients` age was from 10 to 47 years. Most of them (46.7%) were between 35 to 54-years-old. Twenty six percent of patients were illiterate and 15.2% studied higher eduction. Relative frequency of different types of diabetes were as follow: insulin dependent diabetes mellites (type1),19.3%; non insulin dependent diabetes mellites (type2),78%; maturity-onset diabetes of young (MODY), 0.9%; and gestational diabetes, 1.8%.The relative frequency of different types of treatment were as follow: dietary management,17.5%; insulin therapy, 23.8%; and oral antiglycemic agents, 58.7%. The new cases were included 16.6% of all patients. The adequeney of control of diabetes in the patients were as follow: excellent control, 18.8%; good control,4.5%; intermediate control, 25.6%; poor control or no control, 51%.1.CONCLUSIONS: The factors that increase the probability of poor control of diabetes were female sex, young age, illiteracy or low eductional level, type1 diabetes, therapy with metformin or glibenclamide alone (as compared to therapy with both agents), coming to diabetes center, residency outside the towns (particularly village residency). Our study showed better control of diabetes in patients coming to diabetes center in Kurdistan province, as comparing with the country`s internal studies (Isfahan, Kashan, and Yazd). However, our patients have worse control as comparing with patients in foreign countries.