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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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INTRODUCTION: Iron overload is the most important complication in patients with thalassemia major. This study was aimed to identify the effects of a standard exercise on body iron indices in the patients with thalassemia major and in normal subjects in Sanandaj during 1999.MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a quasi-experimental study. The subjects were 32 patients with thalassemia major and 30 normal persons. The range of age in the both groups was 8-20 years. They were exercised by treadmill. Blood samples were obtained before exercise, immediatly after and 48 hours following the exercise. Then, serum iron, ferritin and TIBC were measured in all samples. RESULTS: In both groups, the body iron indices showed significant changes in both samples following exercise as comparing to pre-exercise values. These changes were identical in both sex. In both groups, serum iron and ferritin decreased and serum TIBC increased immediatly following aerobic exercise. However, all of them significanlty increased 48 hours after exercise as comparing to pre-exercise valuses. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding our study, regular exercise may be useful in the patients with thalassemia major if further studies confirm the effects of exercise (particularly in multiple courses) in decreasing iron overload. Further evaluation about iron deficiency anemia in athletes (specialy in heavy sports) is also recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Diabetes mellitus is the most common internal disease and it`s prevalence is 1-2% of general population. Control of diabetes has important role in preventing complication of the disease. Hemoglobin A1c is the best index for monitoring the control of diabetes.This study was aimed to measure hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level and factors influence it in diabetic patients coming to the diabetes center in Sanandaj during year 1999.MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a descriptive study. Of patients coming to the diabetes center, 223 cases were selected by census method. Data was collected by interview. Hb A1c was measured by calorimetry assay of fasting blood sample in all patients. RESULTS: Of 223 selected patients, 41.3% were male and 58.7% were female. The range of patients` age was from 10 to 47 years. Most of them (46.7%) were between 35 to 54-years-old. Twenty six percent of patients were illiterate and 15.2% studied higher eduction. Relative frequency of different types of diabetes were as follow: insulin dependent diabetes mellites (type1),19.3%; non insulin dependent diabetes mellites (type2),78%; maturity-onset diabetes of young (MODY), 0.9%; and gestational diabetes, 1.8%.The relative frequency of different types of treatment were as follow: dietary management,17.5%; insulin therapy, 23.8%; and oral antiglycemic agents, 58.7%. The new cases were included 16.6% of all patients. The adequeney of control of diabetes in the patients were as follow: excellent control, 18.8%; good control,4.5%; intermediate control, 25.6%; poor control or no control, 51%.1.CONCLUSIONS: The factors that increase the probability of poor control of diabetes were female sex, young age, illiteracy or low eductional level, type1 diabetes, therapy with metformin or glibenclamide alone (as compared to therapy with both agents), coming to diabetes center, residency outside the towns (particularly village residency). Our study showed better control of diabetes in patients coming to diabetes center in Kurdistan province, as comparing with the country`s internal studies (Isfahan, Kashan, and Yazd). However, our patients have worse control as comparing with patients in foreign countries.

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INTRODUCTION: Unstable angina is a pre-infarction state. Patients with unstable angina should be carefully managed for preventing acute myocardial infarction. This research was aimed to identify incidence rate of myocardial infarction and it`s relation with CRP in patients with unstable angina.MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. Subjects were all patients with unstable angina admitted in CCU of Tohid hospital in Sanandaj. Myocardial infarction was confirmed by laboratory tests (AST-LDH-CPK-CRP) and electrocardiogram (ECG). RESULTS: Of 757 admitted patients, 418 cases (55.2%) were female and 339 cases (44.8%) were male. Of all patients, 231 cases (30.5%) had positive CRP test. The incidence rate of myocardial infarction in the studied population was 14.3% (108 cases). There was significant association between positive CRP and developement of myocardial infarction (P=0/000). The findings also showed linear association between incidence rate of myocardial infarction and degree of positivity of CRP test. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that incidence rate of myocardial infarction is relatively higher in our patients with unstable angina. So, further evaluation to identify it`s related factors is recommended. The findings also suggest that CRP test may have a prognostic value in the patients with unstable angina.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Stress is one of the most important factors that has undesirable effets on education and psychosomatic health of students.This study was conducted to evaluate stress factors and their relation with general health in students of Kurdistan university of medical sciences in 1999.MATERIALS & METHODS: The subjects were 340 students that were selected by random sampling. Data was collected by stress factors questionnaire and general health questionnaire (GHQ). RESULTS: The study showed no significant difference in general health among the students regarding sex, married state, native state, educational course, educating faculty and profit or nonprofit education. They also revealed no significant difference in score of stress factors regarding married state, native state, acceptance rationing, and profit or nonprofit education. Hewever, there was significant difference in score of stress factors among the students regarding sex (P=0.05), educational faculty (P=0.01), duration of education (P=0.05) and educating faculty (P=0.001). The most important stress factors in all students were "family health" and "occupational outcome". The stress factors significantly associated with general health of the students (P=0.05).CONCLUSIONS: It seems that, the students particularly female students has more stress and it cause undesirable effects on their general health. So, it is essential to determine the students at risk and help them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTROCUCTION: Bladder cancer is the most common tumor of urinary system. Regarding the previous studies, it seems to have high incidence rate in Kurdistan province. This research was aimed to identify the incidence rate of bladder cancer and demographic charaeteristics of the patients from 1994 to 1999.MATERIALS & METHODS: All patients with bladder cancer that diagnosed from 1994 to 1999 were included in the study. This was a descriptive research and 192 patients were studied. Data was collected from the patient`s file. RESULTS: The total number of the patients with bladder cancer were 192 cases. Of thses, 160 cases (83.3%) were male and 32 cases (16.7%) were female. Thirtheen cases (6.8%) had less than 40-year-old age. Mean age of the patients were 62.55 years (SD=12.96). Regarding our study, incidence rate of bladder cancer in Kurdistan province from 1994 to 1999 was 3.3/100000 population in each year. Other result showed that 62% of the patients were village resident. The patients had equal distribution throughout the province. However, there was some limitations to demonstrate dwelling place of all patients. In pathological point of view, 97.9% of tumors were transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). Of these, 26% were grade I, 50% grade II, and 24% grade III.CONCLUSIONS: Regarding our study, the incidence rate of bladder cancer in Kurdistan province is more than most areas throughout the world. The mean age of the patients is also low. So, complementary studies to demonstrate risk factors of bladder cancer in the province is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTROCUCTION: Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) infection is the most prevalent human chronic infection throughout the world. The relationship between the infection and peptic ulcer disease is well known. However, role of H. pylori infection in other gasterointestinal disorders like as dyspepsia is obscure. MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a descriptive study. The subjects were 100 patients with dyspepsia that reffered for endoscopy to Tohid and Besat hospitals in Sanandaj during second half of year 2000. Antral biopsy was performed in all patients. H. pylori was identified in the samples by urease test. Other data was obtained by interviewing the patients. RESULTS: Of all patients, 29 cases were male and 71 cases were female. The mean age of the patients was 49.7 years. The results of endoscopy in the patients were as follow: normal, 85 cases; duodenal ulcer, 3 cases; gastric ulcer, 1 case; gastric tumor, 9 cases; and other disorders, 2 cases. Of all patients, 45 cases had positive urease test. Frequency of the infection in the patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia (normal endoscopy) were 46% (39 cases). All patients with duodenal ulcer had positive urease test (frequency=100%). Frequency of the infection was directly related to age (up to 60-years-old), duration of the disease and number of family members. Frequency of the infection in the rural and urban patients were 54% and 35%, respectively. The infection was more frequent in the patients with heart burn. However, it wasnot significautly associate with sex and occupation of the patients.CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrate that infection with H. pylori is directly related to the low socioeconomical state and duration of the dyspepsia. It is also more prevalent in the patients with family history of gasteroduodenal disease.

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INTRODUCTION: Inferior myocardial infarction has better prognosis as comparing with myocardial infarctions (MI) of other walls including anterior wall MI. However, if inferior MI associates with right ventricular (RV) infarction it will have grave prognosis. About 1/3 of inferior infarctions demonstrate RV infarction, while clinical findings of RV infarction have lesser frequency. This study evaluated relative frequency of RV infarction and their complications in the patients with MI that admitted in CCU of Tohid hospital in Sanandaj during 1999 - 2000. MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a descriptive study. Data was collected by observation and also from the patient`s files. Subjects were 179 cases with MI that included all patients with MI admitted in Tohid hospital during year 1999 and the first 5 months in year 2000.RESULTS: Of 179 patients with MI, 134 cases (74.8%) were male and 45 cases (25.2%) were female. The most of them (105 cases, 58.6%) aged between 55 to 75 years. Seventy seven cases (43%) had inferior MI. Of these, 30 cases (38.96%) had also RV infarction. In this group of patients, 18 cases (61.2%) were complicated by cardiogenic shock and 23 cases (76.6%) had sinus bradycardia. These complications were observed, respectively, in 11 (7.4%) and 2 (1.35%) patients with other types of MI. Cardiovascular arrest was observed in 14 patients (48.4%) with RV infarction. CPR was succesful only in 4 cases (13.3%). Of all patients with MI that admitted in CCU during the mentioned period, 17cases died. Of these, 13 cases (76.4%) had inferior MI with RV infarction.CONCLUSIONS: Regarding our study, many of the patients with inferior MI have RV infarction. It causes many complications such as cardiogenic shock. So, diagnosis of RV infarction should always be considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Neonatal jaundice is a common finding in the first few days after birth. About 60% of term neonates and 80% of preterm neonates have jaundice. Regarding high prevalence and potential complications of neonatal jaundice, particularly in central nervous system, we studied the neonates with jaundice admitted in the Besat hospital in Sanandaj in 1998. MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a descriptive study. Data was collected from the patient`s files. The subjects were 404 neonates with neonatal jaundice admitted in Besat hospital in 1998.RESULTS:Of 404 neonates with neonatal jaundice, 57% were male and 42.3% were female. The majority of cases were term neonates (92.3%). The most of them (66.9%) were born by normal vaginal delivery while 33.1% were born by cesarean section. The relative frequency of their maternal gravidity were as follow: first pregnancy, 65.8%; second to fifth pregnancy, 31.7%; sixth pregnancy or more, 2.5%. The ethiologies of neonatal jaundice in our study were as follow: ABO incompatibility, 18%; Rh incompatibility, 6.6%; G6PD deficiency, 4.1%; low birth weight, 20.5%. The rest of the cases had unknown ethiology. In more than 95 persent of cases, icterus was presented during the first week after birth. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding our study, the most common ethiologies of pathologic neonatal jaundice are blood group incompatibility and low birth weight. So, education of parents and take necessary measures for population at risk to decrease incidence rate of pathologic neonatal jaundice are recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Chlamydial infections have never diagnosed easily and reliably. Cell culture, that was developed in 1965 by using Mc Coy cell, was the gold standard of diagnosis for many years. This technic has 100% speciefity. However, it has much lower sensitivity. It is also difficult and require long time to performe. It`s sensitivity is affected by many factors and different values are reported. In the best conditions, the highest sensitivity reported by equipped laboratories has been 75-80 percent. Developing technics of enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) and demonstration of some false negative ruslts of cell culture revealed that cell culture is not the main criteria in diagnosis of chlamydial infections. However, these tests have not high specifity with acceptable sensitivity which are essential for every diagnostic test. In the few previous years, several amplification technics have been developed. Regarding high sensitiviy and specifity of these tests, they can be used for screening of chlamydial species particularly chlamydia trachomatis in genital, ophthalmic and non- invasive urinary infections. In contrast to the old tests, they are economical tests for assaying large number of samples. However, further studies are required to evaluate positive and negative predictive values of these tests in populations with high, intermediate and low prevalence of the infections.

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