Rural entrepreneurship as a basic strategy for rural development can help significantly to rural development and contribute to reduce unemployment and increase employment and thereby increase revenue, diversify the economy, the efficient use of resources and improve the life of villagers. The basic point in the realization of entrepreneurial activity in the society is providing situation for entrepreneurship in rural society. This study was performed to investigate the entrepreneurial capacity in the field of rural development. The research method is Descriptive-analytic one and the documents and field studies were used to collect data, for this purpose, a questionnaire was designed so that its validity was 0. 63. The study population were the rural families of Bezeqi (N =791) from Gol Bahar district of the chenaran city. By Using Cochran formula and random sampling, 155 households from 10 villages were chosen by random sampling as the case study. The study has been statistically analyzed in 5 dimensions of economical, environmental, personal capacity, infrastructure, socio-cultural and institutional. Also the multi-criteria decision-making methods VIKOR by entropy weighted method have been used. The results show that among the 10 villages of Bezeqi, Solugerd village with a maximum capacity of entrepreneurial is in the first rank, and Mohammad Abad Baloch village has the least entrepreneurial capacity. Also, the Sig value of the means comparison test i. e. T for all economical, individual, environmental, socio-cultural, institutional, and infrastructure indicators is equal to 0. 000 (less than 0. 05). As a result, the economical, individual, environmental, socio-cultural, institutional and infrastructural dimensions have had a high and positive impact on the creation and development of entrepreneurial capacities. Finally, according to the analysis results, applied proposals have been presented.