Human settlements are always faced with economical, social - cultural and physical changes. In rural settlements, in view of their particular features (smallness, close relationship with nature, influence of neighboring villages and cities and the like), the changes were more visible and these changes can be observed in different fields including change and alternation of activities, social, economical and physical characteristics, increase or decrease of functions, population depletion, population increase, converting to city or merging in to cities.Physical expansion of cities and villages toward each other causes the integration of smaller settlements (villages) in to greater settlements (cities).Merging villages in to cities makes great effects on the merged villages to cities.These effects can be assessed positively or negatively.Among the positive effects, the empowerment of physical substructures condition, development of urban services and increase of construction can be referred. Change of agricultural land uses, changing producer population to consumer ones, increasing the expectation and consuming morale of people, increase of life costs are some samples of negative effects. In this paper which is conducted by analytical-descriptive method and by the use of field and documentary method (interview, visit and filling questionnaire of 260 families of merged villages) in seven merged settlements in Kashan city, revealed that the positive effects of merging villages is more than their negative effects and satisfaction of residents has increased.