Land sliding is one of the natural disasters which its occurrence depends on the function of other factors. This phenomenon like other earth disasters is not naturally a disaster, but it is considered as the required processes for changes of the earth roughness, which the presence of human around this occurrence shows it as a disaster. Generally, in the study of land sliding, the factors such as land material, precipitation, change of slope gradient, earthquake, volcano, oscillation of underground water and human activities are studied in the form of different models. Although the above said factors have a great role in occurrence of such phenomenon but the necessary and sufficient conditions for occurrence of such phenomenon is the history back ground of the lands bed which has experienced special forming processes. Comprehensive studies have been performed in Iran about the distribution, dispersion and the cause of such occurrences. In this paper, happening of this phenomenon has been reviewed from a different aspect and it is tried to reveal the relationship of forming mechanism and their effect on stimulation of such instabilities, so that it can be concluded that distribution of this phenomenon is related on one part to climatic happenings and on the other part to historical forming processes. Based on one of the methods of climatic- morphology zoning, Iran can be classified in to 4 different areas of cold, warm, humid and warm-humid areas which each of these areas have special geomorphic specifications, and have direct and indirect effects on occurrence of land sliding. In order to study these effects, the dispersion map of main land sliding of the country from one part and morphology systems from another part were prepared b Arc GIS 9.3 software and through location analysis of these two sets, their proximity relation has been evaluated by location-statistical methods. The findings of this research showed that 92% of land sliding has been occurred in cold and humid pits and only 8% happened in warm pits. Furthermore, the land sliding density is more at thermodynamic border of warm-cold and humid-cold pits.