Today, the increasing use of car and lack of parking places in heavy traffic parts of the city has become a serious and acute problem. This issue, in the local parts and neighboring units has made drastic problems in the local traffic for low wide of the passages and park of vehicles along the streets and disrupts the local discipline which reveals the necessity for optimum locating the local parking more than before. The current research intends to represent the idea of locating local parkings for the first time and indicates its creation indices according to precise criteria and away from heavy traffic issues and with respect to the science of urban planning.Therefore, if the parkings being established in appropriate locations, they will have sufficient efficiency. In this research, 11 different parameters including population, land use intensity, walking distance up to parking lots, access based on passages’ width, parking provision, parking demand, land price, usages adaptability, parking capacity, filling questionares in districts No.3& 4 of Tabriz municipality have been studied for locating local parkings. The findings show that geographic information system (GIS) has the capability for integrating a great number of parameters simultaneously and through implementing AHP paired weighting method in Idrisi software has presented an appropriate pattern for optimum locating of local parking lots, and finally two scenarios have been presented for locating local parkings. The results of this study show that in the first scenario, with the assumption of applying ideal conditions in the under study area, it is possible to suggest the establishment of 23 local parking, but when all the required conditions in terms of planning and investment legislation for the establishment of local parking do not execute by the municipality, 13 parking are suggested to be established in the second scenario.