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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    پیاپی 21
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    پیاپی 21
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Basically, many developed or developing countries have established free zone areas for achieving the aims such as the followings: development of national economy, attraction of foreign finance, benefit from regional relative advantages, creation of employment opportunities, increase the income of service activities, regional development and change of back warded countries to development centers and development of tourism activities in free zones is considered as one of the main strategies for realization of the said objectives. Chabahar Industrial-Commercial free Zone Organization is one of the free zones of Iran, which through development of tourism functions as one of the strategies and objectives of development can realize the regional development at south east part of Iran.The results of Regression analysis of this research indicates that the components of sea transportations, advertisement and marketing, Tourism, health facilities and recreational and culture facilities with coefficients of 0.087/ 0.081/ 0.078 and 0.076 respectively has had the highest effect and factors such as infrastructures related to gas, telephone and management with coefficients of 0.034, 0.060 and 0.061 respectively have the least effect on this unsuccessful trend. Now, the result of this study is that for removing such inadequacies, the elements including development of advertisement and marketing, rail transportation, infrastructures related to swage, establishment of sport facilities, increase the number of travel agencies and accommodation areas and tourism guide in the future, meanwhile changing the regional tourism management and moving toward a unique and comprehensive management and participation of local people in all stages of planning and execution of tourism development project can be useful and have the greatest effect on tourism development of Chabahar area.

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North Tabriz fault is the largest fault in north west part of Iran which with 150 Kms of length can be traced from Mishoo mountains (in the west) up to Bostanabad (in the east). Its best effect can be seen in the north part of Tabriz, for this reason it has been named Tabriz fault. It's general trend is north, 1150 of east and its gradient is vertical. The north fault of Tabriz is considered as one of the oldest faults of Iran which passes through Zanjan-Abhar crater, north of Tabriz, north West of Azarbaijan and continues up to Caucasus.The current paper has studied the natural possible risks results from the said fault on different usages of urban lands. In this study, after examining the different land uses and possible risks of the fault, the performed zoning for Tabriz city is for six limits and includes the zoning with very high, high relatively high, medium, relatively low and low risks.The zoning shows that majority of the north districts of the city are located as ac~ semicircle from earthquake focal point of north of Tabriz at a very high risk zone.Other districts of the city, particularly at the east and west part of the area have been located at high risk zones.

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The Space Agency of Coastal cities are in such a manner that if there exists no suitable program for sustainable spatial development, they will have a high degree of vulnerability. Therefore, in this paper, the spatial planning has been reviewed as an effective program in sustainability of spatial development of coastal cities and for the clarify and Scrutinize of the issue, while reviewing its theoretical bases, spatial planning of sustainable development of Nour coastal city has been made by using statistical models such as Spearman Correlation test, Bogardou’s spectral and other analytical methods. The results of this paper are: Inability of Hadi plan of Nour city about considering all the factors effective on spatial development of the city, lack of attention of Hadi plan to the need of citizens, lack of analysis of environment structures of urban areas by Hadi Plan, strategic location of Nour coastal city because of placing at the confluence of water and drought and having passage way situation, no analysis of environment structures of urban area by Hadi plan, no analysis of the determinant forces and tendencies of urban changes, lack of considering the limits of spatial development, determining the potential of urban spatial development and change with respect to the results obtained through assumption tests, spatial planning in four areas of social, economical, land use and environmental has the highest growth in sustainable development of Nour costal city.

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Faults movement causes the release of stored energy, earthquake, loss of life and a great deal of financial losses especially in urban areas. In this respect, multi criteria spatial model which has an analytical structure of location based, can investigate indefinitely the variables of earthquake events by presenting inter group and intra group weights.This model has been prepared based on multivariate evaluation which is used in mathematic and statistic science for analyzing between different variables.Since, so many different factors are effective on estimating the seismic power of the environment, so that, the effects of each parameter on seismic power of the environment is different. Spatial multivariate evaluation owns the synoptic power of all the effective elements and factors on estimating seismic power and presents the proper and logical results as location and map. In this study, by using this modle and the available ground reference data and also by the use of prevailing theories regarding potential of earthquake event in the environment, seismic event in Kordistan province has been zoned separately for each township.A total of %26.23 of all the province area is placed in the zone with high risk and %65 in low risk zone. The results show that the western band has been located in the zone with high risk, central band in medium risk zone and eastern band in low risk zone. The parameters used in this zon1ng are: number of faults, distance from Fault lines, fault direction, earthquake occurance center, review all the specifications surveyed from one seismic hypocenter such as earthquake magnitude, earthquake destiny in an environment and the situation of litho -logical.structure.

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Housing is considered as one of the basic needs of human and one of the criteria for development measuring. On the other hand, the increasing trend of urbanization in developing countries and housing crisis in the cities h as extended the slums and out skirt habitation.Therefore, considering the housing and its planning in most of national, regional and urban planning is sensible more than before. In this respect, this paper intends to identify and rank the factors which are effective on residential land use of Yasuj At first, through adoption of experts' opinions by the use of Delphi technique, 37 categories were identified for residential land use and classified in four groups, and finally were ranked by statistical methods and MADM techniques. The results obtained through using MADM techniques including AHP and TOPSIS shows that among the four effective factors on residential land use, economical factor has the most effect. Among the most important economic factors, the most important factor in selecting house is related to people's job with Ci=0.706and then land and building value with Ci=0.652.Also, from the view point of environment, the valleys and hills with Ci=0.644, from cultural view point, the culture levels of local people with Ci=0.618 and finally from social point of view, the proximity to relatives and the effect of neighbors with Ci=0.741 has had the greatest role.

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Coastal province of Hormozgan with continuing periods of severe heat and humid summers, low precipitation and variety of regions with different topographic features has a special climatic condition. This province like the other regions of our country is affected by the climatic changes resulting from global warming, and in addition to temperature increase and high oscillation of precipitation, we can see the rising of sea level, erosion of coastal edges and salinity of the region’s water. So that, review the climatic parameters and change of its limit values can be used in the future planning for its adaptation and cope with it. In this study, by using the data of synoptic stations of the area, the mean of seasonal and annual temperature and precipitation together with their limit values have been discussed.In order to study the homogeneity of data, multi phases regression method was implemented and different statistical methods, percentage indices and determining the critical points of the basic period have been used for specifying limit values.The overall result obtained from this study has been the increase of heat and decrease of precipitation in this province together with increasing high oscillation of precipitation and limit indices of temperature which necessitates the programmers of the province to consider this important issue.

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Sustainable development of urban areas as one of the main objectives in geography seeks to strengthen economic, social, culture and physical aspects of cities.The aim of this paper is to' identify the sustainability and instability of Ilam urban areas and the weak and strong points of these regions by using sustainable development indices. The method used in this study is a combination of analytical and occasional- field methods. In order to analyze the data, factor analysis method, Human Development Index (HDI) and dispersion coefficient have been used. The type of Development- functional research and its statistical society includes the fourteenth districts of Ilam & city.The results show that among the fourteen urban areas, there has been one sustainable area with combined human development index and coefficient 0.72, three semi-sustainable areas and ten instable areas. The central area has been recognized as the only sustained area and Chalimar area as the most instable area.On this basis, in the central area, access to educational, health, hygienic, cultural And facilities and high rate of employment and saving in access and costs have been together with the settlement of rich people. While in the instable areas, lack of conformity between the population group and service needs, lack of recreational spaces, low rate of employment, non-authorized constructions and uncontrolled spread have been together with the settlement of people with low income level. Therefore, access to sustainable development in urban areas of Ilam is only possible through recognizing the dimensions of sustainable development and the weak and strong points of urban areas and also considering the sustained indices and strength of in stabled features.

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West Guilan drift with more than llo kms of length along north-west, south east direction is located at the south west part of Kermanshah province. In this study, techtonic and morphologic issues of the areas located in the path of west Guilan drift at the south west wing of Ghalaje anticline have been studied. Geomorphic indices and geomorphologic have been used for evaluating the activeness of west Guilan drift. In this study, topographic quantities (Smf, Fmf, Fd, Eu, Sl) and indices of drainage network modle (Af, T) have been used as the main tool. Also, geomorphologic evidences obtained from west Guilan drift, earthquake data and geological evidences have been used. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the activeness of west Guilan drift. The result of the study shows that west Guilan drift has been active with in Peliyo-Quartemary period and with respect to the earthquake occurance along its direction, it is also active in the present time (Holocene). Analysis of topographic quantities indicates the continuing of active rising in the region.

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This study investigates the role of social diversity in creating innovative and creative cities. Social diversity which is considered as leniency indicators in a region, is a new and considerable issue in the field of urban studies, and emphsis is put on the role of creative and innovative partnership of ethnic, racial and immigrant groups in the city and their integration and melting in the host community.Given that the concept of social diversity in Iran and its measuring method is different from other communities in terms of concept and meaning, so that the purpose of this paper which has been conducted by using secondary data analysis method and as conceptual and analytical discussion by implementing the available state and provincial statistics of Iran, has discussed the potential and position of Isfahan city in terms of the existence of social diversity. In this respect, the percentages of immigrants and non-natives have been studied as cultural melt index and also linguistic diversity in the population. Based on the results, Isfahan province has the tenth rank among Iran provinces from the view point of admitting immigrants and has allocated itself the third rank after Tehran and Khorasan Razavi provinces for the presence of non-native people (elsewhere born people).Among the townships of Isfahan provinces, Isfahan city has had the highest percentage of immigration admittance but in the terms of the percentage of nonnative people in the province, has the third rank. Also Isfahan city does not have the linguistic diversity.In general, Isfahan city based on the statistics, in terms of appearance and quantitative is considered as the immigrant admitting cities which owns the potential to move toward a creative and innovative city.

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City entrance elements as one of the most important parts of physical and spatial structure of the city, in spite of having physical, functional and aesthetic importance, with locating heterogeneous and incompatible functions has changed to a detached, without identity and confused structure. So that the entrance space of the most cities of Iran had faced with high decrease of functional and physical quality and this has seriously damaged the identity and landscape of cities. The aim of this paper is to study the physical and functional quality of Babolsar city entrance elements as a tourist and academic city.For this purpose, descriptive and analytical method based on the relevant criteria and indices have been used. The set of the research criteria would be in the field of various functions, components and elements of the main crossing, civil information, physical quality and facade of the adjacent buildings. The results show that the physical and functional quality of the area under study is at a low level based on the research indices and will damage if no attention is paid to the identity and appearance of the city.

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